My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Nowhere On Earth

 1.  Who would have sold out the USA gymnasts through paying Larry Nassar as an FBI informant running "background checks" while he was abusing those virtuous girls and young women who were representing our nation?

Answer:  Obviously, that initiative originated with an adversary of the United States, someone who felt that it was satisfying to harm those formally representing the United States at the highest level in athletic competition, and particularly in the realm of gymnastics.  I would expect that the originator of those acts represented a nation that competes with the U.S. internationally in women's gymnastics competitions -- a nation that believes that, were the USA gymnasts incapacitated, they might be dominant.

2.  You're talking about Russia or China.

Answer:  Russia and/or China would represent reasonably deduced answers here.  I think the American people deserve to know where these directives originated, who within the FBI was paid to advance them, and further, what other teams may be suffering from harm in various manifestations due to similarly competitive initiatives.

For example, it was documented that the U.S. men's swimming team during the Paris Olympics appeared to be intentionally undermined by an improper training schedule immediately before critical team competitions.

3.  The men on the U.S. swim team apparently felt betrayed by what transpired, I understand.

Answer:  Yes, they did.

So, we would want to know what happened there.  The FBI or FBI affiliates were likely pressuring the coaches with threats and bribes, and so we would want to illuminate these events and fully understand their origin.

4.  Who won the men's 4 x 100 relay in swimming at the Paris Olympics?

Answer:  China.

5.  Because the United States is is normally dominant in this event.

Answer:  Without question.

6.  Some of the Chinese swimmers had earlier tested positive for a banned substance that was ruled to be the result of unexplained contamination within a restaurant.

Answer:  This was reported, yes.

7.  What is going on here?

Answer:  The United States is experiencing fundamental problems with sovereignty due to the corruption of the FBI and FBI-affiliated agencies, and the world-class U.S. athletes who are some of the most visible and dominant representatives of U.S. competition on the global stage are paying a high price.  That's what's going on.

8.  How critical is it that the FBI's crimes against the American public in the realm of human trafficking be illuminated at this juncture?

Answer:  How critical is the future of the American people?  Those questions are one and the same.

9.  You feel righteous indignation over this issue.

Answer:  Every American is going to feel righteous indignation over this issue.  The human trafficking crimes of the FBI and its affiliates represent such a fundamental assault on our nation's families and communities -- and such a profound betrayal of everything the FBI is meant to stand for in defending the nation -- that righteous indignation is the least of the feelings the public is going to bring to this matter.

10.  Did the FBI offer to remodel your home on Cape Cod if you kept quiet about this?

Answer:  That appeared to be something the agency was suggesting, albeit indirectly.

11.  What is your response to that suggestion?

Answer:  Do I seem like the type of person who would sell out America's children in return for a remodeled house?

12.  No, you don't.

Answer:  Thank you very much.

13.  What needs to happen regarding this matter?

Answer:  We need to understand who is paying off the FBI to undermine the nation, and we need to comprehend whether those payments are also being directed to key figures within the United States' military and within other spheres as well.

14.  What will happen if we don't?

Answer:  Adversarial nations will continue to cause the American public appalling harms in the realm of human trafficking and other realms having nothing whatsoever to do with our nation's goals, and the FBI will continue to help them.

15.  Has the FBI acted in treasonous ways toward the American public pertaining to human trafficking?

Answer:  I believe the FBI has done so, yes.  And I also suspect that FBI affiliates have acted in treasonous ways when in comes to drug trafficking that has harmed countless American citizens.

Again, neither human trafficking nor drug trafficking have anything whatsoever to do with the mission and objectives of the FBI or its affiliate agencies.  This is important to keep in mind.

16.  Human trafficking and drug trafficking do not meet any national objectives of the FBI, whether concealed or overt.   Is that correct?

Answer:  That is correct.

However, these are highly lucrative "businesses" that are controlled by organized crime figures within the United States and elsewhere, and those funds are being funneled to certain key figures within the FBI and elsewhere, without doubt.

The American public can be disabled by human trafficking and drug trafficking crimes perpetrated by the FBI, with a portion of Americans losing their lives over these forms of enslavement.

And with a disabled public, the interests of our foreign adversaries are greatly advanced.

17.  You want outreach concerning these crimes against your family, and you want outreach concerning these crimes against our nation.  Is that true?

Answer:  Oh, yes.

18.  Isn't the FBI continuing to engage in knowingly falsified reporting against your family?

Answer:  I would say that the knowingly falsified reporting by the FBI has accelerated, not abated, over recent days.

19.  What are the reasons for this?

Answer:  Obviously, the FBI is attempting to avoid accountability with regard to its own predation toward the American public in the realm of human trafficking.  So, there is an exacerbation of falsified law enforcement information concerning my family and myself.

20.  Isn't it likely that the FBI was offering to remodel your house on Cape Cod only to claim that you accepted those improvements as a bribe from Russia or China for malfeasance of which you and and your husband know nothing whatsoever?

Answer:  This would be a typical pattern for the agency.  The FBI appears incapable of acknowledging its own guilt.  Instead, it projects all of its own crimes onto its victims.  This is an institutional culture, deeply ingrained, and it represents a terrible flaw within the organization and a pressing problem for the nation as a whole.

21.  Is the FBI, having betrayed the national interest through human trafficking crimes toward the American people, still worthy of the public trust?

Answer:  Let's ask the American public that question, and let's be certain they know all the facts as they decide upon their answer.

22.  You have said that the American public is a sleeping giant.

Answer:  The giant is not always asleep, and no one should be counting on the giant's indefinite slumber regarding this issue.

23.  You want outreach regarding your case on an immediate basis, and you want outreach regarding the human trafficking crimes against the American public as a whole.  Is that right?

Answer:  I don't know how many times I have to say this.  Yes.  Lawful and honorable outreach is necessary at this time.

24.  Is there a greater or more determined love than that you feel for America's children?

Answer:  Nowhere on earth.

25.  Thank you for sharing your insights with us this morning.

Answer:  You are quite welcome.

Lane MacWilliams

Communications for the OIG Hotline, March 24, 2025

OIG Hotline, please access communications sent to your attention within, as well as communications sent to your Office's email address from alternate gmails and, including, but not limited to, those listed below.

You are welcome to access all of my legitimate email accounts at any time.  Please note that gmail represents the only email provider I am currently utilizing.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Sunday, March 23, 2025

The FBI Lost This Case

OIG Hotline, there is an apparent suggestion by the FBI that awards extended in my name through your auspices and that of the ODNI may be argued by attorneys for the FBI itself to be unconstitutional, with the agency's intention of subsequently misappropriating already designated funds.

Clearly, what is unconstitutional is the FBI's theft of funds intended to address the FBI's flagrant abuse, misconduct, and predation in this case.

If the case itself were unconstitutional, the Supreme Court would have refused to hear it.

Yet the Highest Court has, according to the FBI, spent great time and effort on this matter, including rendering myriad judgements in my favor, not the least of which is reported to be an Order that FOIA reports and investigative reports be provided to me.

Concealment of this case has allowed the FBI altogether too much judicial leeway.

If the FBI chooses to make the argument that future judgements should be handled in a different manner, that argument may be considered.

But the agency should not be enabled to retroactively invalidate a legal process in which the agency has played an astonishingly active, if consistently dishonest, role.

The FBI lost this case.

That doesn't mean that the agency is now allowed to question its constitutionality with a view toward misappropriating judgements against it as perpetrator.

That means that the FBI lost.

How public that loss becomes is a matter for discussion, no doubt, but the fundamentals of the agency's violations of my rights and those of my family members cannot be in doubt.

Thank you for allowing me to express this concern.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Communications for the OIG Hotline, March 23, 2025

 OIG Hotline, please access communications sent to your attention within, as well as communications sent to your Office's email address from alternate gmails and, including those listed below.

You are welcome to access all of my legitimate email accounts at any time.  Please note that gmail represents the only email provider I am currently utilizing.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Saturday, March 22, 2025

OIG, Please Access Communications Sent to Your Attention Within


In Light of This Revelation

 1.  Has Congress been informed that the FBI was, in fact, paying child predator Larry Nassar to conduct "background checks" of the USA gymnasts as he was facilitating the agency's filming of his child abuse?

Answer:  I believe it has.

2.  And what is Congress' response to this outrage, please?

Answer:  I have no information about Congress' response, but I can say that the only possible response of a human being to this information is shock, dismay, and horror.

3.  In light of this revelation, have the President and Congress insisted that you be provided with FOIA reports and investigative reports pertaining to your case?

Answer:  I would expect that they have done so, yes.

4.  And have you received those reports as of this time?

Answer:  I have not.

5.  Has the FBI once again appeared to remove them from the U.S. Postal Service?

Answer:  This would appear to be the case.

6.  Was the agency claiming all the while that you had received them?

Answer:  Lies along this line would be completely consistent with the continuous deceit and prevarication coming from this agency.

7.  Is the FBI continuing to produce knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting regarding your sons?

Answer:  I must assume that the FBI's assertions that it is directing one or both of my sons to accept or transfer items that could be misinterpreted as contraband for terrorists is based on the agency's total control over my sons' conduct.  If the FBI directs them to move a box from person A to person B, they are going to comply at this point.

8.  Have your sons lost their sovereignty to the FBI?

Answer:  Oh, yes.

9.  So their ability to tell the FBI "No, I am not going to comply with your directive in this case" is ...

Answer:  Non-existent.

10.  Is the FBI attempting to turn your sons into terrorists before the reports can reach you?  Is this the agency's idea of thoroughly discrediting your family?

Answer:  The FBI could direct my sons and MX to do anything at this point, and that conduct would be a total, uncontested reflection of the FBI itself.  That's what the loss of sovereignty entails -- the rendering of previously independent citizens into functional wards of the state, automatons who are completely dependent on directives and permission for the smallest acts.

Do you want a sip of water?  Your handler is going to need to approve it.

This is the control the FBI is exerting over my sons and MX at this time.

11.  If our government is currently unable to stand up to the FBI's criminal harm, having nothing whatsoever to do with its mission and objectives, what are the odds that that ability will emerge in the future?

Answer:  They're zero.  The FBI is not suddenly going to grow a conscience and stop terrorizing the American public in a manner that is separate and apart from the agency's mission and objectives.  And it is not going to halt its improper deployments of harm in seeking to control the public in gratuitous ways.  So, if our leaders cannot stand up to the agency now, that confrontation is not going to happen in any meaningful measure in the future.

12.  How do you yourself feel about all of this?

Answer:  Appalled.  I want to hear our leaders stepping up forcefully and determinedly to say "No, it is not acceptable that the public is being victimized in gratuitous ways by this unethical agency."

13.  What about the mission and objectives of the FBI that have been approved?  Do the agency's gratuitous predations place its approved goals at risk?

Answer:  I think you're asking whether the FBI can be replaced by an agency that will hold strictly to mission and objectives for as long as necessary and then immediately pivot to other priorities when instructed to do so.

And I think the answer is yes.  

14.  What do you make of the FBI's description of your sons as "marked men" because the agency is so frightened of the truth they might tell about having been raped, trafficked and abused at agency directives?

Answer:  I don't think my sons should be suffering from so much as a hangnail at this point.  That's what I think of it.  The FBI's ongoing threats to murder my sons and MX, and indeed my whole family, are duly noted.  They do not do the agency credit.

15.  And what about the agency's assertions that your younger son Duncan is being forced to provide egregiously falsified witness statements about your whole family?

Answer:  This is nothing new.  My sons have been subjected to torture by the FBI.  Their witness statements prepared at the directive of agency personnel and affiliates no longer hold any value as a direct result.

16.  Is the agency still falsely accusing you and other family members of "espionage"?

Answer:  I haven't ever seen the agency admit its lies, so I have to assume these FBI deceits are ongoing.

17.  How are you supposed to be profiting from these non-existent crimes?

Answer:  I have no idea.  Has the agency opened up bank accounts in my name and placed money within them?  I honestly don't know.  What I can say is that I have not profited in any way from FBI schemes or unlawful acts.  In truth, I have been deprived of income and savings by the predations of the FBI at every turn.

18.  Are FBI threats of kidnapping you or your family members wrongfully justified on the basis of the FBI's lies about terrorism or espionage of which you have no knowledge?

Answer:  I think they're based on sheer avarice.  The agency simply wants a big payday and is willing to commit gratuitous kidnapping and first-degree murder to get it.  

What is the false justification for such indefensible crimes?  I have no idea, and it hardly matters.

19.  Have you had indications that those kidnapping threats are serious?  

Answer:  I have.  And I think it's likely that the sniping threats, staged car accident threats, threats of drone assault meant to mimic natural disaster and bomb threats against my family are serious as well.

20.  To be clear, you have never consented to harm of any kind perpetrated against your family members, your friends, your acquaintances, your pets, your properties or yourself.  

Answer:  To be clear, I have not and I will not.

21.  Will you please keep us apprised of your family members' health and wellbeing, including that of your pets?

Answer:  Of course I will.

22.  Thank you for sharing your insights this morning.

Answer:  You are quite welcome.

Lane MacWilliams

OIG Hotline, Please File an Appeal

 1.  Your older son Graham MacWilliams has allegedly contracted deer prion disease due to malfeasance by the FBI, utilizing a vector you would prefer not to disclose here.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

2.  Deer prion disease is very much like BSE in that it leads to a horrible death with insanity along the way.  Normally, it's not a risk for anyone who is not eating diseased venison.

Answer:  This is all accurate, yes.

3.  And what is the conveyance of this horrible illness meant to compel your older son to do?

Answer:  Well, I would be quick to point out that this is not the only cause of my older son's loss of sovereignty, by any means.  There have also been other horrific violations of his sovereignty and his free will through means that have had an even greater impact on his decision-making.

But in answer to your question, without sovereignty, a victim of the FBI can be compelled to do anything.  Their free will has been stolen from them.  Their fundamental personhood has been violated.  Their personality, their ethics, and their moral frame of reference has been destroyed.  So, there are no limits in these cases.  And both of my sons, Graham MacWilliams and Duncan MacWillians, as well as MX, have been egregiously harmed in this manner.

4.  What wrong has the FBI specifically instructed your older son to commit relating to the agency's conveyance of deer prion disease to him?

Answer:  The FBI has directed him to cause direct harm to me, according to the FBI's own allegations.

5.  Through violence?

Answer:  Yes, this is what the FBI appears to allege.  The agency seems to say that he has been provided with a weapon of some kind within his backpack and that he is meant to utilize it when he is in the house alone with me at some point.

6.  Is this supposed to be a firearm?

Answer:  I don't have that information.  My older son has been forced to learn to shoot a firearm as well as to wield a knife and other weapons by an FBI-affiliate agency that forcibly conscripted him into a program he was not qualified to consent to.

Recently, the FBI has expressed that it intends to invalidate his Power of Attorney and Medical Power of Attorney documentation, which explain that any concealed document prepared by the FBI and its affiliates are invalid due to his disability.

7.  The FBI would like to invalidate your son's POA documentation immediately prior to taking his life?

Answer:  Presumably.  The FBI appears to be trying to set up an "event cascade," in which they could compel my son to invalidate his POA documents, extract false witness statements from him concerning his childhood and our family, direct him to cause physical harm to me, and take his life in an alleged law enforcement response to my harm.

This strikes the FBI as "neatness" and a "job well done," mainly because every event in the cascade appears to exonerate the agency and its affiliates while condemning the FBI's victims.

8.  Do your son's POA documents remain valid as of this moment?

Answer:  I don't have that information, but I believe the FBI has been actively attempting to invalidate them.  So, their safety is in doubt.

9.  How recently do you feel your life has been placed at risk by this circumstance?

Answer:  Yesterday.

10.  Yesterday in your home?

Answer:  Yes.

11.  Your son's handler directed him to cause harm to you yesterday in your home?

Answer:  The directive was apparently given for him to act if given an opportunity.

12.  You were able to perceive the risk of violence?

Answer:  Oh, yes.  That potential was highly palpable.

13.  How, may I ask?

Answer:  During normal conversation, my son became completely silent, stopped responding altogether, and became oriented toward an internal focus, presumably of active directives.  The expression that overtook his face was absolutely horrible, utterly unlike him.  He was barely recognizable facially, in the sense that he was no longer animated by his own personality, values, or principles.  And the possibility of violence hung in the air like a latent potential -- like a gathering storm -- like the electrical charge gathers before lightning.

14.  Were you frightened of your own son?

Answer:  Honestly, it wasn't him in that moment.  He had been separated from himself by a corrupt FBI and corrupt FBI affiliates.  Was I frightened of the murderous intent of the FBI facing me in my own family room?  It's fair to say that the situation was alarming.

15.  Is there any way to put your family back together after the horrific crimes of the FBI toward you?

Answer:  I would hasten to state that the FBI has co-opted other agencies and other criminal actors in its harm of my family.

Is there a way to rescue the sovereignty of all individual members of my family?  Is there a way to speak the truth to one another about the crimes that have been committed against us?  Is there a way to restore our deep bonds?  Is there a way to reclaim our physical and cognitive health?

I wouldn't be here if I did not believe that were possible.

16.  Have you received FOIA or investigative reports at this time?

Answer:  I have not.

17.  Will you?

Answer:  I believe President Trump made the decision to provide them to me in accordance with the Supreme Court's ruling, so I certainly hope so.

18.  Has the FBI removed the reports from the mail once more?

Answer:  It would appear so.

19.  What is the answer?

Answer:  I traveled all the way to Washington, DC to facilitate courier delivery.  So, there are answers here.  

20.  There was a suggestion yesterday that your neighbors Ron and Rhonda Hyver were directed to install yet another harmful device placing your husband and you yourself at direct risk.  Do you have reason to believe this might be true?

Answer:  I do.

21.  Any thoughts?

Answer:  Clearly, that device should not be deployed, nor should any other harm against us.

22.  You're also facing extensive kidnapping threats from the FBI, mostly pertaining to you, but also threatening other family members.

Answer:  That's true.

23.  Is that exclusively about ransom?

Answer:  No, I think it's about ransom to the FBI and first-degree murder by the FBI, both.

24.  Is your stalker proposing a marriage that is intended to result in your murder?

Answer:  Apparently so.  It seems like half the films and book that are being recommended to me online have titles such as "Death on a Honeymoon," and "Murder of the Bride."  Certain types of sadists actually seek consent from their victims, it should be explained.  So, this is what I seem to be dealing with, unfortunately.

25.  What is your response to that suggestion?

Answer:  I have had better proposals.  

I prefer life, healing, character, integrity. courage, virtue and genuine bonds.

26.  You do not consent to your own harm nor to the harm of your family members.

Answer:  Not now, not ever.

27.  Do you believe that there is a potential for a contribution to the longterm freedom of mankind if you are provided with reports that do not demonstrate redactions and omissions?

Answer:  Yes, I believe that's possible.

28.  Are there others who desire to support that sovereignty?

Answer:  We all need to hope and pray that there are.

29. Does an appeal need to be filed immediately to ensure that your life and the lives of your loved ones are no longer under threat?

Answer:  I believe it does, yes.

30.  Do you ask for that appeal to be pursued most rigorously?

Answer:  Yes, I do.

31.  Will you please let us know whether you receive the reports the Supreme Court and President Trump have intended that you should have?

Answer:  Yes, I will.

32.  Will you please let us know how you and your family members are faring under these astonishing circumstances?

Answer:  Absolutely.

33.  Before closing, you adopted two puppies recently.  How has that been proceeding?

Answer:  We need a puppy trainer, which the FBI is preventing us from obtaining.  But in general, the puppies are concerned with love, not money, and so it's a solace to spend time with little beings who know what's important.

Their joy is not dependent upon their Bitcoin account, and that's a colossal relief.

34.  How many people has your stalker paid off in order to attempt to continue to cause your family appalling harm?

Answer:  How many people has he not paid off?  This is a shorter and more manageable list.

35.  Is the nation's longterm sovereignty important enough to now treat you honorably, fairly and respectfully regarding this matter?

Answer:  That's what we're about to find out.

36.  Thank you for speaking with us this morning.

Answer:  You are quite welcome.

Lane MacWilliams