1. What are the current risks connected to a fireman from your local Woodside Fire Protection District visiting your property unannounced?
Answer: The Woodside Fire Protection District is signatory to Infragard. Under sufficient pressure or financial incentive, this individual could misreport anything the FBI demands him to. Anything at all.
2. You have said the FBI has appeared to create entirely false narratives about your family involving "espionage" and/or "terrorism."
Answer: So I have been told.
3. So, if the FBI leadership believes it is going to be caught in its falsified law enforcement reporting regarding you, it could send someone to your property with the intention to have him file a false witness statement?
Answer: Absolutely.
4. Which fire station was this particular individual from, according to the gentleman with whom your husband spoke over the phone this afternoon?
Answer: My husband was told that he was from Fire Station 8. But he was also told that this fireman never left his fire truck, which is a complete falsehood.
5. So, you are concerned because it appears the Woodside Fire Protection District is already lying to your husband about their actions today.
Answer: Yes. Extremely concerned.
6. You believe that misreporting from a fireman could be utilized by the FBI to justify a violent law enforcement raid against your family.
Answer: I do. Without question, this would represent the FBI leadership's most predatory intent.
7. What does the FBI appear to want from you?
Answer: My stalker has repeatedly conveyed to me that the FBI would like "to kill a mockingbird."
9. What should happen in this situation in order to safeguard you and your family from the potential of further harm?
Answer: It seems to me that an investigator could attempt to speak to the Woodside Fire Protection District fireman who was on my property today and ask him who directed him to come here specifically, and, beyond this, if the FBI was involved in any aspect of that visit or its followup reporting, request to see the full set of communications that transpired between the FBI and the Woodside Fire Protection District regarding these actions.
If the facts bear this out this type of planning between corrupt agencies, it's worth mentioning that the average U.S. citizen can do absolutely nothing to protect herself from this kind of coordinated predation. The FBI wields so much power over others regarding falsified reporting, and because the agency is both threatening and compensating witness informants, it can dictate any reporting it so desires. When the FBI also wields fake photos or AI-generated video in the service of this false reporting, the effects are devastating.
10. Without the Office of the the Inspector General Hotline, you might be ...
Answer: Without the Office of the Inspector General Hotline, I would not have survived until this time, nor would my family, very likely. The investigators involved in this matter have saved my life repeatedly.
11. Can they do it this time, despite the FBI's apparent attempt to coerce falsified law enforcement reporting from the Woodside Fire Protection District?
Answer: It is necessary to keep faith that their intervention in this matter will be possible.
12. And you maintain that faith.
Answer: I do.
At the end of my posts regarding the unlawful actions of far-right personnel within the FBI, I will be adding the following statement. The FBI is a deeply divided agency. There are many FBI employees who view their vows to the Constitution with the utmost seriousness and honor, and who strive to defend the fundamentals of our democracy with courage, fortitude and commitment. The fact that some segments of the FBI appear to have embraced a lawless course is not a justification to assail the FBI in general. The safety of FBI agents should be protected, just as the safety of the American citizenry should be protected. As President Joseph R. Biden has so rightly expressed, violence is never justified in any circumstance. The rule of law must always be honored and upheld. It is our shared determination to preserve the civil liberties and human rights of ALL AMERICANS that renders the United States a democracy. We must never abandon this promise. All of our most cherished freedoms depend upon it.