My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

President Biden's Answer

 1.  The FBI's latest threats to you pertain to brain injury.  Further it is alleged that the FBI intends to cause you and/or your loved ones substantive brain injury tonight, June 18-19, 2024.

Answer:  That's true.  This is the threat that has been extended to me.

2.  How does the FBI intend to perpetrate this brain injury?

Answer:  The FBI typically assails law-abiding Americans while they are sleeping with the use of Directed Energy Devices about which the public knows almost nothing.  The State Department knows all about this in the context of "Havana Syndrome," and so does the White House.  What is not known by the public is that the far right within the FBI and the CIA is responsible for perpetrating these human atrocities.  

3.  Are these atrocities committed as a far right Republican initiative exclusively?

Answer:  Unfortunately, no.  Both political sides appear to be utilizing these harms, although the right is certainly using them more often and more aggressively.  

4.  What is the rationale for this?

Answer:  Regrettably, the government desires to retain the means to silence certain members of the law-abiding electorate.  These are totalitarian tools, and the fact that they're being utilized by everybody should tell you something very concerning about the state of our democracy.

5.  The FBI is also threatening to have a close family member fired from his employment through the perpetration of a forced job loss.

Answer:  Yes, these threats, too, in addition to ongoing threats of arson and many other harms, have been extended to me on a daily basis by the FBI.

6.  Do these stratagems of harm also represent totalitarian tools being utilized by both sides of the political spectrum?

Answer:  Sadly, they do.  

7.  What other kinds of totalitarian tools do you see being wrongfully deployed?

Answer:  Everything from IRS audit to intentional disease dissemination.  Certain individuals are currently extremely confused about what real leadership looks like and how to manifest it in ways that are worthy of the American people.

8.  Do you believe you will be receiving your FOIA reports and the associated investigative reports by June 24, 2024?

Answer:  If the President is placing the democracy and the rule of law above his self-interest, I will receive them by June 24, 2024, and I will be in identical health to that I possess today, June 18, 2024, as will my loved ones.

9.  If you don't receive these critical materials, in accordance with the law and the FOIA statute, by Monday, June 24, 2024, what will you do?

Answer: I'm not going to telegraph my possible recourse through this forum.  But, as anyone would whose life has been under continuous threat, and whose loved ones' lives have been under continuous threat by a corrupt FBI, all the while materials due to me under the law have been withheld, I will be forced to consider whether others might offer us a measure of justice and safety over the long term regarding this matter.  The OIG Hotline continues to be heroic in their defense of my family.  But this Office cannot offer us this protection forever.  We need additional support as well in providing all of us with respite and solidarity.

10.  From the President?

Answer:  From the President.

11.  Hasn't he said that he supports the provision of the reports to you?

Answer:  Yes, and this is his opportunity to ensure fulfillment of that commitment -- to me, to Congress, and to the American electorate.

12.  There are no conceivable excuses for further delay of the reports?

Answer:  None.

13.  And all of these materials are due to you by law due to the fact that they pertain to a capital trial in the state of Idaho, isn't that right?

Answer:  That is correct.  In allowing the provision of all materials to me, President Biden will be upholding the requirements of the law.  

14.  A young man is facing the death penalty in the absence of the provision of these materials.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.  And this situation is the reason for the law requiring broad disclosures in the case of capital trials.  In this case, the court proceedings are sealed; but as in every capital trial, there's a very, very good reason why everyone needs to be assisting the judge and jury in the objective establishment of the facts.

15.  And that means your FOIA reports and the investigative reports must be provided to you, not that they may.

Answer:  Exactly so.  The law requires that they be provided to me. 

16.  Will President Biden support the conveyance of the reports right away, and support your good health and that of your loved ones in the process?

Answer:  Does he have the ability to stand well above the FBI in his role as Commander in Chief, in other words?

17.  Does he?

Answer:  Our democracy depends on the answer, so all of us need to hope that he will demonstrate that fortitude.

18.  Will you let us know?

Answer:  Absolutely. I will.

19.  In the meantime, is there anyone whose efforts you would wish to recognize?

Answer:  The OIG Hotline, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Honorable Avril Haines, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. I extend my thanks to all of these good people for striving to make the matter of the FBI's perpetration of falsified law enforcement reporting publicly known.  

And I appreciate President Biden's verbal commitment to release the reports through the OIG Hotline on an immediate basis.

20. Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer. I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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