My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

My Letter to Public Defender Anne Taylor Concerning Her Defense of Bryan Kohberger ; Facebook Login Notification

Important Information Regarding Your Defense of Mr. Bryan Kohberger

Email:  June 20, 2024 at 7:55 PM



Dear Public Defender Taylor:

I do not currently possess confidence that the federal government will allow me to testify in the trial of your client Bryan Kohberger.

There appear to have been several serious attempts on my life over recent days, and I cannot be assured that these will not accelerate or worsen.

I requested my FOIA reports and affiliated investigative reports from the Office of the Inspector General Hotline of the U.S. Department of Justice, but it seems that President Biden has blocked the provision of those reports as of this writing.

Apparently, President Biden is willing to allow Mr. Kohberger to face the death penalty -- and further willing to authorize the deaths of my family members and myself -- in order to keep the government's secrets outside of the public view.

Those secrets are quite serious, indeed.

The actual murderer of Ethan Chapin, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle, and Madison Mogen is a man named Brandan Shane Pesa.  Mr. Pesa is a leading member of Russian-affiliated organized crime within the United States and maintains close affiliations with the FBI.  He is certified as a Physical Therapist in his "day job," but in actuality, he works as a professional assassin as part of the FBI's/DoD/s Phoenix Program, which is a secret initiative targeting law-abiding American citizens for assassination by the federal government.

The FBI's unconstitutional "target of interest" program, which I have previously referenced in my communications with you, feeds into the Phoenix Program.  Americans who are wrongfully reported as "suspected spies," "suspected terrorists," or "suspected murderers" have their cases brought before concealed judicial proceedings operating under the "Espionage Act" and the "Patriot Act."  There, blameless Americans are, in effect, tried and condemned without their ever being aware that they were wrongfully accused of a crime.

This is the judicial corruption that befell Ethan Chapin, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle and Madison Mogen, tragically.

It's also the judicial corruption that befell your client, unfortunately.

The second big secret here pertains to the manner in which the FBI corrupted the DNA evidence implicating Mr. Kohberger.  I am prohibited from discussing these details outside of a closed setting with certain safeguards that would satisfy the federal government -- and gmail does not qualify.

But you should be aware that the DNA evidence has been corrupted, and the FBI is fully cognizant of the manner in which it has been done.

Mr. Pesa's DNA, which I understand has already been tested by the OIG Hotline due to a separate crime, will match that recovered from the crime scene.  You should be in contact with the OIG Hotline to request their DNA records for Mr. Pesa if they have not already reached out to you regarding this matter.

The FBI is demonstrating the height of cynicism and predation by pursuing its case against Mr. Kohberger.  Mr. Pesa, who exerts substantive control over a significant segment of the FBI, has alleged that the agency is attempting, behind the scenes, to have the current judge on this case removed.  The FBI allegedly feels that he possesses too much honesty and integrity for their comfort.  The agency does not feel that he can be controlled.  And Mr. Pesa is quite uncomfortable with the fac t that no courtroom has been willing to grant him immunity from prosecution under these remarkable circumstances.

To be clear, the entire Phoenix Program, together with the FBI and the local Moscow Police Department enabled the horrific murders of Mr. Chapin, Ms. Goncalves, Ms. Kernodle and Ms. Mogen.  Afterwards, the same corrupt programs and institutions coordinated the compromised investigation of the crimes.

But Mr. Pesa was the sole murderer who perpetrated the crimes.  Internally, the FBI alleged that he had sustained a "30 person kill streak" including the Moscow, Idaho atrocities.  He is a highly skilled predator, with extensive anatomical knowledge because of his Physical Therapy studies.  While he can kill people with extreme efficiency, there is a sadistic component for him which is, of course, devastating for all involved.  

At least one of the killings, and probably more, in Moscow, Idaho, would have demonstrated this sadistic proclivity.  This is a person who finds killing to be highly gratifying.  Mr. Pesa has gifts as a painter and sketch artist, and he rendered various depictions of his victims in the days and weeks following the crime.  He views himself as "owning" his victims, writing about them within notebooks he retains.  He allegedly fantasizes about his victims as joining his "spirit garden" of all those he has killed over time.  Mr. Pesa may rightly be considered highly dangerous, an apex predator, reflexively aggressive, fetishistic, obsessive, highly organized, and focused on power and control.

The house was under FBI surveillance at the time of the murders -- monitoring which was justified by falsified witness statements by the roommates, friends, and likely even professors of the victims.  Unfortunately, the killings were reportedly filmed, and the FBI is alleged to possess this digital file.

This is tragic from so many points of view, it's difficult to know where to begin.

The FBI knows perfectly will that Mr. Kohberger is innocent.

So does the President of the United States, who is unjustifiably directing the OIG Hotline to withhold certain proofs of the FBI's system of falsified law enforcement reporting to Mr. Kohberger's detriment.

I can only hope that President Biden will see that this position is indefensible, and quickly reverse course.

I intend to be writing about these issues publicly in the hope of pressuring him to do so.

I understand that these disclosures via email are highly irregular.  Given that my life is under active and ongoing threat, however, I wanted you to have the information in Mr. Kohberger's defense.  If the FBI or its affiliates were to take my life -- an outcome I am striving to prevent, obviously -- my records would be confiscated, and you would have no further assistance from this quarter -- despite my best efforts.

I would respectfully request that you find a way to share this information with the families of the victims at the appropriate time.  I'm sure their grief is overwhelming, and I don't want to contribute to any added suffering for them.  At the same time, they deserve to know the truth, as does Mr. Kohberger and his family.

Thank you for allowing me to convey this information to your Office.

I wish to express that I feel great compassion for all of the victims and victims' families in this case, and I include Mr. Kohberger and his family among their number.

Please pursue your case vigorously on Mr. Kohberger's behalf.  Many elements of justice for Americans as a whole depend upon your ability to access the truth of this matter.

I wish you Godspeed in doing so.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Postscript:  Please be aware that the FBI is alleged to be currently attempting to discredit my truthful statements through having coerced falsified witness statements from my sons, toward whom the FBI has extended both death threats and myriad harms.  My sons are both honorable young men who have been seriously harmed by the agency as a direct result of my efforts to bring the problem of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting to the attention of the American public.

OIG Hotline, please be apprised that I logged onto my Facebook account at approximately 8:20 AM this morning, July 13, 2024, in order to post identical information within my Facebook feed. I have not messaged friends and I will not do so.  Nor have I engaged in any messaging groups or chat groups and I will not do so.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully, and categorically false.

I will notify your Office of any other social media log-ins.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

 Lane MacWilliams

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