OIG Hotline, the FBI has appeared to allege that the agency has coerced others into providing knowingly false witness statements alleging bias, prejudice or discrimination on my part.
The agency seems to allege that it has created and aggregated fake online communications on my part conveying discriminatory perspectives, and that it has generated and disseminated AI-based audio and/or video depicting my voice and/or image in denigrating other races, ethnicities, religions, or personal orientations.
This appears to be a stratagem of the agency's to discredit and divide honorable people, especially when they have successfully caught the agency in acts of malfeasance, gratuitous predation, or malicious crimes.
The intent in this case is likely to connect not only to the FBI's attempt to allege that I am unworthy of support from the DOJ, Congress, the Supreme Court and the White House, but also to suggest that crimes of discrimination on my part should allow the misappropriation of funds awarded in my name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.
I most strenuously object to this calculated and scurrilous defamation, should these allegations in fact be representative of FBI claims or the claims of FBI affiliates.
What are my true thoughts about diversity, equity and inclusion?
Our diversity is our strength.
Differences in our backgrounds, our experiences, our cultures, our races, our religions, our ethnicities, our abilities, our preferences and our gifts allow us to bring depth, meaning, originality, identity and innovation to every community of which we are a part. Our differences can extend our compassion, our breadth of understanding, and our receptivity to perspectives outside our own. They can broaden our capacity to solve problems, educate our children, and uphold peace among nations.
It is our character that defines us. It is the content of our souls that declares our true selves -- not the window dressing of our external appearance, nor the way we may be viewed by the world at large.
The FBI, as an institution, has endeavored to explore the myriad ways in which my family members might be separated from our true selves -- through means that have been described elsewhere.
So it is notable that torturers seek to separate their victims from their true identities through an assault on the very soul of a person, the very core of what renders them unique, individual, self-defined, virtuous, admired, and worthy.
How is my family to recover from such an institutional assault on who we are?
First, by reminding one another of who we have always chosen to be, by recalling to one another our abiding kindness, by recounting to one another the proofs of our deepest bonds, by reclaiming for one another our virtue, our compassion, our empathy, by insisting to one another that our worthiness be proclaimed, restored, and upheld.
Healing is possible only after this first, most critical choice -- that of saying, I love you, I know the worth of your soul, and I refuse to abandon you to those who have sought to steal its infinite value.
This affirmation is the first, most essential requirement of our humanity -- enduring love.
This gift is what renders individuals worthy, families worthy, neighborhoods worthy and nations worthy.
We cannot now relinquish it to those who would diminish, defame, devalue, and deride our deepest and most meaningful bonds, nor the benevolence, fellowship and goodwill that render them possible.
Thank you for allowing me to express my insistence on diversity as a foundational gift to our nation, not an afterthought. We are who we are because we are unique, our gifts diverse, our perspectives individual, our acceptance of one another generous, consistent, and ever-present.
The only things of which we must remain decidedly intolerant are intolerance itself, alongside deceit, division, defamation, the bearing of false witness, and the perpetration of intentional harm.
Those of highest character should define our future, not those of lowest integrity.
In speaking the truth of our bonds, that greatest possible future is restored to us.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Disclaimer: Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.
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