My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Important Update: ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Apparent FBI Sabotage of Gas Pipe at 45 Vista Verde Way, Portola Valley

UPDATE:  OIG Hotline, the FBI appears to allege that there are already explosives placed by agency affiliates within the exterior gas piping which is now taped and also connected to gas lines under our house, leading to our dryer, stovetop, and oven.

If true, this would explain the near-constant threats I have been receiving of being "blown up" if I fail to concede to FBI demands.

The FBI has alleged to me that a massive explosion (or more than one) destroying our house is planned to be falsely attributed to an "appliance leak."

I appear to be sitting on a powder keg within my own home, due entirely to the criminal malfeasance of a wayward FBI and those who have enabled them.

The fact that Brandan Pesa and others hope to profit from my demise in this situation makes our circumstance immeasurably worse.

We need the reports and we need them on an immediate basis.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

OIG Hotline, this is to document my observation that a segment of gas piping leading into my home is wrapped with tape in a manner that I have not previously seen.  The tape appears to be fairly recent, and surrounds multiple segments of pipe that should maintain integrity without reinforcement.

My concenrn is that the FBI may have, in alignment with its threats, sabotaged the piping underneath the tape.  If holes were drilled in this piping or the piping joints were loosened or damaged sufficiently, it is entirely possible that the removal of the tape, an action which could be rapidly achieved by Special Forces contractors, would lead to an immediately hazardous leak of explosive gas directly contiguous to one of the main supporting walls of our home. 

There was a point during the visit of alleged PG&E technician Tomas to our house on Saturday, July 20, 2024 during which Tomas mentioned the hazard of possible leaks in a manner that was not audible to my recording device.  Accordingly, I did not transcribe this commentary.

What is audible is the fact that Tomas drops an item onto our deck, which he then proceeds to retrieve.

I saw this item in some detail.  It was an elongated object, cigar-shaped but thinner.  Its material appeared to be akin to heavy Play-Doh.  It was a dull red in color, and there was a slight irregularily at one end which appeared to consist of a very small piece of micro-electronics, perhaps 1/8 of an inch in diameter and circular.

I have never seen explosives, but for some reason, I had the impression that this item was an explosive with a timing device embedded on one end.

While Tomas showed a lack of familiarity with PG&E equipment, certainly, I was under the impression that his dropping this item (redacted content).  

This item was not a level, a meter, or a hand tool, and I did not recognize its use.

Under these circumstances, it is not immediately clear to me how best to proceed.  It appears that the FBI and its affiliates may have successfully created the underlying architecture of a serious gas leak even without the cooperation of Generac service personnel.

Any plumbing contractor whom I contact is likely to be immediately co-opted or replaced by FBI- or affiliate agency personnel.  If I hire someone to replace damaged piping, an explosive device could easily be included on the interior of the pipe itself, undetectable by outside examination.

So, it does not appear that this course of action is viable.

I can place alarms in multiple areas surrounding the gas piping, but I expect that the FBI and its affilates can easily circumvent these devices.

I think the best course of action in this case is for the reports to be provided to me on an immediate basis, together with a high-level attorney who can urgently address our safety needs.

I would hope that, after this documentation on my part, the FBI and its affiliates would be hounded out of existence if any gas explosion or explosion of any other kind, including purported "natural disasters" were to occur at our residence.

I do recognize that the FBI wishes to avoid exposure for its crimes against my family members and me myself.

However, given the seriousness of my discovery of the sabotaged gas piping, this information will need to be rendered public until such time as I have received the reports and established contact with high-level advocacy in an effort to reclaim my family's safety at our residences.  Certainly, a close examination of the safety of my younger son's residence in San Francisco is also necessitated under these circumstances.

I would respectfully request that the falsified law-enforcement reporting on which this particularly egregious aggression is based be immediately disqualified with the full support of the White House.

We are also suffering from poor interior air quality at my residence at this time, an aggression which is also no doubt reflective of falsified law enforcement reporting by the FBI or its affiliates which has not yet been disallowed.

It will be extremely helpful if Vice President Kamala Harris has the opportunity, along with others, to give guidance that allows the disqualification of all false assertions regarding my family, MG, and myself.

The FBI appears to have made recent assertions concerning harm to other members of my family through a syndrome previously described to your Office.

To what extent these harms may have been linked to knowingly falsified witness statements regarding alleged "secret codes" on my husband's cell phone remains unclear.

What is clear isto me is that if the FBI had any kind of genuine concern based on truthful fact finding, the agency would not now be attempting to blow up my home, my documents, my electronics, my family, and my person.

That's not exactly considered to be an honorable approach to an FBI whistleblower who has caught the agency in the broad-scale perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting against the law-abiding American public.

Anybody can see that the FBI and its affiliates possess a terrible conflict of interest in their desire to exculpate themselves of the wrongdoing which is decidedly their own.

The FBI and its affiliates appear to have asked for a de-escalation of tensions pertaining to this case.  Yet threats of being blown up, which I have received as recently as today, do not appear to me to be a de-escalation.

Is the agency prepared to provide me with my reports in their entirety along with a high-level attorney who can immediately address the safety and security needs of my family?

It is the answer to this question which will determine whether all outstanding concerns regarding issues as far-ranging as my documentation, investigators' fact-finding, outstanding confidentiality needs, and the safety and security of my family members and myself can be successfully and cooperatively addressed.

(Redacted content.)

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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