My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

UPDATE: Regarding the Need for Security Clearances

OIG Hotline, please be apprised that small particulates on the first floor of my home now measure 729, which translates to "fair air quality". Having said that, the specific agent being disseminated is alleged by the FBI to be a "choking agent" previously disclosed to your Office.  Whatever the truth of this assault, the diminished air quality is causing respiratory compromise to noticeable degree. 

Normal levels of small particulates within my home are 30 or below.

It would be helpful to see those promptly restored.

Thank you for allowing me to extend this documentation to your Office.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams


1.  What happens when the government fails to address security clearances for a civilian who has acquired, through observation and proofs, information which the government considers to be highly sensitive?

Answer:  That's a very serious matter for the civilian involved and for her entire family as well.

2.  Why is that the case?

Answer:  The federal government wishes to protect information which could be implicating of its concealed programs and objectives.  So if the government fails to lawfully address an inadvertent disclosure, it is certain to be unlawfully addressing it.

3.  By what means?

Answer:  Any government generally will seek to unlawfully silence a citizen in possession of sensitive information if the government is not lawfully and respectfully addressing the situation through legal negotiations.

4.  Silence them how?  Through the "extinction protocol"?

Answer:  By any of a thousand means, the "extinction protocol" among them.

5.  Is that the approach the Biden administration has been pursuing when it comes to you and your family?

Answer:  Given that I am informed the White House has actively obstructed my legal representation heretofore, and given the fact that my family has been subjected to countless environmental and health assaults -- yes.  This is the approach the Biden administration appears to have attempted until this time.

6.  Why are things different now?

Answer:  Because I have just acquired proof of a whole new set of crimes the government has perpetrated against the law-abiding public, and I can render that proof public at any time I so choose.

7.  You haven't done that yet.

Answer:  No, I haven't.

8.  Why not?

Answer:  Because I think the Biden administration can wake up and engage in lawful and proper conduct with me and do so on an immediate basis.

9.  You have suggested for quite some time that you need to be granted the appropriate security clearances.

Answer:  I have.

10.  Does that mean that you need to go to work for the federal government as an employee or a contractor?

Answer:  That may be a possible requirement.

11.  But before that can happen, the government must settle its liabilities to you and to your family.

Answer:  That is correct.

12.  Has the air quality improved in your home since you published your essay on "Great Leaders" yesterday?

Answer:  The air on the first floor of my residence is now breathable.  Small particulates were at 1100 last night, which translates to poor air quality.  And this morning, they are at 150.  So that's an improvement of a factor of seven.

13.  What is the normal small particulate count within your home?

Answer:  30 or below.

14.  So your air quality is still not normal.

Answer:  Not yet.

15.  How are radiation levels, radon gas levels, and other environmental assaults at this time?

Answer:  They appear to be improving.

16.  Do you take this to mean that the Biden administration now intends to engage with you on a lawful and honorable basis?

Answer:  That will only be verified once I have received my Freedom of Information Act reports without redaction or omission, alongside the OIG Hotline's and the ODNI's investigative reports.  Together with those, I expect full disclosure of the 500 billion plus totals of settlements and penalties awarded in my name.  I expect the full restoration of the health of my family members, and with certain safeguards set by me, of my own health.  I expect settlement of the government's outstanding liabilities to me in other areas. And I expect discussions of the issue of falsified law enforcement reporting in terms of governmental policy response.

17.  Your family and you may require restorative health care over time.

Answer:  That needs to be part of the government's engagement in meeting my expectations.

18.  Do you feel that your requirements for lawful and honorable engagement from the government will  be met?

Answer:  They will now.

19. Why?

Answer:  For the sole reason that the information I now possess is too important for the government to fail to engage with me in the lawful and honorable manner I require.

20.  Your ethics and standards will now be satisfied, regardless of the framework people were working under before.

Answer:  That is entirely correct.

21.  How would you describe your ethics and standards to others with whom you may be interacting?

Answer:  Higher than they have encountered before.

22.  Thank you for sharing your perspectives on these critical issues.

Answer:  You are quite welcome.

Lane MacWilliams

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