My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I Challenge You to Act

 OIG Hotline, my sons and MG are in a horrific predicament created by the FBI.  Their health and lives are being held hostage to the agency's demands for falsified witness statements regarding non-existent "secret codes" of some kind, meant to have been glimpsed on the screen of my husband's cell phone or my own.

They cannot extricate themselves from this terrible circumstance, and I cannot extricate them either.  If my husband asks them directly about these false statements, the FBI/CIA can simply say that it instructed them to evade the topic for "security reasons."  In other words, my husband -- a man of stellar character -- is allegedly too dangerous to know the lies of the FBI and its affiliates that he's allegedly dangerous.

That's a Spanish Prisoner problem.  There is no way out of that tautology.

So, I will simply say this:

If the FBI actually thinks that my husband knows about "secret codes" on his cell phone, the OIG Hotline should take possession of my husband's current and previous cell phones and put them through forensic analysis.  

If there is any inappropriate material on my husband's current or previous cell phones, he should be interviewed by OIG Hotline investigators.

It must be said that my husband's cellphones have, in my opinion, suffered Pegasus-style hacks, allowing the FBI and its affiliates to maintain third-party control of these devices.

With regard to my own Pegasus-hacked cell phone, I have held the phone in my hands while it has dialed and placed a call not of my volition.  I have been awakened at 3:00 AM by a Spotify song, suddenly playing halfway across the room without any involvement from me.  I have watched while typing -- not my own --- has appeared in my 'Notes" and emails.  I have viewed alterations to voice-to-text translations which completely change the meaning of my spoken words. Yesterday, I witnessed in horror the erasure of half of an essay I had just written on my father -- unable to halt it.  So, Pegasus is a powerful tool, as it confers total third-party control of a device.

So, my husband's cell phones should be analyzed for Pegasus-style compromise as a priority.

And then, as I said, if there are any doubts about his honor and lawfulness, he should be asked in detail about them.

I have been married to my husband for thirty-four years and I dated him for five years before that.  I have known him for a total of forty-one years.

And I will simply say that he is the best man I know.  I trust him completely.  He may be a little behind with his understanding of the FBI's predations, but he is fundamentally brilliant (despite gratuitous harms to his health).  I would not only stake my own life on his innocence of all "espionage" or "terrorist" accusations by the FBI and its affiliates.  I would stake everything I've ever cared about on his innocence in this matter -- the sovereignty of my children, the sanctity of the human spirit, and the freedom of mankind.

That's how confident I am in his truthfulness, his integrity, his virtue, his loyalty, his courage, his honor.

So, let's not guess about allegations as serious as the knowingly false accusations the FBI has supposedly extracted from both of my sons and MG under threat to their lives.

Request his cell phones.  Conduct an independent forensic examination of them.  Request to interview him regarding any remaining concerns whatsoever.  And don't delay.

He will readily assent to all inquiries you extend to him.

(So will I, and it goes without saying that you can take possession of my cell phones, too, if you like.)

The alternative is that he and I risk being blown up in our own home by a corrupt FBI hoping to profit from our demise.  We risk being brain-damaged by repeated DEW assaults extended while we sleep.  We risk being poisoned, shot, kidnapped, overdosed, stabbed, rendered terminally ill, and any number of other indefensible catastrophes.

It is incumbent upon your Office to prevent additional harm befalling us.  I am an FBI whistleblower who turned to you in good faith.

No one's profit can now justify the betrayal of my efforts to help our nation.

So, I challenge you to act.

Step forward and prove that the FBI coerced lies from our sons and MG (and perhaps others) regarding my husband's cell phone or my own, if, in fact, accusatory statements have been filed.

But don't withhold my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI in the interim.  Our lives have been clearly endangered by delays in the lawful provision of these reports, allowing the FBI and its affiliates far too much time to prey upon us and our loved ones as well.

A critical part of the government's responsibility in upholding the Freedom of Information Act resides in the provision of timely and complete material.  

It's too late for the material to be timely, but you and the ODNI can ensure that no further delays are allowed, as well as ensuring that materials are comprehensive.

My sons at various points have been asked to harm us as their parents.  So, in order for our family to heal, all of these atrocities perpetrated by the government against our honorable and loving family need to be acknowledged to us.  We need to talk about them among our own circle of four (five with MG) so that we can re-establish our loving bonds and go forward with renewed love and re-established commitment to one another's well-being in all settings and at all times.

My stalker, Brandan Pesa, has alleged that this information will be withheld from us, because it is only disclosed on a "need to know" basis.

Well, I already know!

It is now the FBI's responsibility, in the case of my younger son and MG, and the CIA's responsibility, in the case of my older son, to apologize for these unconscionable harms to our loving family -- and to allow us to heal and recover fully.

These are the very initial, very rudimentary steps that should be taken on an immediate basis.

But the truth is that democracy requires them, FOIA requires them, investigative standards require them.  And in the absence of the upholding of these obligations to my family and myself, our freedom is forfeit no matter who wins the election in November.

And if our freedom is forfeit, so is the nation's.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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