Please be advised that certain posts may be redacted or removed upon my receipt of my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.
1. Apparently, today, according to new statements provided to investigators, you are not a terrorist.
Answer: Wonderful! Delighted to hear it.
2. Unfortunately, according to false testimony extracted by the FBI and CIA under tactics of torture, including the July 19, 2024 rape of your son, you may be a serial killer.
Answer: That is genuinely unfortunate. Would the government be appropriating funds awarded in my name on the basis of the spurious "serial killer" allegations by any chance?
3. They would.
Answer: I see. And am I to be exonerated of the false serial killer allegations or am I to be tortured and killed over them?
4. If the Democratic Party wants all of the funds in the accounts awarded in your name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, the FBI will try to take your life over the false allegations it extracted under torture.
Answer: I understand your point.
5. Your FOIA reports cannot be provided to you at this time, because, according to the witnesses who have been tortured, you may be a serial killer.
Answer: Naturally, the President would find it necessary to withhold my FOIA reports from me at this time. May I ask about the investigative reports?
6. Those are being withheld from you, too, because, according to the witnesses who have been tortured, you may be a serial killer.
Answer: What about the DNA details that exonerate me?
7. Those are confidential. The government forbids you from talking about them.
Answer: Truly? The Democratic Party is trying to kill me in order to appropriate funds awarded in my name, but I am still prohibited from exonerating myself?
8. They won't let you talk about a number of confidential aspects of falsified evidence that, to the lay public, are most convincing of guilt.
Answer: In that case, there is material I will place into code for the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, and I would ask that no funds be invaded or distributed until these Offices have received that material tomorrow.
9. Do you think they'll wait?
Answer: My son was raped on July 19, 2024. That changes everything in terms of the requirements of the federal government in conveying FOIA and investigative reports to me at this time. It also renders the continued tolerance of false reporting an abomination.
10. It does seem rather appalling that your son was raped a few days ago and still, investigators accepted knowingly false statements from him that you are a serial killer.
Answer: That's because it is rather appalling.
11. How breathable is the indoor air in your home right now?
Answer: The small particulates dropped to 17 overnight, which is normal for our home, presumably corresponding to the fact that my husband and I were exonerated of false allegations of possessing "secret codes." However, it has now leapt back up to over 500 small particulates, presumably because one or more witnesses said, under conditions of rape and torture, that I or someone in my household is a serial killer.
12. Do you find this level of corruption in the federal government laughable?
Answer: Not really. It's tragic. I mean, there are definitely days on which the absurdity allows me to laugh. But lately I just find the corruption to be a treasonous act on the part of the CIA and FBI -- and the rape of my son so that others could profit from this false reporting? There really are no words that can adequately characterize my feelings about those who would rape a disabled young person for profit. The violations of our fundamental beliefs of what it means to be human are unprecedented by that act on every level.
13. You're a spiritual person. What are your thoughts about the spiritual implications of the CIA's rape of a disabled young person for profit by the federal government?
Answer: Angels fear to tread. Truly. Virtuous souls will never, never venture into this territory.
14. Has your son received counseling since his rape on Friday, July 19, 2024, at the directive and with the full foreknowledge of his CIA handler, Max?
Answer: He has not.
15. Has he received medical care?
Answer: He has not.
16. Has the CIA cured him of the myriad diseases the agency previously conveyed to him with the intent of holding out the lure of medical care in return for knowingly falsified witness statements?
Answer: It has not.
17. What do you make of the repeated threats you have been receiving that, on the basis of knowingly false witness statements -- obtained under torture -- allegedly identifying you or a family member as a serial killer, the government plans to appropriate all of your records?
Answer: I have been repeatedly told that President Biden is concentrated on his "legacy" right now. So, I'm sure my documents are a worry for him, and he would prefer that they not exist.
18. Have you been told that the FBI, CIA or their affiliates would perpetrate a violent law enforcement raid so as to eliminate you as a witness?
Answer: The FBI has alleged that to me, yes.
19. And has the FBI alleged White House approval of such a plan?
Answer: Unfortunately, yes.
20. How do you know whether the FBI is extending false allegations to you?
Answer: I don't have FOIA reports or investigative reports in hand and my son was raped last Friday in order to coerce false witness statements from him. If the White House's intentions were good, I would have the reports in hand. And that just hasn't happened.
21. You began this process with good faith in our government. What do you feel about the United States government in the face of this corruption? What do you feel about a government that would authorize the rape of your disabled son for profit?
Answer: You know, the government has lost its way, clearly. People don't appear to know what's important and they don't appear to know how to serve the public faithfully, ethically and on time. So, we can see that basic ethics and the rule of law are failing in this instance. Those who have delayed the provision of reports to me are in every way responsible for our suffering, and that includes my son's rape last Friday. There's a point at which those failures become insupportable, and we have reached it. People seem to know that they're failing, but they're failing together, institutionally, with White House approval. So, there's a complete loss of transparency and accountability with regard to this matter. People are reaping profits off of torture, including the rape of my disabled son. And there will never be a justification for those acts that can be accepted or normalized in a civilized society.
22. Are we witnessing the death of democracy?
Answer: It seems so, yes.
23. Who do you fault most?
Answer: Everyone who has taken a nickel from these accounts. The betrayal of my family's welfare has been stunning, and has translated to a direct trade of political profit in return for our targeting and harm by corrupt FBI and CIA personnel and their affiliates. No virtuous person would ever proceed down this path. There can be no justification for these choices.
24. Did President Biden fail as Commander in Chief?
Answer: He certainly failed me. He certainly failed my family. He certainly failed my son.
25. Have you thought about changing political parties?
Answer: As we speak, I am thinking about it, yes. I am also thinking about throwing myself on the steps of some nearby embassy and begging for political asylum from my own predatory government.
26. Are you a serial killer, Lane MacWilliams?
Answer: God love you for asking the question! I am not! I have never been a serial killer! I don't aspire to be a serial killer! I will never be a serial killer!
I actually wanted to contribute to the freedom of mankind, if you can imagine such idealism.
27. Could your husband possibly be a serial killer?
Answer: No! He could not! But thank you for asking such a fundamental question about our virtue and honor in this world!
28. You became a whistleblower of the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives because you wanted to make a difference to other Americans and those who love freedom around the world, isn't that right?
Answer: Yes, I believed it might be possible.
29. Are you disillusioned?
Answer: My son has just been raped so that others could profit from lies extracted from him under torture. Wouldn't you be disillusioned?
30. What do you make of the FBI's threats to silence you through arson, gratuitous lawsuit, radiation exposure, airborne exposure to pandemic pathogen Hxxx, chemical exposures, water contamination, staged car accident, intentionally disseminated disease, forced job loss, or brain-damaging DEW deployment? And what do you make of the CIA's threats to direct your older son to take possession of a "ghost gun" against his will at the direction of his corrupt CIA handler Max?
Answer: Failed FBI. Failed CIA. Failed federal programs. Failed transparency and accountability. And it all adds up to treasonous malfeasance on the part of those participating. The profit motive now renders it that much worse, in my opinion.
31. You would like to know who values the rule of law over and above these corrupt programs' incentives?
Answer: Yes, I would.
32. Have you found anyone in the federal government who maintains your ethical standards?
Answer: I think investigators from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI are trying their best under exceptionally difficult circumstances. But with a corrupt President, their hands are tied.
33. Haven't there been suggestions that the President is in truth being controlled by Brandan Pesa, a leading member of Russian organized crime in this country?
Answer: Many.
34. And haven't there been suggestions that Mr. Pesa, an alleged serial killer who has stalked you for years, is himself profiteering from the falsified reporting against you which he is now directing?
Answer: Many.
35. And haven't there been suggestions that Mr. Pesa is controlling the decisions of the White House to delay the provision of your reports?
Answer: Many.
36. Were there suggestions that the President himself authorized Brandan Pesa to direct the rape of your son on Friday, July 19, 2024?
Answer: There were.
37. What kind of legacy is he leaving, from your perspective?
Answer: One of devastation, deceit, corruption, and loss.
38. You used to be a big supporter of President Biden's, isn't that right?
Answer: I hope President Biden lives for a thousand years, and I want to make that plain. But I used to believe in his integrity as a political leader and that good faith has been completely decimated by his actions.
39. You believe the government now knows perfectly well that it is lying about your honor and lawfulness in the hope of taking the lives of your family members and you yourself and absconding with all funds awarded through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI in your name.
Answer: I will simply say that we are being assailed in the most horrendous ways, and the government has not provided us with good faith outreach. In the wake of my son's rape on Friday, there's no longer any ability to assume that the current administration is interacting with us through any benevolent intent whatsoever.
40. Your son could easily lose his life if this situation is mishandled, isn't that true?
Answer: It has already been mishandled. But he deserves compassion, truthfulness, integrity, protection, sanctuary and medical care. And he has received none of these things.
41. What could the Biden/Harris administration do to make this situation right?
Answer: They could engage with my family in making sure that our needs, given my son's assault last week, are being appropriately and urgently met. They could engage with me with integrity by providing the reports on an immediate basis. I've listed follow on steps elsewhere. But, basically, we need one or two politicians that are actually people of meritorious character to take this situation in hand.
42. There's a need for real authority behind the Commander in Chief designation. And it can't be held as a de facto title by a leading member of Russian-affiliated organized crime.
Answer: Our personal sovereignty and our national sovereignty are interrelated. They're linked. We will have no dignity and honor as a nation if we abandon the dignity and honor of our best citizens to knowingly falsified reporting.
43. Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?
Answer: I do.
Lane MacWilliams