Friday, February 7, 2025
Threats from the FBI of Opening Bank Accounts in My Name
OIG Hotline, please be apprised that I will inform you if I open any bank accounts or investment accounts outside of my current Bank of America and Fidelity accounts.
The FBI appears to have threatened to utilize my social security number to wrongfully open accounts in my name with the intent of accusing me of money laundering and/or fraud.
Please ask me directly if you have any questions regarding whether an account was legitimately opened by me.
Likewise, please ask my husband if you have any questions regarding whether an account was legitimately opened by him.
We are highly honorable people, not felons as the FBI would scurrilously claim.
I will appreciate your support in disqualifiy any and all claims by the FBI pertaining to this issue.
The FBI and its affiliates have already allegedly stolen so much from its victims. If this is true, let's ensure that they steal no more.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Disclaimer: Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.
Communications for the OIG Hotline, February 7, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my emails sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. In addition, please reference an email sent to your attention yesterday at 1:33 PM Pacific time. I will be updating my communications to your attention throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest opportunity.
Thank you for your ongoing leadership regarding this critical issue.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Communications for the OIG Hotline, February 6, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to your attention within, including those pictured below. In addition, please see a communication sent at 5:06 PM 2/5/2025. I will be updating my communications sent to the attention of your Office throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Best Friend I've Never Met
Some have wondered how my family and I have survived the ordeal of false reporting perpetrated by a powerful institution like the FBI.
My answer resides in what I know without traditional ways of knowing.
Within the Department of Justice, at the head of the OIG Hotline, I have pictured a woman -- a particular woman whose name I don't know, whose voice I have never heard, whose smile I have never seen. She happens to be an extraordinary person, when I picture her in my mind's eye -- courageous, fearless, determined, protective, ethical, dauntless, wise, perceptive, insightful and powerful. She happens to be a black American when I envision her -- beautiful, regal, unstoppable, faithful, overflowing with honesty.
And this woman doesn't know it, but she is my dear friend.
I, who have passed years in veritable isolation from the wider world, have depended with all my life on friends at a distance.
And I have never met anyone within the OIG Hotline.
But still.
I see an astonishing woman there with the far-reaching sight of my mind's eye, and daily I extend to her my praise, my thanks, my admiration, my friendship, and my good faith.
The woman I envision has been, at a distance and with no communication, a formidable guardian over my life and the lives of those I love.
I have never met her, but I sense her transformative presence, nonetheless.
No one has been as strong as she, as benevolent as she, as forceful as she, as willing to endure the same hardships I myself have endured.
She has held her position on this front line, and she has not fallen.
And three thousand miles away, I, too, still stand.
So, I just want to tell her that her soul is so luminous I see it from this distance, clear and bright and shining.
And I want to tell her that she is extraordinary and magnificent and great-hearted and Good.
And I want to tell her that she is my dear friend, upheld and defended and cherished in the way that I uphold and defend and cherish my family.
She is, in my mind's eye, the best friend I've never met.
And when I picture her, I hope that I one day have the privilege of telling her so in person.
If my sight is true, and it is, to meet her would be one of the great honors of my lifetime.
I hope it is mine to claim.
Lane MacWilliams
Diversity As a Foundational Gift: The Truth of Our Bonds
OIG Hotline, the FBI has appeared to allege that the agency has coerced others into providing knowingly false witness statements alleging bias, prejudice or discrimination on my part.
The agency seems to allege that it has created and aggregated fake online communications on my part conveying discriminatory perspectives, and that it has generated and disseminated AI-based audio and/or video depicting my voice and/or image in denigrating other races, ethnicities, religions, or personal orientations.
This appears to be a stratagem of the agency's to discredit and divide honorable people, especially when they have successfully caught the agency in acts of malfeasance, gratuitous predation, or malicious crimes.
The intent in this case is likely to connect not only to the FBI's attempt to allege that I am unworthy of support from the DOJ, Congress, the Supreme Court and the White House, but also to suggest that crimes of discrimination on my part should allow the misappropriation of funds awarded in my name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.
I most strenuously object to this calculated and scurrilous defamation, should these allegations in fact be representative of FBI claims or the claims of FBI affiliates.
What are my true thoughts about diversity, equity and inclusion?
Our diversity is our strength.
Differences in our backgrounds, our experiences, our cultures, our races, our religions, our ethnicities, our abilities, our preferences and our gifts allow us to bring depth, meaning, originality, identity and innovation to every community of which we are a part. Our differences can extend our compassion, our breadth of understanding, and our receptivity to perspectives outside our own. They can broaden our capacity to solve problems, educate our children, and uphold peace among nations.
It is our character that defines us. It is the content of our souls that declares our true selves -- not the window dressing of our external appearance, nor the way we may be viewed by the world at large.
The FBI, as an institution, has endeavored to explore the myriad ways in which my family members might be separated from our true selves -- through means that have been described elsewhere.
So it is notable that torturers seek to separate their victims from their true identities through an assault on the very soul of a person, the very core of what renders them unique, individual, self-defined, virtuous, admired, and worthy.
How is my family to recover from such an institutional assault on who we are?
First, by reminding one another of who we have always chosen to be, by recalling to one another our abiding kindness, by recounting to one another the proofs of our deepest bonds, by reclaiming for one another our virtue, our compassion, our empathy, by insisting to one another that our worthiness be proclaimed, restored, and upheld.
Healing is possible only after this first, most critical choice -- that of saying, I love you, I know the worth of your soul, and I refuse to abandon you to those who have sought to steal its infinite value.
This affirmation is the first, most essential requirement of our humanity -- enduring love.
This gift is what renders individuals worthy, families worthy, neighborhoods worthy and nations worthy.
We cannot now relinquish it to those who would diminish, defame, devalue, and deride our deepest and most meaningful bonds, nor the benevolence, fellowship and goodwill that render them possible.
Thank you for allowing me to express my insistence on diversity as a foundational gift to our nation, not an afterthought. We are who we are because we are unique, our gifts diverse, our perspectives individual, our acceptance of one another generous, consistent, and ever-present.
The only things of which we must remain decidedly intolerant are intolerance itself, alongside deceit, division, defamation, the bearing of false witness, and the perpetration of intentional harm.
Those of highest character should define our future, not those of lowest integrity.
In speaking the truth of our bonds, that greatest possible future is restored to us.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Disclaimer: Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.
Communications for the OIG Hotline, February 5, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below, in addition to an email sent at 6:11 PM Pacific time on February 4, 2025. I will continue to update your Office throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest possible opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Communications for the OIG Hotline, February 4, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. I will be updating my communications throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest possible opportunity.
Thank you for your ongoing engagement with this critical issue.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Monday, February 3, 2025
Get Off the Road
In the film Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, there is a moment when Frodo perceives a dark force approaching down a rural byway. He can't see it, but he can sense it. The Ring Wraiths are coming, and he knows his friends and he must flee.
"Get off the road!" he shouts.
And they quickly heed him.
This is such a moment in the realm of social media. All social media. Everywhere.
At this time, programs of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting are gearing up to unleash AI-programming on all social media platforms. If you or your loved ones are logged on, you can reasonably assume that AI is busy aggregating falsehoods about what you're doing on the platform.
That means that AI is claiming you are part of chat rooms you never heard of, radical causes you reject, and predatory groups you abhor.
Good people, get off the road.
Get your children off the road.
Get your loved ones off the road.
I have spoken before about the short term aims of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting. At this time, there are laws which prevent me from expounding on those objectives publicly.
But those who understand the importance of our most cherished human bonds will now explain to their loved ones that this is not the time to log onto social media in any form.
As my word is trusted, which it is, as I speak with authority, which I do, as I have both wisdom and courage, and I have them, I urge you now, good people, get off the road.
Lane MacWilliams
Communications for the OIG Hotline, February 3, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. I will be updating my communications for your Office throughout the day.
Thank you for accessing this information as soon as possible.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Confirmed Transmission of Two Complaints to the OIG Hotline
OIG Hotline, in an effort to send two formal complaints to your Office this afternoon, I traveled to the FedEx store at 1194 El Camino Real in Menlo Park, CA, the FedEx store at 1935 W. El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA and the Los Altos Public Library.
I experienced what appeared to be remarkable obstruction, with four disabled computers, one interrupted fax, two credit card readers that were listed as "out of order," and finally, at the Los Altos Library, a disabled OIG Hotline online portal.
My fax of eleven pages to you, sent from 1935 W. El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA, was confirmed as received. Its contents were clearly labeled as two separate complaints, the first containing contents which were reflected by an email sent to your Office at on January 30, 2025 at 2:15 PM and the second consisting of a one-page formal request for the deployment of bloodhounds to my properties.
That confirmation page is included herewith.
Thank you for allowing me to confirm this formal complaint transmission.
I hereby certify that all of my conduct and communications throughout the day, as always, were lawful and honorable in every way, shape and form.
No contents from my other documents were sent, shared or transmitted to anyone.
I hereby contest the claims of anyone who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.
I spoke to no FedEx customers, and no Library patrons. I did ask a reference librarian for a guest ID and password for sign-in, which she readily provided. Please note that she was Chinese/American and thus could be easily coerced into providing false witness statements for the FBI under threats of false "espionage" accusations.
(Two FedEx patrons appeared to be Chinese American as well, one of them, remarkably using the computer which had been disabled during my own attempted login a few minutes before. I include a photo of his blithe use of the terminal below. Please note that I was not close enough to see anything on his computer screen, nor did I attempt to do so on the basis of my photo/video, which was purely for purposes of documentation of obstruction.)
Also included below is a video of the disabled OIG Hotline portal, which I attempted to access from the Los Altos Public Library.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Ongoing Obstruction of Communications with the OIG Hotline
1. Has your ability to file on online complaint with the OIG Hotline been restored?
Answer: No, it has not.
2. What does that mean to you? What does that convey?
Answer: It conveys that the Committee of 300 has voted to take my life, likely with the influence of bribes proffered from Brandan Pesa from the awards extended in my name as a result of his own predation toward my family.
3. So, this is a complete loss of checks and balances within the central government.
Answer: Yes, it is.
4. Your older son is supposed to meet with DeAnza Community College academic counselor Sheldon Fields on Tuesday morning at 9:30 in a meeting that has been discussed by FBI agent Txx Lxxxx. Is that correct?
Answer: Yes, it is. Mr. Fields is allegedly meant to file a false witness statement following the meeting to state that he thought my son seemed "dangerous."
5. Are corrupt FBI agent Txx Lxxxx and organized crime boss Brandan Pesa scheming to arrange that your older son will be rejected from all the graduate schools to which he has applied?
Answer: Yes, they are.
6. To what end?
Answer: The FBI tries to engineer a big loss in the lives of those they direct to commit various crimes, because they want to advance the idea that a person just "snapped" or lost control. This is all very calculated for the agency. They work hard at the falsehoods.
7. But in fact Txx Lxxxx and Brandan Pesa are ensuring that your son is not admitted to graduate school by defaming him with false information provided to admissions offices. Isn't this true?
Answer: Yes, it is.
8. And, as things stand, you have no reliable means of submitting this information as a complaint. Isn't that true?
Answer: Yes, it is true.
9. Have either of your sons been honorably discharged from federal programs as of this date? Has MX been honorably discharged?
Answer: No, they have not, unfortunately.
10. Are their respective agencies continuing to traffic them?
Answer: They are to some degree. In addition, they are being directed to perform targeted assignments that are deeply scarring to the psyche -- truly horrific directives that no American would ever want their family members involved with.
11. So, all of this is being used as a lever over your family?
Answer: Yes, it is, and it's also being used as a lever to demand further falsified witness statements from my sons and MX.
12. Are the FBI and the CIA deeply involved in human trafficking and drug trafficking within the United States?
Answer: Human trafficking and drug trafficking are essentially shared "businesses" between the agencies and organized crime. The profits are shared. High-ranking officials within the agencies are engaging in "profit-sharing" extended from the "proceeds" of these crimes nationally and internationally. So this is an enormous problem for our country as a whole.
13. You have said that social media is being utilized as territory for the agencies to coerce young Americans into trafficking.
Answer: That's correct. Social media is exceptionally dangerous for this reason, and it will become more so owing to AI-generation of false communications and media within social media accounts. Anytime Americans log on, they are risking the active generation of AI-created false communications. And this problem is going to accelerate over the short term.
14. Returning to your sons and MX for a moment, can President Trump extend honorable discharges to all three of these beloved young people?
Answer: That is within his power, yes.
15. Would you like to formally request that he do so?
Answer: Yes, I hereby formally extend that request.
16. Will you receive an affirmative reply that restores the sanctity and sovereignty of your family?
Answer: I will let you know, certainly.
17. The FBI appears to be attempting to demand money from you at this time, connected to the alleged 7.9 trillion dollars in awards that have been extended in your name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI. What is your response to those demands?
Answer: The FBI should not be demanding money from me now or ever, nor should the FBI be demanding money from its millions of innocent victims now or ever.
18. You find the FBI's demands offensive.
Answer: I do, and I think the American people would find them offensive.
19. What is the forward course for your family?
Answer: We need safety first and foremost, and that involves the immediate honorable discharge of my sons and MX from all government programs, as I stated above.
20. What are your sons' and MX's names, please?
Answer: Graham Tate MacWilliams, Duncan Sayer MacWilliams, and Mary Grinnell.
21. And what are the odds that the Committee of 300 has also voted, through bribery from Brandan Pesa, to take their lives, alongside your husband's life and your own?
Answer: Not low. Bribes to the Committee of 300 are profoundly damaging to our national security concerns and deeply damaging to my family's future, clearly.
22. You would like to see the Committee of 300 take another vote, this time in your family's favor.
Answer: Yes, I would.
23. And you would like to see across-the-board support for the recovery of your family members from the appalling harms toward them that were approved under the Biden Administration. Is that correct?
Answer: Yes, it is.
24. Is their recovery possible?
Answer: It is not only possible. It is necessary.
25. Will you please follow up with us with regard to your family members' wellbeing and your own?
Answer: I most certainly will.
26. Thank you for sharing your insights this afternoon.
Answer: You are most welcome.
Lane MacWilliams
Communications for the OIG Hotline, February 2, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. I will update my communications to your Office throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest possible opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Saturday, February 1, 2025
In Support of Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy
1. You support the nomination of Tulsi Gabbard as head of ODNI. Would you like to express your views on her role?
Answer: She's telling the truth regarding some controversial subjects, including unconstitutional programs within the three-letter agencies.
2. She is taking criticism for her comments about Edward Snowden's revelations of unconstitutional surveillance programs focused on the American people.
Answer: She refused to cave in during confirmation hearings. I think that is all to her credit.
3. You feel that she is genuinely concerned with the freedoms of the American people.
Answer: I do. It takes courage to articulate some of these profound challenges we are facing with regard to individual sovereignty. There are tremendous pressures on these nominees to tow the line. She's not doing that, and I think her independence stands as a credit to her and to President Trump as well for nominating her.
4. Again, you feel there must be divergence between short term and long term policy.
Answer: I do, yes. We need leaders who are focused on the long term civil liberties and human rights of Americans, because the short term encroachments are so severe. There will need to be deep thinking about our nation's architecture in order to ensure that we emerge as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. In order to do that, we need appointed officials who know what the critical issues are, and we need elected leaders like President Trump who have the courage to nominate candidates with integrity for these key roles.
Importantly, we want people in key roles in national intelligence who are willing to speak out against unconstitutional programs of false reporting about the law-abiding American public.
I cannot emphasize how necessary this is.
5. And you believe that Tulsi Gabbard has the capacity to hold the line against what will no doubt be tremendous pressure for her compliance.
Answer: She is signaling that she has the mettle required, yes. And I think her insistence is profoundly important for us as a nation.
6. Why?
Answer: Because, as I said, there will need to be a divergence between short term and long term policy regarding these issues.
In the short term, falsified law enforcement reporting is going to expand, and very dramatically, but in the long term, it is inimical to a worthy nation.
We need leaders who have this understanding and who are planning for a future in which Americans can reclaim their right to truthfulness in law-enforcement reporting and integrity in the intelligence agencies.
7. Is the divergence of short term and long term policy pragmatically possible?
Answer: It's not only possible. It's necessary.
8. Why?
Answer: Because there are those who, deprived of falsified law enforcement reporting in the short term, would opt for more draconian methods of disrupting human society. And that cannot be permitted. So, these issues have to be divided into short term and long term considerations, and we need leaders who are determined to build consensus regarding long term constitutional fundamentals.
Some of the programs within the intelligence agencies, including those which are rapidly expanding at this time, will need to be sunsetted. And this understanding should be in place now, because later, those guarantees will be all but impossible to obtain.
7. Is there a plan in place to dismantle programs of falsified law enforcement reporting in the long term future?
Answer: No, there is not. The architecture that is being put into place through AI-generation of false information, together with the massive data centers that aggregate and store the disinformation, will be permanent unless we begin to talk about this in meaningful and urgent ways.
8. And you believe that Tulsi Gabbard may be able to address these issues, at least behind closed doors?
Answer: I believe so, and I think it's all to President Trump's credit for nominating her. I believe he has a clear comprehension of what is at stake for the nation as a whole, and I believe he's trying to do the best he possibly can in placing these advocates in critical roles.
9. Are there other truth tellers whom President Trump has nominated to critical roles?
Answer: Quite a few. Robert F. Kennedy is a highly controversial pick for Health and Human Services Secretary, but he is endeavoring to help the public grasp certain shifting fundamentals with regard to their health. And again, President Trump has demonstrated a sincere concern for the American public in nominating him for the post. It takes courage, and the President is demonstrating this quality repeatedly.
10. You believe that President Trump is willing to push back when the intelligence agencies encroach upon the powers of the Presidency. Is that right?
Answer: I do. I think he's willing to reclaim the full powers of the Presidency, and I think he understands much more than others that the intelligence agencies need to be harnessed to the service of the nation -- and not that the nation should be harnessed to the service of intelligence personnel.
11. If the intelligence agencies succeed in overrunning the government in its entirety, what will happen?
Answer: Long term dystopia will happen. No freedom of speech. No freedom of assembly. No privacy rights. No right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These gifts will simply disappear, although they will remain a poignant memory for those who once enjoyed them.
12. You believe an alternative is possible.
Answer: An alternative is possible if we have the determination to make it possible.
But again, I think this requires two policy spheres, short term and long term. We have a President who has a clear grasp of our greatest challenges, as well as a forceful leadership style, so I believe we have a chance.
And Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy are, I believe, going to strive for Americans' long term freedoms, even against fierce opposition.
So, again, great credit goes to President Trump for making the nominations.
13. Will these nominees prevail?
Answer: I believe they will prevail. I believe Congress should stand behind them, recognizing their importance for the nation, and the President's confidence in the contributions they are capable of making.
14. These are unconventional nominees.
Answer: These are unconventional times. Convention is not going to help us weather our upcoming challenges well. We need leaders who are not conventional, but who are insightful and strong and determined and independent and wise.
Right now, they may appear to be iconoclasts. But Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy will strive to serve us well and faithfully, and President Trump is highly aware of that fact in having nominated them to lead.
15. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us this afternoon.
Answer: You are quite welcome.
Lane MacWilliams
Communications for the OIG Hotline, February 1, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. I will be updating my communications to your Office throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest opportunity.
In gratitude for your presence at this time,
Lane MacWilliams