My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

FBI Allegations That My Younger Son Is in "Training" Today, Against His Will

OIG Hotline, the FBI appears to suggest that, despite my requests that xxxxxx, xxxxxx and xxxx be honorably discharged from the Xxxxxx Program, xxxxxx is spending all day today in "training" at a rural location with Special Forces contractors.

Is their release intended?  Does the FBI simply capitalize on a time delay?  Or are they intended to be retained? 

The agency appears to  allege that my children are to be treated as hostages, bound to the dictates of the FBI, until I "trade" for their freedom.  What is it I am meant to trade exactly?  Settlements and penalties awarded in my name about which I have not even been informed?

The FBI alleges that my younger son is actively engaged in "training" exercises through the Pxxxxx Program today, and also suggests that he was engaged in "training" yesterday, despite my best efforts to illuminate the moral peril of the government's actions in this matter.

I have texted my younger son in an attempt to establish his whereabouts.  If neither my husband nor I receive an answer prior to 11 AM, I must assume there is truth in these allegations.

The content of my message to him is as follows, and the screenshot of my text his here attached.

"D, I have received allegations that you are engaged in active 'training' relating to various FBI-related programs this weekend.  If this is NOT THE CASE, please text your dad and/or me to verify your whereabouts right away.  Otherwise, if we don't hear from you by 11 AM, you will be confirming your forced participation in ongoing 'training' exercises of some kind.  Whatever the case, D, hold to your true identity and all you know to be right.  Be strong, beloved young man, and know that I am fighting for your freedom and sovereignty.  I love you very dearly."

The FBI also appears to allege that my life is endangered through an intended law enforcement raid to occur sometime between now and tomorrow afternoon, though of course that time could be extended.  What are the alleged accusations?  The FBI is repeatedly mentioning false espionage allegations including industrial espionage, false allegations of domestic terrorism or other terrorism, or false allegations of serial killing through blame misdirected from the Pxxxxx Program onto xxx or me (or one of our sons).  These are extreme allegations.  I do not believe they could, for five minutes, hold up in a courtroom.  But the FBI appears to allege that the actual intention is to take my life during a law enforcement raid at our. home with a forced "ramming" entry at the door.  According to this assertion, the point of such an endeavor would simply be to shoot an FBI whistleblower whose assets are reported to be quite high due to the awards and penalties extended in my name by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.

As a result of these awards, my stalker xxxxxxx xxxx appears to invite me to divorce my husband and marry him instead.  This, after directing the rape of my older son on July 19, 2024 and forcing my younger son to take the lives of two people through a DoD drone warfare program -- under threat of death to himself and his girlfriend.  Truly a memorable offer of marriage.

If the FBI is to be believed, my family members and I are all to be "targeted" due to the fact that the three-letter agencies and their allies within the current administration desire to abscond with all of the funds awarded in my name.

The FBI specifically and repeatedly identifies President Biden as the source of our targeting, appearing to allege profound corruption on his part and that of his staff.  Unfortunately, others are also named by the FBI as wrongful "recipients" of funds.

It seems that Vice President Harris is exempted from these allegations.  Yet, she may not have the power to protect us if President Biden is determined to cause us further harm.  At issue appears to be his close and ongoing relationship with xxxxxxx xxxx, the man who has stalked me with the support of federal programs, including the Pxxxxxx Program, for years.

These men are motivated by money, according to the FBI's assertions, and little else (although it must be said that xxxxxxx xxxx is a truly dangerous man, allegedly motivated by violence, spite and envy).

They desire a big payday, in the FBI's characterizations of this matter, and they are willing to perpetrate first-degree murder myriad times over in order to achieve it.

The FBI appears to have disclosed to me that funds awarded in my name in this matter now total over 1.75 trillion dollars, with falsified reporting, which I must refute if I want to stay alive, ongoing.  Some within the FBI appear willing to provide me with evidence of these awards in order for me to hold the Biden administration to its obligations of transparency and accountability in this matter.

What can I do in order to ensure that mys ons and MG are honorably discharged from all FBI/CIA programs on an immediate basis, that their health is restored to them, that the FOIA reports and investigative reports are provided to me, that my husband's health is cared for -- and eventually my own?  What can I do to ensure that the air within our residence is returned to healthful standards right away, so that no further damage to our lungs is perpetrated?  What can I do to ensure that I have advocacy through a high-level attorney regarding my records, our safety needs, and confidentiality needs of the government?

Do I need to change political parties in the hope of receiving honorable and ethical treatment?  Perhaps I need to contact my local chapter of another political party to request intervention at higher levels?  Or perhaps there are others to whom I should be appealing in a different political party?

Yesterday, the FBI appeared to allege that Hakeem Jeffries stood in support of my honor and my human rights.  If so, I wish there were some way other than this to express how much that ethical and principled stance means to me.  This integrity stands as the foundation of our democracy.  We cannot do without it.

I will be placing this documentation on my blog in order to attempt to ensure transparency and accountability in this matter.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

Lane MacWilliams

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