1. You wrote to the Falmouth Police Department and the Barnstable County District Attorney today to ask for a check on your property in Woods Hole. Was there a particular reason for that decision?
Answer: Yes. I have been receiving threats from the FBI of the agency's having maliciously flooded the property, along with threats of the placement of wrongful evidence of Pxxxxxx Program crimes inside my family home and on my property itself. Now, with a new administration in the White House, it is time to ascertain what mischief the FBI has actually perpetrated.
2. Do you think the FBI has actually committed one or both of the crimes they have threatened to you?
Answer: You know, the threats have been highly specific and they have been repeated over time. So I think the likelihood of malfeasance by the FBI is quite substantive.
3. What will happen if you now catch the FBI in one or both of these crimes of harming your property?
Answer: Well, the agency will be in an enormous amount of trouble. The Biden administration will need to answer for itself with regard to having approved appalling harms, and beyond this, there will be a need for the immediate involvement of attorneys to resolve this matter.
4. What are the chances that the FBI perpetrated similar crimes on your 3.5 acre property in Portola Valley?
Answer: They're not low. The FBI has repeatedly alleged that it has engineered flooding of our back field so as to cause a landslide, and the agency has also appeared to allege placing wrongful evidence of Pxxxxxx Program crimes on our land here, much of which is wooded.
5. Yet your perspective is that you will not be tolerating any more such outrageous attempts to falsely accuse your family or yourself.
Answer: I will not. The FBI is one hundred percent in the wrong in this matter. This is not a joke to the agency. This is a full-out attempt to impoverish, imprison, and murder a virtuous whistleblower. And it must be understood in that context.
6. I imagine that you certainly hope that President Trump will stand in your defense vis a vis these agency crimes.
Answer: Yes, I do. President Trump spoke about the sovereignty of Americans yesterday at his Inauguration ceremony, and he also spoke about the betrayal of the American people by the Biden administration. So, I hope that he is sincere in standing in rigorous defense of my family at this time, and in allowing us to discover exactly what crimes President Biden may have authorized on my family's properties.
7. Isn't there a risk, if you are close to discovering physical harms to your family home, that the FBI will endeavor to stage a wrongful law enforcement raid on your California home with a violent intent? The agency could extend false "espionage" charges, false "terrorism" charges, or false charges of capital crimes to persuade a judge to extend a warrant of some kind, couldn't it?
Answer: Yes, this would be in line with the agency's history of aggressing when caught.
8. What is your best defense?
Answer: This interview. The agency hates to be exposed to the public for its crimes. The truth is kryptonite to Counterintelligence. The whole department just shrieks to be discovered as perpetrating the worst of its acts.
9. You know the culture of the agency quite well by now.
Answer: Oh, yes, I've learned a great deal about the institutional culture of the FBI.
10. Why is the FBI currently trying to blame the incoming administration for their own wrongs?
Answer: It's likely that segments of the FBI are endeavoring to shield President Biden from accountability for his crimes against my family and the American people as a whole. They know that President Trump may appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate this matter in detail. So they are trying their usual gambit of "disrupt, discredit and divide."
11. Yet, you believe in President Trump regarding this matter.
Answer: I do, yes. I believe in his courage, his strength, his insistence, his insight, and his common sense.
12. Five qualities that matter immensely.
Answer: Quite so. I think President Trump knows that the FBI needs ultimately to answer to him, not the other way around. He's not going to abdicate that oversight. He's going to take charge as rapidly as he can.
13. And what's your response to that initiative, please?
Answer: Thank God. The agency has had no checks and balances at all. I believe President Trump can rein it in forcefully, which is desperately needed.
14. Will you hear back from the Falmouth Police Department regarding this matter?
Answer: I am confident that I will. If not, then it's clear the FBI is suppressing that necessary response and doing so for a reason.
15. You asked the Police Department to recommend a bloodhound service to check your whole property. Will you be doing the same thing at your property in Portola Valley?
Answer: Yes, I will. I don't want these appalling threats to be outstanding, so I'm going to be quite assertive in ascertaining whether there is any cause for concern. If the FBI has in fact committed serious crimes at our properties, then that will be a matter for attorneys to address on an immediate basis.
16. Does this issue pertain to free speech, as President Trump referred to it yesterday?
Answer: It does, because these threats are retaliatory to my having exposed previous wrongs on the part of the FBI. And it also pertains to Americans' right to own private property.
17. Yet, you have said clearly that you cannot disclose everything that you have learned about the FBI's initiatives.
Answer: It's simply not possible to disclose every initiative due to security concerns. But fundamental Constitutional issues such as free speech and the right to own private property, yes, absolutely, these should be front and center.
18. You believe in President Trump's commitment to these issues.
Answer: I do. Wholeheartedly.
19. Do you believe the American people should learn of his commitment to their fundamental freedoms?
Answer: Oh, yes. In contrast to the previous administration, President Trump's defense of Americans' civil liberties is likely to emerge as exceptional. And again, President Trump has discussed the importance of sovereignty for Americans, which presents a historic opportunity to secure mankind's freedoms in the future. This is pivotal to the entire future course of human civilization, because without this leadership, self-determination will be lost at this juncture. With President Trump's leadership, we have a genuine possibility of rescue of the liberties that will preserve the best of human society, and further, allow us to grow stronger.
20. President Biden gave rousing speeches about democracy, but may have profoundly undermined it behind closed doors; President Trump gave a moving inauguration speech on the freedom of Americans, and may be the salvation of human sovereignty. How would you compare them?
Answer: President Trump may possess, paradoxically, the more powerful leadership style that rescues our freedoms. In other words, the preservation of the freedoms that guarantee our quality of life may require the exercise of sheer power, not the duplicity and hypocrisy Americans were being served for the last four years.
21. Will you please keep us up to date on new developments regarding your family's well-being and your property concerns?
Answer: Most certainly.
Lane MacWilliams
P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.