My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Vice President Harris, I Am Counting on You

 OIG Hotline, this is to document renewed threats from the FBI of agency arson causing a fire originating with my boat Anodyne, in dry dock.  Allegedly, Patti Parker of Parker's Boatyard knows of this plan.  This agency scheme is intended to cause  extensive damage to the Boatyard and other boats, insurance cancellation, and lawsuits intended by the FBI to be impoverishing.

Next, the FBI alleges that it is directing Varun Anand, owner of, a PMP preparation company, to sue me on the basis of a set-up the CIA is reported to have engineered.  The CIA, with Mr. Anand's full knowledge and participation, arranged for the hacking of my online exams.  Later, when I photographed exam questions in order to gain equal access to the educational material for which I had paid in advance, the CIA allegedly paid contractors to wrongfully appropriate the PMP questions from my iPhone or computer with the intent of disseminating them to prompt a lawsuit by Mr. Anand, who is to be paid for the undue harassament of my family.

It currently appears that my email to your Office and the ODNI regarding these threats earlier today may have been deleted from my gmail account, although right now, I'm too exhausted to search as thoroughly as I would wish.

In addition to these threats, the FBI is very specifically recommending that I sleep while wearing a helmet, because Army Rangers and/or Texas Rangers have been allegedly deployed to my property as part of a JSOC team.  The FBI also appears to allege that AirForce Hotshots have been directed as part of a JSOC team to set fire to my property.

I wish I could disclose the falsified reporting which is supporting the perpetration of such threatened crimes, but I have no idea.

Brandan Pesa, my stalker, appears to claim that he and President Biden have a "special relationship," and that he can kill me at any time he so desires.  He appears to claim that President Biden is fearful over potential damage to his legacy regarding the manner in which my family and I have suffered at his hands and therefore, so Brandan Pesa alleges, President Biden has authorized the murders of my whole family.

I must hope that this is pure disinformation from the far right, a ploy designed to cause fear, despair, and panic -- a type of defeat on which Brandan Pesa appears to thrive.

Does Kamala Harris support us?  And can she marshal the necessary support from Congress to ensure that our lives will be defended?  That the reports will come to us?  That we will be respected and honored appropriately, instead of preyed upon further by the FBI and the CIA?

I have asked for her support.  I hope it will be demonstrated in the decision of the White House to immediately disqualify all falsified law enforcement reporting concerning my husband and myself, and to ensure the safety of all of us.

God knows we are virtuous.

The White House should be proclaiming that virtue from the rooftops instead of taking direction from a the self-described serial killer of the four Moscow, Idaho students, sleeping in their beds.

Is this the type of person we really want controlling our elected officials, our public policy, our healthcare, our freedom?

We can do much better, good people.

Vice President Harris, I respectfully request your immediate intervention in directing the disqualification of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting against my family members and myself.

We need the reports and we need them immediately.

The threats to our lives are only increasing with every day's delay.

I am counting on you.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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