1. What are your feelings about the sovereignty violations that have been committed against your sons and MX?
Answer: These constitute human rights violations of the highest order. There is no prior weapons system that the United States or any other nation has developed that is as dangerous to our future or as destructive to the potential of the human race.
2. One of these systems was initiated under an American President approximately twenty years ago. What do you believe the thinking was at that time?
Answer: You know, there was immense hubris and arrogance involved. There was the assumption that absolute power could be wielded justly by a single leader -- and this is never the case. But individuals always have a tendency to believe that absolute power, extended by them as opposed to others, can be wielded to beneficial ends.
3. To be clear, this weapons system involves a form of mind control that the individual -- not knowing he or she has been affected -- cannot combat.
Answer: That is correct. There may be an awareness of an alternate force of will, but not an ability to overcome it. After uncharacteristic and even unlawful acts that do not represent the individual's desires, the individual cannot explain his or her choices. The boundaries of personality and integrity appear to have dissolved, and the individual cannot say why.
4. Are there limits with regard to who might be the target of such an assault?
Answer: Absolutely none.
5. The leader of the free world could be co-opted.
Answer: One hundred percent.
6. This particular "weapons system," as you refer to it, was developed with the assistance of others. You have said that you believe there was tremendous naivete about that decision to collaborate.
Answer: That is correct. No one thought through the potential for the modality to result in the enslavement of the entire human race.
7. Is that possibility realistic?
Answer: It is.
8. How many of these "systems" are in deployment at the current time, according to the DoD?
Answer: The DoD indicates that the numbers are at least 10 million within the United States at the current time.
9. Does that mean that at least 10 million people could currently be affected?
Answer: Yes, it does.
10. So when the FBI threatens to direct your older son, through CIA intermediaries, to accept a package containing an unlawful item he doesn't want at some time today in the context of his attendance at a counseling program, you have no assurance that your son has the ability to refuse.
Answer: Not only that, I have the assurance that he cannot refuse.
11. Is the DoD really in charge of these criminal deployments and criminal directives? Is the CIA really in charge of these crimes? Who is driving this?
Answer: These are important questions, truly, and at this point, I am not convinced that these deployments are all being originated by actors within the United States military/intelligence apparatus or at the desire of the United States government.
12. Can you elaborate, please?
Answer: There seems to be a dynamic in which the government itself feels that it has been taken hostage to the will of other individuals who do not wish us well.
13. Did our government collaborate with an enemy to develop a weapons system which is now being deployed against our own people in significant numbers?
Answer: The evidence seems to be that it did, yes.
14. To return to your son for a moment, what is the objective? After his handler directs him to accept a package he doesn't want, is there the intention to spark an encounter with law enforcement that would be fatal to him?
Answer: Well, this has been threatened many times in the context of a chokehold, an "accidental shooting," or a ketamine overdose. The FBI could direct any of these events.
15. Why is the FBI so frightened of your sons and MX at this point?
Answer: There is great fear over my sons and MX because of the truth they can reveal about the government's atrocities against the honorable American public.
16. The FBI has apparently been threatening that the White House has ordered the death of your younger son as well. Is that the case?
Answer: Yes, it appears to be.
17. Is this for the same reason? That the government might be held accountable for atrocities against your sons and MX?
Answer: Yes.
18. May I ask who you voted for in the last Presidential election?
Answer: I voted for President Trump, and I faced a sniper on the roadway for the privilege of doing so.
19. You are a registered Democrat. Why did you vote for President Trump, and why were you facing a sniper on the roadway?
Answer: The FBI alleges that the sniper was ordered by President Biden, so that appears to be consistent with the President's previous conduct toward my family.
And I voted for President Trump because I hoped, as I still hope, that he would protect my family from a murderous President Biden.
20. To what extent is organized crime figure Bxxxxxx Pxxx really driving the crimes against your family?
Answer: I think that influence and control are lamentable and profound.
21. After knowing the harms this man has ordered to be committed against your family, do you support his pardon?
Answer: I absolutely do not.
22. He has deprived you of every human right that matters, deprived your family of the right to their health, their sovereignty, their happiness, their very lives.
Answer: Yes, he has.
23. And most recently, he has deprived you of representation through any attorney whatsoever.
Answer: That is correct.
24. Did this man murder the Moscow, Idaho students, as well as preying upon your family in unforgivable ways over the course of years?
Answer: According to the FBI, he did.
25. And is he now directing your sons to lie about your husband, with the intent of wrongfully justifying a law enforcement raid on your property?
Answer: This is what the FBI alleges, yes.
26. And to be clear, your sons no longer have sovereignty. So they cannot refuse these demands for false witness statements.
Answer: No, they cannot.
27. When Bxxxxxx Pxxx appears to order the CIA to aggregate AI-generated false reporting about your family, what does this mean?
Answer: Again, this would be the creation and aggregation of false "evidence" pertaining to the "big three": espionage, terrorism, and capital crimes -- and often there are false child abuse or child endangerment allegations thrown into the mix.
28. Why this last element?
Answer: Because it's a very quick way to foment hatred against an innocent "target of interest."
29. Bxxxxxx Pxxx has brought up QAnon once more recently. Why do you think that is?
Answer: For the simple reason that QAnon is a creation of the three-letter agencies, and mass arrests have been planned that are associated with false child abuse allegations.
30. Will AI-generated films, audio, still photos and communications be utilized to justify those arrests?
Answer: Oh, yes. The whole nine yards.
31. And will that likely represent the commencement of the mass atrocities you have mentioned?
Answer: It's entirely possible. Once the society understands the fact that mass arrests are taking place on the basis of false evidence, people will become very afraid.
32. And what will happen to those arrested for spurious QAnon offenses?
Answer: They will be taken to detention centers from which they will not return.
After that, there will be other arrests for other reasons. There will be a new pandemic. There will be large numbers of people whose foundational health is suddenly destroyed for no apparent reason and who die upon hospitalization.
At some point, there will be sufficient societal chaos that we'll see martial law introduced. Then the suffering will really begin for large swaths of the population.
33. Were demographers involved in the inception and development of the "target of interest" program?
Answer: They were, yes.
34. Is there a depopulation agenda that we're looking at regarding the sequence of events you have described?
Answer: Yes, there is. And the reason for this is that we have reached a crisis point with the climate, and the government has been entirely too cowardly to admit it.
35. So this is seen as an existential problem, and the government is planning to commit mass atrocities against the public as a result?
Answer: That is correct.
36. What can we do about this in the short term?
Answer: Not much. We're going to sustain enormous losses. That's why I've been attempting to focus on the long term sovereignty of mankind, in the hope a difference can be made there.
37. At the beginning of this piece, you mentioned one DoD deployment that overtakes human will. But there is another deployment that has profound effects on human will as well, and this one originated in China. Is that correct?
Answer: Yes, it is.
38. Is the FBI collaborating with China to harm "targeted" American citizens through that modality?
Answer: Yes, it is.
39. Did President Biden arrange for the sale of more than 7 million names of honorable Americans to the FBI for experimental harms that constitute a death sentence through the deployment of certain aspects of China's technical knowledge?
Answer: Yes, he did.
40. Does this particular form of assault manifest profound changes in human behavior?
Answer: Yes, it does.
41. Does it violate the bounds of human sovereignty?
Answer: Yes, it does.
42. Does President Biden's act constitute a human atrocity?
Answer: Times seven million people. Yes, it does.
43. Is the President hoping to murder your whole family to keep that atrocity quiet?
Answer: The FBI appears to believe so, yes.
44. And is he using false reporting about all of you to manifest those intended harms?
Answer: This appears to be quite clear.
45. Is President Biden treating the American people with contempt?
Answer: Murderous contempt. Yes. There is no question about this.
46. You don't think President Biden, Tom Lyons, or Bxxxxxx Pxxx deserve a free pass to murder with impunity.
Answer: No, no, and no.
47. Has anyone offered to restore your family's foundational health or your own?
Answer: The FBI appears to be offering to restore our health in return for all of the settlements and penalties awarded to "targets of interest" in my name under the auspices of the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.
48. How generous. The FBI claims it just conveyed leishmaniasis to you. Was this intended to be motivating?
Answer: Oh, I'm certain it was.
49. What about the Echinococcus multilocularis and the Ophidascaris robertsi? Were these diseases meant to motivate you to relinquish all settlements and penalties intended for virtuous "targets of interest"?
Answer: Oh, yes. No doubt about the damage perpetrated by the FBI's horrific panoply of harms.
50. Has anyone reached out to you through FRCP 23?
Answer: No. This hasn't happened.
51. Has the FBI now been held in contempt by the Supreme Court over this issue?
Answer: I would be shocked if it had not.
52. You have delineated predations by President Biden's administration that have involved the overthrow of the sovereign will of your sons and MX.
Answer: Yes, I have.
53. And you have delineated extensive harms to your family's health, perpetrated by the FBI, with the authorization of the President, which no one has offered to remedy except through the most reprehensible form of blackmail.
Answer: That appears to be correct.
54. What would the American public have to say about the FBI's conduct in this case? What would the American public have to say about President Biden's choices in this matter, or Bxxxxxx Pxxx's?
Answer: What, indeed? Are we being led by worthy people? By public servants? By individuals who exhibit any concern for others whatsoever?
Or are we being led by slanderers, defamers, blackmailers, thieves and murderers?
55. One additional question, please. What is the DoD's assessment of the number of people who, living relatively simply, can live in climate balance given our current energy technologies?
Answer: 3 billion people or less.
56. Thank you very much.
Answer: You are quite welcome.
Lane MacWilliams
P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.
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