My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Request for Intervention from ODNI Pertaining to Alleged Attempted Kidnapping Described in #24

 1.  Each of your sons has been directed to take your life at various points through a corrupted federal program supported by the DoD, FBI and CIA.  Is that correct?

Answer:  It's best not to mention the name of that program here. I have identified it elsewhere.  But yes, in answer to your question.

2.  How can a grown child from a loving family engage in government-approved plans to murder a parent who is an FBI whistleblower?

Answer:  Torture over time has devastating effects, and the three-letter agencies know this quite well.  I will not be mentioning the breadth of techniques used within these torture protocols, but they are intended to obliterate an individual's sovereign capacity to resist.  And they are remarkably effective in that aim, although they involve myriad human rights violations that would never be considered acceptable by any civilized society.

3.  How could such plans of torture ever be approved?

Answer:  The three-letter agencies are engaged in a game of blackmail of our public officials.  The moment they catch a public figure -- or a relative of a public figure -- in an impropriety, there's a surge in behind-the-scenes deal-making.

4.  Could the three-letter agencies demand the life of an FBI whistleblower in return for a certain judicial outcome pertaining to the relative of a public official, for example?

Answer:  Absolutely, they could.

5.  So, this could be thought of as a game of chess in which an FBI whistleblower could be seen as a pawn?

Answer:  I'm sure others could conceive of it that way.  However, that kind of reductive thinking would represent an error in this case.

6.  Why do you say so?

Answer:  This FBI whistleblower is no one's pawn.

7.  Given that you stand as a sovereign voice for the public interest at this point in time, are you willing to disclose the manner in which your sons have been asked by this administration to take your life?

Answer:  The most egregious instance with my younger son involved the direction by his FBI handler Tom Lyons to take my life on Thanksgiving Day of 2023 by placing a poison of some type in my water glass.

8.  You were warned by an ally within the FBI of this attempt, which is how you knew about it?  Is this correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

9.  And you did not drink any of the contaminated water.  Is that correct?

Answer:  I did not.  I did save a sample of it, however, so it can easily be tested in an independent laboratory.

10.  What is the poison that was used?

Answer:  It was alleged to be Polonium 210 at the time.  But again, a laboratory would be able to readily ascertain the truth of the contaminant.

11.  So, you actually possess physical proof of that assassination attempt?

Answer:  I do.

12.  That's a stunning indictment of everyone involved, isn't it?

Answer:  Well, there are a number of reasons why I don't believe my son can be held legally liable for his actions on that day.  The particular methods of torture that were deployed against him effectively deprived him of his free will and independent judgment.  But for everyone else?  For his handler Tom Lyons?  For all those authorizing this plan?  Yes, it is quite an astonishing indictment.

13.  By November of 2023, had there already been substantive funds awarded in your name through the OIG Hotline's investigations?

Answer:  I have been led to believe the original investigation concluded in September of 2023.  So, yes.

14.  And what would have happened to those funds if you had met your demise by drinking Polonium 210 on Thanksgiving Day of 2023?

Answer:  I'm sure they would have disappeared.

15. What do you mean by "disappeared"?

Answer:  They would have been appropriated by those with access.

16.  Who would have had access?

Answer:  The White House would have had access.

17.  Is it possible that the same person who ordered the assassination attempt would have been the person to profit from your demise?

Answer:  Oh, I think that's a safe assumption.

18.  May I ask what techniques your older son has been asked to utilize in an attempt to take your life?

Answer:  The CIA appears to allege that he has been provided with a "ghost gun" through a 3-D printer program in a public library, guided entirely by his handler Max and other CIA personnel and affiliates.   So, he is likely in possession of this item at CIA direction at this time.

19.  But he has also received weapons training in utilizing a knife as a weapon, hasn't he?

Answer:  He has, yes.  His CIA handler, Max, is requiring that he engage in anatomy studies with a view toward turning him into an assassin.  

20.  Specifically, you have been told that he has been trained to stab you in the heart.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  Appallingly, it is true.

21.  Who would come up with this kind of torture for a loving American family?  People who hate the nation?

Answer:  You know, the individuals who authorize and implement such a plan are just extremely confused.  They're taking payoffs or favors.  They're receiving threats.  So, these are just people who have decided to keep their heads down.  They don't want to be the next person to be placed on the "list."  So they cave in.  And this is the way that Fascism takes hold of a nation behind the scenes, while the majority of the public has no idea what is happening.

22.  But there is also a sadistic component in directing a son to stab his loving mother in the heart.

Answer:  Brandan Pesa, the man who is said to have directed this training, allegedly identifies himself as a sexual sadist, and one who was abused by his own mother as a child.  So there are powerfully sadistic components here, yes.  And also, we can see a tremendous amount of psychological projection.  Brandan Pesa cannot kill his own mother.  But he can kill other people's mothers.  And the greatest likelihood is that he is going to engage in this violent projection over and over and over again, as long as the three-letter agencies enable him in doing so.

23.  Doesn't President Biden owe it to your family to halt all involvement of your sons with these violent programs?

Answer:  I have asked that President Biden recuse himself from all further decision-making pertaining to my family.  But Vice President Harris would be an appropriate person to separate my sons and MG from all further involvement with this program, and to prevent all further interactions with FBI, CIA, DoD staff, affiliates, contractors and informants, save that which is necessary for the full restoration of their health.

24.  Did the CIA allegedly attempt to divert your older son's location today, intending to prevent his participation in a day-long group in Palo Alto in order to remove him to a location which the CIA reportedly refers to as "The Ranch"?

Answer:  It is alleged that the CIA attempted to perpetrate this kidnapping, yes.

25.  Where is your son right now?

Answer:  He had better be making his way to his cell phone, which he needs to maintain on his person at all times, and then to his group, from which he needs to call me.

26.  What are your thoughts about this attempt?

Answer:  That there are a lot of people who appear to wish this corruption to become a headline story.  Because I am not going to tolerate further predation toward my family members, MG, or myself.  And every violation of my good faith will be met with further public disclosures of the crimes committed in this case and the people who authorized them.

27.  How can this administration begin to apologize to you and your family?

Answer:  By halting all predation toward my sons, MG, my husband and myself.  By extending restorative medical care to my sons, MG and my husband at this time.  By withdrawing all lies pertaining to my family members, MG and myself in the realm of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting.  By providing me with my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.  By providing me with a high-level attorney to immediately address my family's security needs and the government's desires for confidential treatment of certain issues.

28.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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