My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Xxxxxxx Xxxx: A Force for Evil That Must Be Overcome

Update:  Question and answer #13 have been redacted from this post.  Statement #24 has been expanded.

Please be apprised that certain material may be removed from my blog and Facebook page upon my receipt of my FOIA reports without redaction or omission unapproved by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, as well as investigative reports from these Offices.

Lane MacWilliams


1.  What happened yesterday, July 19, 2024?

Answer:  The FBI alleges that its affiliates tortured both of my sons at the directive of Xxxxxxx Xxxx.

2.  To what purpose?

Answer:  Supposedly the FBI wanted to incriminate my sons for "leverage" in some unknown negotiation.  So they allegedly forced them to take illicit drugs, engage in illicit trafficking against their will, perpetrate illegal sports betting against their will, make some type of illegal stock trades against their will, on and on it went.

3. Do you believe these allegations?

Answer:  You know, the FBI does put out extensive disinformation.  But the location of some of these events was repeatedly identified as "The Cave," and the agent, who may be affiliated with the FBI or with the CIA, was repeatedly named as "Max."  Beyond this, there was a great deal of specificity with regard to the names of others involved.  And today, my older son was actively lying via text about his whereabouts yesterday afternoon and evening.  So, unfortunately, the indicators are that he did indeed suffer torture, as the FBI alleges.

4.  Today, the FBI sent you a message that this event was a "Tiny Blunder" on their part.

Answer:  Torture is not a "tiny blunder."  I would like to speak to an American who feels that the torture of his or her children would ever constitute a "tiny blunder."  I don't think such a person exists.

5.  Your stalker Xxxxxxx Xxxx appears to be sending you serial killer messages today about Jack the Ripper, as if he's looking forward to obtaining permission to cause you the worst possible sort of harm.

Answer:  You know, this is difficult to discuss.  Many of us grow up in a comparatively secular world, and those of us who are fortunate in being highly educated are reluctant to discuss the reality of evil.  But Xxxxxxx Xxxx, as a sadistic serial killer, cannot actually be described any other way.  It's not sufficient to say that he is a liar who sows discord and chaos everywhere he goes.  He is truly an evil force in this world, someone who enjoys murder -- just as he enjoyed the murders of four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho on November 13th of 2022 -- someone who reportedly sees himself as a monster and a destroyer, and whose aims in this regard are quite extensive.

 6.  You feel that his directives concerning the torture of your sons was entirely intentional, and designed specifically to delay the reported delivery date of your FOIA reports and the investigative reports to you on Tuesday of this coming week.

Answer:  Absolutely, I do.  He wanted to derail the delivery of those materials in any way he possibly could.

7. Isn't he blaming the White House for authorizing your sons' torture?

Answer:  He appears to be doing so, yes.  But I think the White House has attempted to protect my sons and MG from Xxxxxxx Xxxx and his FBI cohort, and I think that President Biden and Vice President Harris have had challenges in controlling the predations of these CIA and FBI contractors who are being paid offline through black budgets that are difficult to trace.

Basically, these individuals are operating outside of the directives of our government.  Even though they're on our soil, within our nation, they are more loyal to our foreign adversaries and to organized crime than they are to the United States.  And this characterizes the far right in general.  It's a criminal enterprise, with deep hooks into human trafficking and drug trafficking, and it's exceptionally difficult to root out the most malevolent actors.

8.  Except that Xxxxxxx Xxxx is probably the most culpable one.

Answer:  I believe he is, yes.  

9.  How should the Democrats handle Xxxxxxx Xxxx, in your opinion?

Answer:  Don't enrich the man, for starters.  This person was dangerous to begin with.  The last thing the government should be allowing is his enrichment through corrupt FBI initiatives to appropriate settlements and penalties awarded in my name.

10.  How might Brandan Pesa have been able to profit through corrupt FBI initiatives to appropriate settlements?

Answer:  The FBI appears to allege that the agency directed a "Chief of Station" to wrongfully allege one or more felonies on my part or my husband's part, thus allowing funds to be wrongfully appropriated.

11.  You believe that President Biden and Vice President Harris need to proceed immediately in providing you with the reports.

Answer:  I do.  The provision of the reports is required by law.  And if the Biden administration fails to provide them now, I don't think they ever will.

12.  Xxxxxxx Xxxx appears to allege that President Biden is on the verge of authorizing your murder.

Answer:  Wouldn't it be wiser to lawfully provide me with the reports instead?

(Redacted content)

14.  You have given Xxxxxxx Xxxx a powerful incentive to allow you to be provided with the reports.  What is that incentive?

Answer:  I am going to start taking out billboards identifying him as the FBI-enabled murderer of the four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho if I don't get the reports, and in short order.

15.  And he can't sue you, because it's true.

Answer:  You know, that's an interesting fact, isn't it?

16.  So what do you have to say to President Biden, Vice President Harris and the Democratic Party in the face of Xxxxxxx Xxxx's choice to once again torture your sons?

Answer:  Do not let this man derail your plans to provide me with the reports on an urgent basis and to initiate contact from Washington, D.C. immediately following that provision.  This man will always seek to sew chaos and division.  Sounder minds and wiser leaders must see past the attempt.

17.  And what do you say to serial killer Brandan Pesa who has sought for years to gain murderous access to you?

Answer:  I say no.  Pure and simple.  No.  No today.  No tomorrow.  No forever.  No.

18.  You believe that the issue of the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting has profound implications for the future freedoms of mankind.

Answer:  No free society can allow knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting to persist and expand.  The existence of programs of false reporting is inimical to free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, the right to privacy -- and nearly the entire Constitution.  If we choose to abandon democracy, that's one thing.  But if we don't, we have to be able to address this problem, at least privately within the halls of government, in order to counterbalance it from a policy perspective.

19.  So you challenge the Democrats not to allow Xxxxxxx Xxxx to derail their course in providing you with the reports.

Answer:  That's exactly correct.  I challenge them to stay the course and convey those reports into my hands urgently.

20.  Can they do it?

Answer:  I know it's within their capacity.  They need to clear this last hurdle of disinformation in Washington D.C. and predation toward my children, and they need to surpass it with a rather heroic determination not to falter or get distracted.

21.  You are waiting for the reports' arrival imminently.

Answer:  I am.

22.  You will appreciate all efforts to protect your sons and MG.

Answer:  I will.

23.  You believe it is necessary for good people to communicate directly following the provision of the reports.

Answer:  I do.

24.  You believe it is critical that the government not delay because of Xxxxxxx Xxxx's predations toward your sons and MG, nor because of falsified witness statements they may provide as the result of torture and harms sustained.

Answer:  I do.

25.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and understanding?

Answer:  Yes.

Lane MacWillams

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