Dxxxxx, love, would you please make sure that Mxxx receives the letter I have included below?
It is extremely challenging that some have undertaken fairly sophisticated efforts to mischaracterize us by recording and re-editing unrelated dialogue to "create" conversations that never happened.
If an individual has ever sworn or lost his temper or laughed or spoken the unfortunate word, any and all of this can be re-purposed for a malevolent intent.
This is not who we are as human beings. Our generosity, our Grace, our forgiveness, our faith, our loyalty, and our love outweigh all attempts of others to mischaracterize us. We cannot be robbed of our humanity, just as we cannot be deprived of our abiding love for one another.
I love you more than you can know,
I haven't seen you in so long. But I need you to know that you're in my thoughts and prayers daily.
There are a few things I would like to express to you now, but I would ask that you not respond at this time. It is safer for everyone if you are able to just receive my words without having the need or expectation to answer them.
There have been so many times I have wanted to send you enormous bunches of flowers. White budding roses at some times. Lavish sunflowers at other times. Blazing star lilies. Bright blue dendrobium orchids.
I haven't done it for fear of letting those of ill will know how important you are to our family.
Nonetheless, you yourself need to know that we cherish you, and I myself need to express this in the most heartfelt way I can.
My dear one, you have suffered at the hands of others, through no fault of your own. It took me quite a while to understand the ways in which you were targeted and controlled by those of malevolent intent. But the picture finally became clear as more pieces of the puzzle fit into place.
And what I need to say to you is this: I love you more for what you have endured. Not less. More.
And beyond this, I want to tell you something further. Your private life is your private life. Those who would invade it and exploit it for their own ends can take a flying leap as far as I'm concerned.
You have the right to private arguments, private tantrums, private medical care, private intimacy, private conversations, private laughter, and so much more. I will always stand in defense of your civil liberties and human rights. Always.
No one has the right to judge you, to control you, to shame you, to abuse you, to harass you, or to cause you harm. No one.
You need to be aware that those who have invaded the privacy of law-abiding American citizens have learned the dark trade of parsing and splicing unrelated conversations of their "targets" in order to create conversations that never occurred. So, when these individuals play audio recordings in an effort to divide certain relationships, they need to be disbelieved.
Refuse to countenance the lies of those who extend them. Just reject them outright. This is the only way to counter the disinformation tactics these people are wielding with such destructive intent.
I always encourage you to tell the truth, even and especially in the moments when those of poor ethics and character are pushing you to do otherwise.
And beyond this, I would urge you never to agree to be silenced by those who have their own crimes to hide.
Your voice is important. Your experience is important. Your right to your own narrative is important.
Don't let anyone take these from you. They are priceless gifts, and they are connected to the full breadth of your human rights.
Mxxx, I need you to know that I cherish and uphold your health, your well-being, your bright spirit in this world. I love you and accept you as you are, without blame or judgement. To the contrary, in understanding a portion of your suffering at the hands of others, I need to express to you that I always wish to be protective, shielding, loving and upholding. Please count on my loving presence, whether from near or far. Because it is the truest and most lasting gift I have to offer you.
I also wish to say that I need to thank your family for welcoming and caring for Dxxxxx in the manner that they have. These have been such extraordinarily difficult times. I have often wanted to write to your mother to thank her for embracing my son as her own, while I myself have been prevented from showing him the love and support that I should have had the freedom to extend.
No family should be deprived of the ability to express love to one another. Yet when this grievous wrong occurs, as now, there are sometimes blessed individuals who step forward to embrace those who are otherwise isolated. Your family members have given this gift to my beloved young man. I will never forget this generosity.
Sweetheart, have confidence in my love for you. Have sure knowledge in my ready defense of your well-being. You carry these gifts with you wherever you go, at all times, in every circumstance.
One day, I hope to have the opportunity to embrace you again. And whatever your path, I will embrace you as my cherished daughter. Know this well.
Sweetheart, perhaps you remember the quote from The Lord of the Rings when Frodo says, "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf answers, "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
I, too, wish none of this had happened. But, given that it has happened. I can only respond by telling you that I love you all the more for your trials. I uphold you all the more for the challenges you have experienced. And I will defend you from those who would prey upon you with all my strength and all my breath and all my being.
From my own perspective, I don't think it is possible to persist through trials of this kind without faith.
But with faith, the love that passeth understanding always remains with us.
Sweetheart, please know that I surround you with this bounty.
Be confident and know that you are cherished and upheld by our whole family.
With much love,
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