My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Honorable Discharge for Three

1.  What are your greatest concerns right now?

Answer:  My greatest concerns pertain to the need for the federal government to honorably release both of my sons and MG from the Xxxxxxx Program and all related programs and agreements with the FBI in the case of my younger son and MG, and the CIA in the case of my older son.

2.  Why do you feel so strongly about this requirement?

Answer:  The "recruitment" of both of my sons and MG into these programs was perpetrated in direct retaliation for my standing as a whistleblower of the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives.  It represented a profound abuse of power, and one that has subjected all of us to torture over a prolonged period of time.  And it simply should not be allowed to persist.

3.  How has this coerced "recruitment" meant that all of you have been subjected to torture?

Answer:  My sons and MG have been repeatedly directed to provide knowingly false witness statements to law enforcement authorities in order to wrongfully justify the agencies' harm of my husband and myself.  They have resisted, which has led to their torture through various means.  My older son has allegedly been directed to extend false claims about his childhood to others in order to place these lies within his medical records and within law enforcement records, and I'm sure the same has been true for my younger son and MG.  And all of those lies are intended to justify yet further harms.

4.  Was the Xxxxxxx Program recruitment really necessary for the agencies' torture of your sons and MG in return for false reporting?

Answer:  This is a good question, and the answer is no.  My brother, for example, has allegedly been harmed in order to coerce knowingly false witness statements from him, and I don't believe that he is part of Xxxxxxx Program.  However, the Xxxxxxx Program gives recruits extensive access to the means of harming "targets" -- and means that are quite lethal and irrecoverable.  So for my sons and MG to be in this category is horrible.  They weren't raised to harm anyone, and they don't want to start.  Nor should they themselves suffer targeting of any kind ever again.

5.  Your younger son was directed by his FBI handler Tom Lyons to contaminate your water glass with some unknown substance on Thanksgiving Day of 2023, according to FBI threats.  Isn't that correct?

Answer:  I did receive those threats.  The FBI appeared to claim that the substance was Polonium 210.  And the details of the threats were sufficiently specific that I saved a sample from the water glass.

6.  Do you still possess that sample?

Answer:  I do, and it can easily be tested in a lab.

7.  Right now, you are receiving threats to the lives of all three of these beloved young people.

Answer:  Yes, I am.

8.  What are you doing to try to keep them safe?

Answer:  I am complaining here.  And loudly.  And I am making a repeated request that they be honorably released from all agreements with the federal government to participate in the Xxxxxxx Program, and all agreements with the FBI and CIA.  Their honorable discharge would prevent further coercive abuses toward them as well as further retaliatory abuses toward my husband and myself.  In addition, they all need to be exempted from any form of targeting themselves.

9.  What else is important to you?

Answer:  They need medical restoration and counseling with experts in helping torture victims to recover.  They need de-programming from the extensive disinformation and defamation they have received regarding my husband and myself over time.  And we need a safe and secure way to put our loving family back together.

10.  Won't that require that your family be empowered to discuss these events among yourselves in a private context?

Answer:  Absolutely, it will.  And we all need the clearance that will allow us to do so.  My older son was raped by CIA contractors on July 19, 2024 in order to compel knowingly false statements from him.  So he needs immediate care, as well as a way to express these horrific events to us in a private setting.  He needs family support, and he needs it urgently.

11.  In addition to causing extensive and ongoing harms to your health and that of your husband, the FBI claims that it has caused extensive harms to the health of your sons and MG, including the alleged recent conveyance of Fxxx.

Answer:  That is true.  These claims have been repeatedly extended to me.

12.  What is your perspective on these abuses?

Answer:  There is no excuse.  My family members all need to be restored to their full health at this time.  And further harms toward them simply cannot be perpetrated ever again.  No civilized society would respond to an FBI whistleblower by saying, "Let's torture her family members."  That is a totalitarian response, and an appalling one at that.

13.  What about legacy concerns for a person who may have wrongfully authorized these harms in the first place?

Answer:  Once these three are honorably discharged from the Xxxxxxx Program and all other relationship to the FBI and CIA, and once their health is restored to them in its entirety, I will remove all posts from the public sphere regarding this matter, and I will begin the task of putting my loving family back together.

14.  Given the fact that the Xxxxxxx Program has directed your sons to harm you, how do you go about rebuilding any sense of trust?

Answer:  Carefully.  We will need 360 degree acknowledgement that honorable discharge has occurred for all of them.  We will need verification that their health has been restored to them.

If the government has directed them to cause harm to any others, I need to know about what has transpired.

My sons and MG deserve the chance to heal, to reclaim their sovereignty, to reclaims their souls.

And that means the FBI and CIA need to exit their lives entirely.

15.  Who do you blame most for the atrocities committed against your family members?

Answer:  Brandan Pesa, a self-described serial killer and leading member of Russian organized crime within the United States, is most responsible.  But the official authorizations within the government's chain of command all bear direct liability.

16.  Your point is that the government should never have coerced the recruitment of your children into these secret programs as a means of destroying your family and attempting to murder you as an FBI whistleblower.

Answer:  In a word, yes.  That is exactly my point.

17.  What is your opinion of Brandan Pesa after all of the indefensible harms he has caused to your family in response to your ethical stance?

Answer:  Whatever earthly justice finds this man in the context of jurisprudence and due process, there is a higher authority.  In a spiritual context alone, he is condemned.  And I say that with confidence.

18.  Should he also spend the rest of his life behind bars?

Answer:  Without question.  As the murderer of four innocent college students in their beds in Moscow, Idaho on November 13, 2022, he should spend the rest of his life behind bars.  But there are legal processes that need to engage with this question separate and apart from my opinion on the matter.

19.  You are going to keep exposing him regarding his crimes until you receive your FOIA reports and the investigative reports in their entirety.

Answer:  Yes, I am.

20.  Right now, he seems to be retaliating by ruining the interior air quality within your home.  Have your lungs been damaged by Brandan Pesa's crimes in this regard?

Answer:  They have, yes.  These crimes have gone on for several months now, and no one has stopped him.  Small particulates are two hundred times their normal levels.  And that simply causes damage, which this man knows quite well.

21.  Does Brandan Pesa have any possible defense for these harms?

Answer:  No.

22.  Doesn't the government have the responsibility to disallow the false reporting that is allowing these harms to be perpetrated in the first place?

Answer:  It does.  And I have called upon the White House to do so.

23. How will you know if they are disqualifying those false claims in the way that they should?

Answer:  My right to breathe will be reclaimed, and it will never be violated again for any reason.

24.  Will you share new developments with us as they arise?

Answer:  Absolutely, I will.

25.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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