4:38 PM December 31, 2024
OIG Hotline, the FBI appears to allege that it plans to announce a "major investigation" of "Russian espionage" relating to my case based on falsified evidence that is entirely AI-generated in combination with knowingly false statements from my sons and MX.
It seems that the FBI coerced escalating witness statements from my sons and MX by exposing them to a dangerous virus, according to the agency, and then explaining that they would be killed as a threat to the public unless they consented to sign their names to yet more outrageous accusations against my family.
I have been facing sniping threats all day, and this is simply unsustainable.
My attempts to contact a disability attorney in order to protect the life of my older son have been blocked in a manner the FBI appears to classify as "obstruction of justice." So the agency certainly knows the crimes of which it is guilty. That's a small mercy under the circumstances.
What is the fundamental problem here?
The problem seems to be that the President authorized a concealed class action proceeding to be heard by the Supreme Court, with myself as the lead plaintiff.
My invocation of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23, which, at least according to the FBI, appears to have been upheld by the Highest Court, has not resulted in any outreach to me whatsoever. And this obstruction has presumably been perpetrated by the White House, which has continued to aggressively engage in knowingly falsified reporting against my whole family with the apparent determination to take our lives on the basis of those lies.
My family will likely perish without dedicated legal advocacy that involves a two-way dialogue at this point.
I am forwarding to the attention of the OIG Hotline my four letters to disability attorneys, and I will be extending permissions to your Office to contact all of them to assess recent communications from the FBI and/or others.
I am being deprived of my Constitutional right to representation in the defense of my family members at this point.
I would appreciate the OIG Hotline's efforts to establish the obstruction of justice that the FBI claims has occurred regarding this outreach on my part, in addition to your Office's request that the Supreme Court punish the FBI for its repeated deprivation of my rights and those of my family members.
We need lawful and honorable outreach from the ACLU, the SPLC, disability attorneys, and any and all others who would like to help us survive this ordeal.
Fundamentally, I cannot defend my loved ones through concealed proceedings. Nor can I defend anyone else.
That's the reason for the Constitutional provisions that allow Americans to know who is accusing them, what are the charges, and what is the purported evidence as they mount a vigorous defense.
Our founding documents were intended to prevent exactly this kind of systemic abuse of the honorable public.
And I believe President Biden should be sharply rebuked for his allegedly repeated and aggressive attempts to harm my family members and myself out of an apparent desire to avoid accountability for his acts regarding this matter.
If I am contacted by an attorney, I will be allowed to have a conversation that is shielded by attorney/client privilege.
However, if President Biden is determined to prevent my access to advocacy for my son as a Constitutional right, I have no alternative but to expose his crimes to the wider public.
The FBI believes that those crimes include the following: defrauding the U.S. government, committing election fraud, committing forgeries, and engaging in a conspiracy against rights.
While I do not have direct proofs of any of those crimes, I certainly do feel entirely deprived of my civil liberties and human rights by the leadership of this administration. Beyond this, I believe my family members and MX have suffered horrific abuse at the determination of President Biden. And even now, this President appears to be acting with impunity in depriving me of legal representation on behalf of my older son.
So, I cannot be sanguine about these acts.
Nor can I be complacent about the FBI's assertion that President Biden intends to authorize the agency to make yet more false claims concerning some fictitious "espionage" exploits of which neither I nor my husband have ever heard.
These men need to be told to halt their criminality toward us altogether, to allow outreach from attorneys in compliance with FRCP 23 and my son's current need for advocacy, and to take a humble, apologetic, and restorative approach to the forward course of this case.
If humility, remorse, and restoration are impossible goals for President Biden and his affiliates within the FBI, he is certainly capable of hiring an attorney with a high degree of emotional intelligence who can grasp the communications that are necessary.
The humanitarian requirements of this White House toward my family are obvious. The manner in which it is consistently falling short is appalling.
I have made clear what needs to transpire at this point, and it is not further first-degree murder attempts by a confused and fearful President.
It is lawful and honorable outreach from attorneys who can address the myriad concerns we now possess.
Let's stop signaling that this kind of abject failure of governance on the part of the Commander in Chief is acceptable. It's not.
If the President doesn't know how to proceed, I certainly do.
If we rely on my integrity and character, we will be fine. So let's treat my honor as the standard, and not that of our current President.
I will appreciate your vigorous advocacy regarding these current circumstances.
May our New Year be one that rejects the human rights abuses in which President Biden appears to have so freely engaged against my family. We're capable of much better conduct, and those higher principles will be most welcomed by me and everyone I care about.
Most respectfully,
Lane MacWilliams
P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.