My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx is the Murderer of Four Innocent College Students in Moscow Idaho in November of 2022

This blog post was originally posted without redactions on June 20, 2024.  Further, it was emailed, also without redactions, to, and on June 20, 2024 at 6:21 PM.

The redacted version of this content, appearing below, was emailed, with redactions, to, and today, June 22, 2024 at 3:11 PM.


This is my declaration regarding the true perpetrator, as he appeared to confess his crimes to me, of the murders of four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho in November of 2022.  

xxxxxxx xxxx, a leading member of Russian-affiliated organized crime, a close FBI affiliate, and a reported "friend" of President Biden, alleged to me that he murdered Ethan Chapin, 20, Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Madison Mogen, 21 in a residence in Moscow, Idaho on November 13, 2024.

I documented the details of his apparent confession for the Office of the Inspector General Hotline of the U.S. Department of Justice shortly afterwards, with a request that they proceed in the manner they felt most appropriate under the circumstances.

Recently, I communicated to the Kootenai County Pubic Defender Anne Taylor to tell her that I had information relevant to the prosecution of her client, Bryan Kohberger, and I requested my FOIA reports and the investigative reports associated with them on the basis of the capital trial currently unfolding in the state of Idaho.

It seemed, at least until today, that President Biden was going to uphold the law by fulfilling those requests and by doing so immediately.

But this afternoon, I received an apparent confession from the FBI that President Biden had decided to allow the FBI's knowing defamation impugning my character, integrity and stability.  Along with that, he allegedly intends to invade the settlements and penalties awarded in my name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.

In other words, President Biden allegedly decided, in collusion with the FBI, to wrongfully allow knowingly falsified allegations against my family members and myself in order to take our lives and abscond with the funds.  Once again, I and my family members are facing the unthinkable:  a President willing to authorize first-degree murder at the prospect of financial gain.  Financial gain for himself, financial gain for the Democratic Party, financial gain for his family members and friends, and financial gain for the very FBI personnel and affiliates who have stalked me unjustly for the last seven years with an intent to take my life under the Phoenix Program.  

My primary stalker, xxxxxxx xxxx, is said to have purchased a $40 million yacht with the proceeds of funds directed to him by President Biden.

That's right.  Our President has been rewarding a sadistic serial killer who has terrorized my family for years while this same public official has intentionally withheld my Freedom of Information Act reports and the associated investigative reports conducted by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI leadership, the Honorable Avril Haines.

And all the while, the President has been authorizing the FBI to "neutralize" my family through the Phoenix Program.

Most recently, corrupt FBI agent Tom Lyons, at the instruction of xxxxxxx xxxx, has tortured my sons in return for falsified witness statements which allegedly state that I myself -- or one of my beloved family members -- is a serial killer, too!

Doesn't it just sound like old home week for the serial killers' convention?

Truly, I have never heard of anything so ludicrous in my entire life.

xxxxxxx xxxx has alleged that the FBI has placed physical evidence of capital crimes on my 3 1/2 acre property in Portola Valley and at my family home on Cape Cod!  And he has further alleged that the plan is to take my life through a shooting perpetrated during a violent police raid at my home!  Finally, he has alleged that President Biden, with the lure of billions of dollars in settlements and penalties awarded in my name, has authorized the whole corrupt endeavor!

Astonishing and appalling in equal measure.

I need to express that, at this point, President Joseph R. Biden is the primary reason I have lost faith in my nation.  Perhaps the disappointment is just that much greater when a leader has a kind face and extols the virtues of democracy, only to reveal himself to be a slanderer, a crook, and a murderer underneath the thin veneer.

I would rather have a leader who doesn't wear a mask when he's speaking to the nation.

Donald Trump does not pretend to love democracy.  Frankly, while I may not agree with the sentiment, I can respect the frankness more than President Biden's deceit.  

At least with President Trump, the nation knows it will be voting for autocracy.  There will be fewer surprises with whatever follows.

President Biden's administration has deluged me with loyalty requests as of late.  Am I loyal to President Biden?  Do I pledge to vote for President Biden?  Do I agree with President Biden's assertion that "this election is bigger than any one of us"?  

You know, good people, it is exceptionally difficult to pledge to vote for the man who has been directly responsible as a corrupt Commander-in-Chief for so much of my family's suffering and my own.

So, I'm going to explain something, and I'm going to explain it carefully.  If I don't receive my FOIA reports and the investigative reports related to them by Monday, June 24, 2024, I will be helping President Trump and the Republican Party sweep the White House, the Senate and the House this November.  And after that, I will be helping them to prosecute President Biden for every one of his crimes against my family members and myself.  I will willingly testify against him in the context of any prosecution the Republican Party intends to pursue against him.  I will assist the Republican Party in every way possible in ensuring that President Biden is held to a full and public accounting of his crimes.

What will the public think of his close "friendship" with the murderer of the four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho?

One can only imagine.

Has anyone yet created a meme of these two men clinking champagne glasses on the deck of Mr. xxxx's yacht, purchased with their ill-gotten gains?

That's a sight that would seem to adequately capture the corrupt character of our current President.

And to be clear, I'm not disappointed by the lack of honesty and integrity in President Biden.  I'm horrified by it.

It's not that the man should be out of office.  It's that the man should be serving hard time.

None of the prosecutions against President Trump approaches the avarice, collusion and predation of President Biden's authorization of my murder on the basis of knowingly false accusations (and presumably the deaths of all of my family members who could object to his actions) -- in order for him to abscond with funds awarded in my name by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.  Not even close.

So, I really don't think President Biden should be taunting President Trump as a felon, given the seriousness of the crimes President Biden has planned and authorized in this case.

But for now, I'm putting these men on notice, together with the corrupt FBI which is in their service:

  • Withdraw your false allegations of criminal activity allegedly perpetrated by my family members and myself, and do so immediately.
  • Withdraw your false allegations of psychological instability as a wrongful justification for surveillance, violence, theft of funds awarded in my name, and indefensible harms.
  • Halt all trespass on my properties save for that necessitated by the removal of whatever physical "evidence" of Phoenix Program crimes has been wrongfully placed there.
  • Provide me with my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI affiliated with them, and do so without redaction or omission unacceptable to me by June 24, 2024.
  • Direct a high level attorney to contact me in order to resolve outstanding concerns regarding national security clearances and ongoing concerns regarding the health and safety of my family members, MG and myself.
  • Restore our health on an immediate basis, without attempting to negotiate a payoff for the reversal of harms you yourselves planned and authorized.
  • Halt all threats of arson, lawsuits, audits, plane accident, car accident, hit and run, H5N1 transmission, transmission of other deadly diseases, sniper assault, brain damage, etc.  Halt all environmental harms immediately.
There are other concerns, but the list above serves as a reasonable starting point.

Whenever my beloved mother encountered corruption during her life, she would "read the riot act" to the perpetrators.  Her righteous indignation inspired in everyone their admiration, my respect and their awe.

I am my mother's daughter gentlemen.

I haven't read you the Riot Act yet, but I will if you fail to meet my standards for the honesty and full disclosure incumbent upon you all at this point in time.

Lane MacWilliams

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