June 27, 2024
1. Do you have any thoughts with regard to the conviction of the President's son regarding weapons related charges two days ago?
Answer: I was extremely concerned about the decision to prosecute in the first place. This sort of crime is not normally tried, especially when a person has recovered from addiction and no longer possesses the weapon. There clearly was a specific targeting. And I will simply state that I can't count the number of times the FBI has threatened to have one or both of my own sons arrested.
2. On what basis, please?
Answer: On the basis of directives the FBI instructed my sons to take under threat of death. I don't know what those directives were. But I know they were specifically designed to give the FBI leverage over our whole family.
3. Do you feel the FBI specifically targeted the President's son?
Answer: I do, yes. And I'm sure the circumstances were not identical to that of my own family, but I would guess that the targeting was both sophisticated and prolonged. And I think that is unacceptable in every measure.
4. Why do you feel so strongly about this?
Answer: The FBI should not be holding members of the President's family captive to the agency's whims. We all need to be deeply concerned as Americans when the far right has targeted the President's family in this manner.
5. Does the FBI have ambitions to control the White House?
Answer: The FBI would like to control the whole world, so by definition, yes.
6. Will you be watching the debate tonight?
Answer: The FBI appears to have cut off my cable and internet, astonishingly. I would hope to have had my access restored by that time. But I cannot leave my documents within my home unattended in order to view the debate elsewhere.
7. What is the reason for your concern over the documents?
Answer: They represent years of work on behalf of the democracy, and the FBI would appropriate them at the first opportunity.
8. You're suggesting that FBI affiliates would break into your house?
Answer: I am.
9. Has this happened before?
Answer: The last time I left the house for a prolonged period of time, there was an hour and twenty minutes of surveillance video missing on my return. So, it must be assumed that there was entry to my residence.
10. Would you be distressed to miss the debate because the FBI had cut off your access to cable and internet?
Answer: Very.
11. For what reason?
Answer: A participatory democracy means that the electorate is paying attention to the priorities of our leaders and attending closely to their hopes and initiatives for the nation. The FBI serves no national security interest by separating law-abiding American citizens from that access.
12. Are you able to receive calls to your cell phone when your internet and cable are shut off?
Answer: I am not. Our cell coverage is insufficient for phone calls.
13. So the FBI's actions have truly left you incommunicado.
Answer: There's a great deal of vulnerability within the cessation of communication links. I have only been able to post here with the support of my husband.
14. If you are unable to watch the debate in real time, how will you view it?
Answer: I will gain access afterwards and view the entire debate. But I would like to see this exchange in real time.
15. Are there communications which are time-sensitive for you?
Answer: I may need to call a utility company today.
16. If you need to leave the house to make the call to a utility, will you take your documents with you so that you can ensure their safety?
Answer: Without question. But the only reason I would take them with me would be to place a call to PG&E. Afterwards, I would immediately return home with them and place them back inside.
17. Would you be risking your life to place such a call? Would the FBI target you through a sniping assault by falsely arguing that you were attempting to disseminate information?
Answer: That's highly possible.
18. Might they have cut off your communications in anticipating that possibility?
Answer: Absolutely. They could even have falsified online text or email communications to align with such a falsehood.
19. So, how can you protect yourself?
Answer: I would hope this dialogue would, in and of itself, be protective to a degree.
20. The FBI has appeared to indicate that the FOIA reports and investigative reports may be on the way to you.
Answer: This appears to be the agency's assertion, in which case I greatly appreciate the choice of the President, alongside the actions of the ODNI and the OIG Hotline, in making that possible.
21. Your request for the reports is now based on their relevancy to a capital trial unfolding in the state of Idaho. Is that correct?
Answer: It is correct, yes.
22. Will you let us know whether the reports arrive?
Answer: I may be encouraged to address the reports in a confidential context when the reports first arrive. A great deal depends on their specific content.
23. Would you expect to have contact from Washington, D.C. following the reports' arrival?
Answer: I would. Yes.
24. Have you had contact or communication with anyone other than your husband over the last several days?
Answer: I have not. I texted my sons over the weekend, and those communications were conveyed to the OIG Hotline. But that is all.
25. You have remained at home over the last several days?
Answer: For the last several days and for quite a lot longer.
26. Have you engaged in email communications with anyone over the last several days?
Answer: I emailed three executives at the Bank of America, and I requested that my husband print that communication. Other than that, all of my emails have been sent to the attention of the OIG Hotline.
27. You have not been forwarding audio files to the OIG Hotline over the last several days. Is there a reason for that choice?
Answer: First, we have no internet, so uploads are not possible. But second, my Jumpshare account was hacked, and simultaneously, I received threats from the FBI that the agency was utilizing AI-generated audio to falsify sound files that I was preparing to send to the OIG Hotline. I still have the original files, which are quite unremarkable. But if I were to send a file that the FBI falsified, my family and I would be vulnerable to immediate attack.
28. Your lives could be immediately endangered by falsified law enforcement reporting of this nature.
Answer: Yes, they could.
29. You have maintained the unaltered files for the OIG Hotline upon request.
Answer: Yes, I have.
30. Have all of your actions been lawful and honorable over the entire period of your communication with the OIG Hotline and prior?
Answer: Yes, they have.
31. Have all of your husband's actions been lawful and honorable over the entire period of your communication with the OIG Hotline and prior?
Answer: Yes, they have.
32. Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?
Answer: I do.
Lane MacWilliams
June 26, 2024
OIG Hotline, this is to request that President Biden intervene as soon as he is able to prevent the FBI and its affiliates from continuing to deploy sniping-capable robotic devices at my home. Certainly, it would be best if these devices were promptly removed from our property. This withdrawal would be greatly appreciated, given the circumstances that the FBI has engaged in habitual lying with regard to my case and that of my family members.
The United States is not one more totalitarian nation that murders its honorable and courageous whistleblowers, in the same way that Russia took the life of Navalny.
That's why I feel confident that President Biden, in supporting democracy and the rule of law, as he often expresses to the public, will support the civil liberties and human rights of this honorable American whistleblower, and all her family members as well.
In defending the safety of this whistleblower and her family on an immediate basis, President Biden will demonstrate his belief in our democracy, our individual freedoms set forth by the Constitution, and our national sovereignty as critical to Americans' our potential.
I would respectfully request that my Wifi coverage be restored and that recent knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting perpetrated by the FBI be disallowed in its entirety, please.
No American whistleblower should suffer predation by the FBI. When it happens, we turn to our Commander in Chief to halt its progress.
I now await that act of leadership, and I am confident it will find prompt expression given President Biden's fortitude in defending our freedoms.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
June 26, 2024
OIG Hotline, my communications to your Office are being impeded by obstructed Wifi at my residence at this time. My husband is assisting me by driving to a location with Wifi once within each 24-hour period.
The following emails were sent to your Office's attention recently within lanemacwilliams@gmail.com, lmacwilliams77419@gmail.com and lmacwilliams7417@gmail.com:
- ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and Concerned Others Re: FBI Threats of Gas Explosion at 45 Vista Verde Way, sent on June 26, 2024 after 9:00 PM
- ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and Concerned Others Re Apparent FBI Confession of Forged Documents Intended to Support Knowingly False Allegations Connected to Phoenix Program Crimes, sent on June 26, 2024 after 9:00 PM
- ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Notes to Myself, June 26, 2024, sent on June 26, 2024 after 9:00 PM
- ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Photos at 45 Vista Verde Way, June 25, 2024, Parts 1-9, sent on June 26, 2024 after 9:00 PM
- ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Photos at 45 Vista Verde Way, June 26 2024, Parts 1- , sent on June 26, 2024 after 9:00 PM
Please note that, due to ongoing Wifi disruption at our residence, my husband is posting this update from the nearest Wifi connection available to him.
I remain very grateful for his assistance, as I have been under sniping threat within my own home for the entire day.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
June 25, 2024
1. You have extended to the ODNI a request for your FOIA materials and investigative materials as a necessity given their pertinence to a capital trial currently unfolding in the state of Idaho. Will that request now be honored as a requirement under the law? An ethical mandate? Do you have any indication?
Answer: I do think that ethics require the provision of these materials given the fact that a young man, wrongfully accused, is facing the death penalty.
2. Is there a time limit on the provision of these materials?
Answer: I think the materials need to be provided on an immediate basis.
3. If President Biden supports the rule of law in the defense of the accused in the Idaho trial, will the reports be provided to you on an immediate basis?
Answer: They will.
4. You are insistent that the accused not be forgotten or sacrificed to other concerns within the government.
Answer: Democracy requires exactly this form of insistence. We need to powerfully defend the rights of those who seem to have been deprived of all larger advocacy by the society. If we fail to come to one another's ready defense in ensuring that all the facts in a capital trial are known, then we abandon the possibility of a sovereign nation of sovereign citizens -- and not only for ourselves but for future generations.
5. In accordance with your insistence in this matter, are you expecting your FOIA reports and investigative reports right away?
Answer: Right away.
6. You do not believe that further delays are justifiable for any reason.
Answer: No, they are not.
7. Will you be watching the debate on Thursday night?
Answer: With avid interest.
8. Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this forum.
Lane MacWilliams