My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Text Conversation LM/GTM, July 26, 2024

OIG Hotline, I am posting screenshots of my text conversation with my older son this evening, because I am not certain that this documentation will not be tampered with as attachments to an email sent to your attention.

Because there are threats to the lives of both of my sons and MG at this time, it is important for you to be in possession of this material.  

I ask for the intervention of Vice President Kamala Harris at this time in ensuring the safety of my sons' lives and that of MG.  I believe her participation in this circumstance will be required to ensure their security.

For more information regarding this important conversation, please reference an email sent to your attention this evening within at 10:36 PM, bearing the subject heading, ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Concerns for the Safety of Three, July 26, 2024.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams 

Email to Staff Member at Momentum for Health

OIG Hotline, following herewith is the content of the latest email in email thread with "Joe," who is a staff member at my older son's current supported residence in Palo Alto.  

The original communication was forwarded to your attention within at 1:48 PM today, July 26, 2024.

My older son's name and my husband's name, in addition to my husband's email, are here redacted, but otherwise this communication duplicates the original email contents exactly.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams



Date: July 26, 2024 at 1:22 PM, forwarded at 1:48 PM.

Re: Important Request Regarding GTM Safety and Security

Joe, thank you very kindly for your thoughtful reply.

It would assist us greatly if xxxxxx keeps his cell phone with him at all times.  Thank you for supporting this extra insurance that he always remain reachable.

Also, I would respectfully request your outreach via email right away to and if you ever do NOT transport xxxxxx to the program on a Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.  I will immediately respond to any such communication so that you know I received it, and I will of course include xxx in my response so that we keep open lines of communication all the way around.

If there are others who sometimes drive the group, I will depend upon you to share this email with them so that they may reach out in your stead in the event of xxxxxx's absence for any reason whatsoever.

This email will serve as our agreement concerning all of the above specifics.

Thank you for this important support for xxxxxx's well-being.  I will rely on you in this regard.

Sincerely yours,
Lane MacWilliams

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Urgent Matter

 OIG Hotline, I would request your urgent assistance regarding the contents of an email sent to your attention today within with the following subject heading and date/time stamp: ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigations Re: Leadership with a Capital "L" sent at 5:27 PM on July 25, 2024.

This may be appropriately considered an urgent matter in need of immediate intervention pertaining to the safety of a family member.

Please be apprised that I am in receipt of ongoing threats of kidnapping/murder toward my older son at this time, although both of my sons and MG have been threatened by the FBI and CIA in this manner in the past.

I would appreciate your support in forwarding the contents of my email communication to ODNI investigations on an immediate basis.

In gratitude for your presence,

Lane MacWilliams


Important New Email for the OIG Hotline

 OIG Hotline, please see a new email sent to your Office's attention within, bearing the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigations Re: Important Redacted Communication Regarding MacWilliams' Family Honor and Lawfulness, sent at 10:24 AM on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

Thank you for accessing this communication at your earliest opportunity, and for conveying its contents to ODNI investigations as well.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Request for Intervention from ODNI Pertaining to Alleged Attempted Kidnapping Described in #24

 1.  Each of your sons has been directed to take your life at various points through a corrupted federal program supported by the DoD, FBI and CIA.  Is that correct?

Answer:  It's best not to mention the name of that program here. I have identified it elsewhere.  But yes, in answer to your question.

2.  How can a grown child from a loving family engage in government-approved plans to murder a parent who is an FBI whistleblower?

Answer:  Torture over time has devastating effects, and the three-letter agencies know this quite well.  I will not be mentioning the breadth of techniques used within these torture protocols, but they are intended to obliterate an individual's sovereign capacity to resist.  And they are remarkably effective in that aim, although they involve myriad human rights violations that would never be considered acceptable by any civilized society.

3.  How could such plans of torture ever be approved?

Answer:  The three-letter agencies are engaged in a game of blackmail of our public officials.  The moment they catch a public figure -- or a relative of a public figure -- in an impropriety, there's a surge in behind-the-scenes deal-making.

4.  Could the three-letter agencies demand the life of an FBI whistleblower in return for a certain judicial outcome pertaining to the relative of a public official, for example?

Answer:  Absolutely, they could.

5.  So, this could be thought of as a game of chess in which an FBI whistleblower could be seen as a pawn?

Answer:  I'm sure others could conceive of it that way.  However, that kind of reductive thinking would represent an error in this case.

6.  Why do you say so?

Answer:  This FBI whistleblower is no one's pawn.

7.  Given that you stand as a sovereign voice for the public interest at this point in time, are you willing to disclose the manner in which your sons have been asked by this administration to take your life?

Answer:  The most egregious instance with my younger son involved the direction by his FBI handler Tom Lyons to take my life on Thanksgiving Day of 2023 by placing a poison of some type in my water glass.

8.  You were warned by an ally within the FBI of this attempt, which is how you knew about it?  Is this correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

9.  And you did not drink any of the contaminated water.  Is that correct?

Answer:  I did not.  I did save a sample of it, however, so it can easily be tested in an independent laboratory.

10.  What is the poison that was used?

Answer:  It was alleged to be Polonium 210 at the time.  But again, a laboratory would be able to readily ascertain the truth of the contaminant.

11.  So, you actually possess physical proof of that assassination attempt?

Answer:  I do.

12.  That's a stunning indictment of everyone involved, isn't it?

Answer:  Well, there are a number of reasons why I don't believe my son can be held legally liable for his actions on that day.  The particular methods of torture that were deployed against him effectively deprived him of his free will and independent judgment.  But for everyone else?  For his handler Tom Lyons?  For all those authorizing this plan?  Yes, it is quite an astonishing indictment.

13.  By November of 2023, had there already been substantive funds awarded in your name through the OIG Hotline's investigations?

Answer:  I have been led to believe the original investigation concluded in September of 2023.  So, yes.

14.  And what would have happened to those funds if you had met your demise by drinking Polonium 210 on Thanksgiving Day of 2023?

Answer:  I'm sure they would have disappeared.

15. What do you mean by "disappeared"?

Answer:  They would have been appropriated by those with access.

16.  Who would have had access?

Answer:  The White House would have had access.

17.  Is it possible that the same person who ordered the assassination attempt would have been the person to profit from your demise?

Answer:  Oh, I think that's a safe assumption.

18.  May I ask what techniques your older son has been asked to utilize in an attempt to take your life?

Answer:  The CIA appears to allege that he has been provided with a "ghost gun" through a 3-D printer program in a public library, guided entirely by his handler Max and other CIA personnel and affiliates.   So, he is likely in possession of this item at CIA direction at this time.

19.  But he has also received weapons training in utilizing a knife as a weapon, hasn't he?

Answer:  He has, yes.  His CIA handler, Max, is requiring that he engage in anatomy studies with a view toward turning him into an assassin.  

20.  Specifically, you have been told that he has been trained to stab you in the heart.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  Appallingly, it is true.

21.  Who would come up with this kind of torture for a loving American family?  People who hate the nation?

Answer:  You know, the individuals who authorize and implement such a plan are just extremely confused.  They're taking payoffs or favors.  They're receiving threats.  So, these are just people who have decided to keep their heads down.  They don't want to be the next person to be placed on the "list."  So they cave in.  And this is the way that Fascism takes hold of a nation behind the scenes, while the majority of the public has no idea what is happening.

22.  But there is also a sadistic component in directing a son to stab his loving mother in the heart.

Answer:  Brandan Pesa, the man who is said to have directed this training, allegedly identifies himself as a sexual sadist, and one who was abused by his own mother as a child.  So there are powerfully sadistic components here, yes.  And also, we can see a tremendous amount of psychological projection.  Brandan Pesa cannot kill his own mother.  But he can kill other people's mothers.  And the greatest likelihood is that he is going to engage in this violent projection over and over and over again, as long as the three-letter agencies enable him in doing so.

23.  Doesn't President Biden owe it to your family to halt all involvement of your sons with these violent programs?

Answer:  I have asked that President Biden recuse himself from all further decision-making pertaining to my family.  But Vice President Harris would be an appropriate person to separate my sons and MG from all further involvement with this program, and to prevent all further interactions with FBI, CIA, DoD staff, affiliates, contractors and informants, save that which is necessary for the full restoration of their health.

24.  Did the CIA allegedly attempt to divert your older son's location today, intending to prevent his participation in a day-long group in Palo Alto in order to remove him to a location which the CIA reportedly refers to as "The Ranch"?

Answer:  It is alleged that the CIA attempted to perpetrate this kidnapping, yes.

25.  Where is your son right now?

Answer:  He had better be making his way to his cell phone, which he needs to maintain on his person at all times, and then to his group, from which he needs to call me.

26.  What are your thoughts about this attempt?

Answer:  That there are a lot of people who appear to wish this corruption to become a headline story.  Because I am not going to tolerate further predation toward my family members, MG, or myself.  And every violation of my good faith will be met with further public disclosures of the crimes committed in this case and the people who authorized them.

27.  How can this administration begin to apologize to you and your family?

Answer:  By halting all predation toward my sons, MG, my husband and myself.  By extending restorative medical care to my sons, MG and my husband at this time.  By withdrawing all lies pertaining to my family members, MG and myself in the realm of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting.  By providing me with my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.  By providing me with a high-level attorney to immediately address my family's security needs and the government's desires for confidential treatment of certain issues.

28.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

President Biden, Please Withdraw Your Alleged Directives to Coerce Further False Statements


This is to document that I am in receipt of threats from the FBI pertaining to falsified witness statements by Lxxxx Cxxxxx and his girlfriend Exxxx (and likely others) against my younger son and his girlfriend MG as knowingly false justification to threatened these two young people into providing, under torture and threat of torture, yet further falsified witness statements against my family.

The harms threatened against my younger son and MG include, but are not limited to, the following: DEW deployment, chemical exposures, radiation exposures, the withholding of needed medical treatment, arrest intended to result in demise, arrest intended to result in job loss, Fentanyl overdose or other drug overdose, staged suicide, forced fall from a tall building, the transmission of HiB and/or other serious illnesses, staged car accident, the conveyance of designer diseases or pandemic pathogens, exposure to deadly parasites, alterations to foundational health, coercive directives by my younger son's FBI handler Tom Lyons to harm a third party through a "kill or be killed ultimatum" devised by Brandan Pesa, the utilization of any or all of these harms by Tom Lyons to extract yet further knowingly falsified witness statements from my younger son and his girlfriend, both, concerning other family members, the projection of false blame onto my younger son of crimes perpetrated by a DoD program previously identified for the OIG Hotline.

It is alleged to me that President Biden has approved of any and all of these assaults to be perpetrated against my younger son in the intended acquisition of yet further falsified witness statements from my youngest son and his girlfriend, or in direct retaliation for my truth-telling concerning the President's failures to uphold ethics and the rule of law in my request for my Freedom of Information Act reports and investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

The Truth

 Please be advised that certain posts may be redacted or removed upon my receipt of my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.


1.  Apparently, today, according to new statements provided to investigators, you are not a terrorist.

Answer:  Wonderful!  Delighted to hear it.

2. Unfortunately, according to false testimony extracted by the FBI and CIA under tactics of torture, including the July 19, 2024 rape of your son, you may be a serial killer.

Answer:  That is genuinely unfortunate.  Would the government be appropriating funds awarded in my name on the basis of the spurious "serial killer" allegations by any chance?

3.  They would.

Answer:  I see.  And am I to be exonerated of the false serial killer allegations or am I to be tortured and killed over them?

4.  If the Democratic Party wants all of the funds in the accounts awarded in your name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, the FBI will try to take your life over the false allegations it extracted under torture.

Answer:  I understand your point.

5.  Your FOIA reports cannot be provided to you at this time, because, according to the witnesses who have been tortured, you may be a serial killer.

Answer:  Naturally, the President would find it necessary to withhold my FOIA reports from me at this time.  May I ask about the investigative reports?

6.  Those are being withheld from you, too, because, according to the witnesses who have been tortured, you may be a serial killer.

Answer:  What about the DNA details that exonerate me?

7.  Those are confidential.  The government forbids you from talking about them.

Answer:  Truly?  The Democratic Party is trying to kill me in order to appropriate funds awarded in my name, but I am still prohibited from exonerating myself?

8.  They won't let you talk about a number of confidential aspects of falsified evidence that, to the lay public, are most convincing of guilt.

Answer:  In that case, there is material I will place into code for the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, and I would ask that no funds be invaded or distributed until these Offices have received that material tomorrow.

9.  Do you think they'll wait?

Answer:  My son was raped on July 19, 2024.  That changes everything in terms of the requirements of the federal government in conveying FOIA and investigative reports to me at this time.  It also renders the continued tolerance of false reporting an abomination.

10.  It does seem rather appalling that your son was raped a few days ago and still, investigators accepted knowingly false statements from him that you are a serial killer.

Answer:  That's because it is rather appalling.

11.  How breathable is the indoor air in your home right now?

Answer:  The small particulates dropped to 17 overnight, which is normal for our home, presumably corresponding to the fact that my husband and I were exonerated of false allegations of possessing "secret codes."  However, it has now leapt back up to over 500 small particulates, presumably because one or more witnesses said, under conditions of rape and torture, that I or someone in my household is a serial killer.

12.  Do you find this level of corruption in the federal government laughable?

Answer:  Not really.  It's tragic.  I mean, there are definitely days on which the absurdity allows me to laugh.  But lately I just find the corruption to be a treasonous act on the part of the CIA and FBI -- and the rape of my son so that others could profit from this false reporting?  There really are no words that can adequately characterize my feelings about those who would rape a disabled young person for profit.  The violations of our fundamental beliefs of what it means to be human are unprecedented by that act on every level.  

13.  You're a spiritual person.  What are your thoughts about the spiritual implications of the CIA's rape of a disabled young person for profit by the federal government?

Answer:  Angels fear to tread.  Truly.  Virtuous souls will never, never venture into this territory.

14.  Has your son received counseling since his rape on Friday, July 19, 2024, at the directive and with the full foreknowledge of his CIA handler, Max?

Answer:  He has not.

15.  Has he received medical care?

Answer:  He has not.

16.  Has the CIA cured him of the myriad diseases the agency previously conveyed to him with the intent of holding out the lure of medical care in return for knowingly falsified witness statements?

Answer:  It has not.

17.  What do you make of the repeated threats you have been receiving that, on the basis of knowingly false witness statements -- obtained under torture -- allegedly identifying you or a family member as a serial killer, the government plans to appropriate all of your records?

Answer:  I have been repeatedly told that President Biden is concentrated on his "legacy" right now.  So, I'm sure my documents are a worry for him, and he would prefer that they not exist.

18.  Have you been told that the FBI, CIA or their affiliates would perpetrate a violent law enforcement raid so as to eliminate you as a witness?

Answer:  The FBI has alleged that to me, yes.

19.  And has the FBI alleged White House approval of such a plan?

Answer:  Unfortunately, yes.

20.  How do you know whether the FBI is extending false allegations to you?

Answer:  I don't have FOIA reports or investigative reports in hand and my son was raped last Friday in order to coerce false witness statements from him.  If the White House's intentions were good, I would have the reports in hand.  And that just hasn't happened.

21.  You began this process with good faith in our government.  What do you feel about the United States government in the face of this corruption?  What do you feel about a government that would authorize the rape of your disabled son for profit?

Answer:  You know, the government has lost its way, clearly.  People don't appear to know what's important and they don't appear to know how to serve the public faithfully, ethically and on time.  So, we can see that basic ethics and the rule of law are failing in this instance.  Those who have delayed the provision of reports to me are in every way responsible for our suffering, and that includes my son's rape last Friday.  There's a point at which those failures become insupportable, and we have reached it. People seem to know that they're failing, but they're failing together, institutionally, with White House approval.  So, there's a complete loss of transparency and accountability with regard to this matter.  People are reaping profits off of torture, including the rape of my disabled son.  And there will never be a justification for those acts that can be accepted or normalized in a civilized society.

22.  Are we witnessing the death of democracy?

Answer:  It seems so, yes.  

23.  Who do you fault most?

Answer:  Everyone who has taken a nickel from these accounts.  The betrayal of my family's welfare has been stunning, and has translated to a direct trade of political profit in return for our targeting and harm by corrupt FBI and CIA personnel and their affiliates.  No virtuous person would ever proceed down this path.  There can be no justification for these choices.

24.  Did President Biden fail as Commander in Chief?

Answer:  He certainly failed me.   He certainly failed my family.  He certainly failed my son.

25.  Have you thought about changing political parties?

Answer:  As we speak, I am thinking about it, yes.  I am also thinking about throwing myself on the steps of some nearby embassy and begging for political asylum from my own predatory government.

26.  Are you a serial killer, Lane MacWilliams?

Answer:  God love you for asking the question!  I am not!  I have never been a serial killer!  I don't aspire to be a serial killer!  I will never be a serial killer!

I actually wanted to contribute to the freedom of mankind, if you can imagine such idealism.

27.  Could your husband possibly be a serial killer?

Answer:  No!  He could not!  But thank you for asking such a fundamental question about our virtue and honor in this world!

28.  You became a whistleblower of the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives because you wanted to make a difference to other Americans and those who love freedom around the world, isn't that right?

Answer:  Yes, I believed it might be possible.

29.  Are you disillusioned?

Answer:  My son has just been raped so that others could profit from lies extracted from him under torture.  Wouldn't you be disillusioned?

30.  What do you make of the FBI's threats to silence you through arson, gratuitous lawsuit, radiation exposure,  airborne exposure to pandemic pathogen Hxxx, chemical exposures, water contamination, staged car accident, intentionally disseminated disease, forced job loss, or brain-damaging DEW deployment?  And what do you make of the CIA's threats to direct your older son to take possession of a "ghost gun" against his will at the direction of his corrupt CIA handler Max?

Answer:  Failed FBI.  Failed CIA. Failed federal programs. Failed transparency and accountability.  And it all adds up to treasonous malfeasance on the part of those participating.  The profit motive now renders it that much worse, in my opinion.  

31.  You would like to know who values the rule of law over and above these corrupt programs' incentives?

Answer:  Yes, I would.

32.  Have you found anyone in the federal government who maintains your ethical standards?

Answer:  I think investigators from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI are trying their best under exceptionally difficult circumstances.  But with a corrupt President, their hands are tied.

33.  Haven't there been suggestions that the President is in truth being controlled by Brandan Pesa, a leading member of Russian organized crime in this country?

Answer:  Many.

34.  And haven't there been suggestions that Mr. Pesa, an alleged serial killer who has stalked you for years, is himself profiteering from the falsified reporting against you which he is now directing?

Answer:  Many.

35.  And haven't there been suggestions that Mr. Pesa is controlling the decisions of the White House to delay the provision of your reports?

Answer:  Many.

36.  Were there suggestions that the President himself authorized Brandan Pesa to direct the rape of your son on Friday, July 19, 2024?

Answer:  There were.

37.  What kind of legacy is he leaving, from your perspective?

Answer:  One of devastation, deceit, corruption, and loss.

38.  You used to be a big supporter of President Biden's, isn't that right?

Answer:  I hope President Biden lives for a thousand years, and I want to make that plain.  But I used to believe in his integrity as a political leader and that good faith has been completely decimated by his actions.

39.  You believe the government now knows perfectly well that it is lying about your honor and lawfulness in the hope of taking the lives of your family members and you yourself and absconding with all funds awarded through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI in your name.

Answer:  I will simply say that we are being assailed in the most horrendous ways, and the government has not provided us with good faith outreach.  In the wake of my son's rape on Friday, there's no longer any ability to assume that the current administration is interacting with us through any benevolent intent whatsoever. 

40.  Your son could easily lose his life if this situation is mishandled, isn't that true?

Answer:  It has already been mishandled.  But he deserves compassion, truthfulness, integrity, protection, sanctuary and medical care.  And he has received none of these things.

41.  What could the Biden/Harris administration do to make this situation right?

Answer:  They could engage with my family in making sure that our needs, given my son's assault last week, are being appropriately and urgently met.  They could engage with me with integrity by providing the reports on an immediate basis.  I've listed follow on steps elsewhere.  But, basically, we need one or two politicians that are actually people of meritorious character to take this situation in hand.

42.  There's a need for real authority behind the Commander in Chief designation.  And it can't be held as a de facto title by a leading member of Russian-affiliated organized crime.

Answer:  Our personal sovereignty and our national sovereignty are interrelated.  They're linked.  We will have no dignity and honor as a nation if we abandon the dignity and honor of our best citizens to knowingly falsified reporting.

43.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

Important Update: ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Apparent FBI Sabotage of Gas Pipe at 45 Vista Verde Way, Portola Valley

UPDATE:  OIG Hotline, the FBI appears to allege that there are already explosives placed by agency affiliates within the exterior gas piping which is now taped and also connected to gas lines under our house, leading to our dryer, stovetop, and oven.

If true, this would explain the near-constant threats I have been receiving of being "blown up" if I fail to concede to FBI demands.

The FBI has alleged to me that a massive explosion (or more than one) destroying our house is planned to be falsely attributed to an "appliance leak."

I appear to be sitting on a powder keg within my own home, due entirely to the criminal malfeasance of a wayward FBI and those who have enabled them.

The fact that Brandan Pesa and others hope to profit from my demise in this situation makes our circumstance immeasurably worse.

We need the reports and we need them on an immediate basis.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

OIG Hotline, this is to document my observation that a segment of gas piping leading into my home is wrapped with tape in a manner that I have not previously seen.  The tape appears to be fairly recent, and surrounds multiple segments of pipe that should maintain integrity without reinforcement.

My concenrn is that the FBI may have, in alignment with its threats, sabotaged the piping underneath the tape.  If holes were drilled in this piping or the piping joints were loosened or damaged sufficiently, it is entirely possible that the removal of the tape, an action which could be rapidly achieved by Special Forces contractors, would lead to an immediately hazardous leak of explosive gas directly contiguous to one of the main supporting walls of our home. 

There was a point during the visit of alleged PG&E technician Tomas to our house on Saturday, July 20, 2024 during which Tomas mentioned the hazard of possible leaks in a manner that was not audible to my recording device.  Accordingly, I did not transcribe this commentary.

What is audible is the fact that Tomas drops an item onto our deck, which he then proceeds to retrieve.

I saw this item in some detail.  It was an elongated object, cigar-shaped but thinner.  Its material appeared to be akin to heavy Play-Doh.  It was a dull red in color, and there was a slight irregularily at one end which appeared to consist of a very small piece of micro-electronics, perhaps 1/8 of an inch in diameter and circular.

I have never seen explosives, but for some reason, I had the impression that this item was an explosive with a timing device embedded on one end.

While Tomas showed a lack of familiarity with PG&E equipment, certainly, I was under the impression that his dropping this item (redacted content).  

This item was not a level, a meter, or a hand tool, and I did not recognize its use.

Under these circumstances, it is not immediately clear to me how best to proceed.  It appears that the FBI and its affiliates may have successfully created the underlying architecture of a serious gas leak even without the cooperation of Generac service personnel.

Any plumbing contractor whom I contact is likely to be immediately co-opted or replaced by FBI- or affiliate agency personnel.  If I hire someone to replace damaged piping, an explosive device could easily be included on the interior of the pipe itself, undetectable by outside examination.

So, it does not appear that this course of action is viable.

I can place alarms in multiple areas surrounding the gas piping, but I expect that the FBI and its affilates can easily circumvent these devices.

I think the best course of action in this case is for the reports to be provided to me on an immediate basis, together with a high-level attorney who can urgently address our safety needs.

I would hope that, after this documentation on my part, the FBI and its affiliates would be hounded out of existence if any gas explosion or explosion of any other kind, including purported "natural disasters" were to occur at our residence.

I do recognize that the FBI wishes to avoid exposure for its crimes against my family members and me myself.

However, given the seriousness of my discovery of the sabotaged gas piping, this information will need to be rendered public until such time as I have received the reports and established contact with high-level advocacy in an effort to reclaim my family's safety at our residences.  Certainly, a close examination of the safety of my younger son's residence in San Francisco is also necessitated under these circumstances.

I would respectfully request that the falsified law-enforcement reporting on which this particularly egregious aggression is based be immediately disqualified with the full support of the White House.

We are also suffering from poor interior air quality at my residence at this time, an aggression which is also no doubt reflective of falsified law enforcement reporting by the FBI or its affiliates which has not yet been disallowed.

It will be extremely helpful if Vice President Kamala Harris has the opportunity, along with others, to give guidance that allows the disqualification of all false assertions regarding my family, MG, and myself.

The FBI appears to have made recent assertions concerning harm to other members of my family through a syndrome previously described to your Office.

To what extent these harms may have been linked to knowingly falsified witness statements regarding alleged "secret codes" on my husband's cell phone remains unclear.

What is clear isto me is that if the FBI had any kind of genuine concern based on truthful fact finding, the agency would not now be attempting to blow up my home, my documents, my electronics, my family, and my person.

That's not exactly considered to be an honorable approach to an FBI whistleblower who has caught the agency in the broad-scale perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting against the law-abiding American public.

Anybody can see that the FBI and its affiliates possess a terrible conflict of interest in their desire to exculpate themselves of the wrongdoing which is decidedly their own.

The FBI and its affiliates appear to have asked for a de-escalation of tensions pertaining to this case.  Yet threats of being blown up, which I have received as recently as today, do not appear to me to be a de-escalation.

Is the agency prepared to provide me with my reports in their entirety along with a high-level attorney who can immediately address the safety and security needs of my family?

It is the answer to this question which will determine whether all outstanding concerns regarding issues as far-ranging as my documentation, investigators' fact-finding, outstanding confidentiality needs, and the safety and security of my family members and myself can be successfully and cooperatively addressed.

(Redacted content.)

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

For the Love of God

 OIG Hotline, I don't have any "secret codes" on my cell phone, on my computers, in my house, in my cars, on my person or in my mind.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

Now who is going to charge Brandan Pesa and his criminal FBI cohort for making my life a living Hell with lies like this one?

There must be a consequence for those who defame the honorable.  And it needs to be significant.  The sequelae to these lies cannot be a profit-making enterprise for the FBI while I experience the "extinction protocol, because everyone is taking a payoff except me.

I am laboring in complete and utter isolation, writing emails to myself, separated from my own sons, who have been, each in their turn, directed to harm their own virtuous parents.

My neighbors Ron and Rhonda Hyver ran their generator all day long yesterday to charge a DEW intended to cause me brain damage, according to the FBI.

Does anything sound cruel and unusual about this yet, because I'm living it, and it is cruel and unusual.  All of it.  

I have been asking for the provision of my FOIA reports for more than three years.

Does anyone in authority feel an obligation to provide them?  Anyone at all?

When?  Tomorrow?  There are limits to physical endurance, and the criminal litany of harms that have been allowed in this case are an abomination with no end in sight.

This is not reflective of a society upholding the rule of law, respect for whistleblowers, insistence on protecting the vulnerable who have dedicated everything for the hope of freedom, or a worthy and honest culture.

This is deeply, deeply wrong.

Brandan Pesa has found a way to reap billions from killing the innocent, and our government is too corrupt to stop him.

What a devastation.

Already, it has resulted in a President's retirement.

What else has to happen for people to learn the lesson?

Behave honorably, people!  Stand up for the vulnerable in much more consequential ways.  Refuse to profit from their suffering.  Give hope to the down-hearted.

This is what good people insist on doing -- not for a reward -- but for sake of human dignity, sovereignty and freedom.

The President should have known this.  But all Americans should know it, in truth.

I don't know now if I need to change political parties or throw myself on the steps of some embassy begging for political asylum from my own predatory government.

I truly don't.

But the FBI's lies and profiteering need to stop.  I need the reports and human contact that is not predatory or dishonest.  And this is obvious -- so plain, I hardly dare write these words for fear of falling into a description of what human beings are meant to be.

No joy will come to those who profit from harming the virtuous.

Investigators should behave honorably toward me at this time, not by hiding figures according to the White House's directives, but by providing me with the reports on an urgent basis.

For the love of God, I spent a significant portion of the day yesterday receiving threats of being blown up only to discover that the President himself had approved the sabotage of my home's gas lines in the hope that he could profit from my demise.

The President is allegedly worried about his legacy, so I am not allowed to complain of his murderous behavior.

I am left instead without direct advocacy that could better my family's circumstance or my own.

Give me the reports, good people.  Do not wait.  All are responsible for these harms at this point.  And they remain indefensible by any ethical measure.

Lane MacWilliams

The Humanitarian Mandate, July 24, 2024

 OIG Hotline, this communication was sent to the attention of your Office and concerned others today, July 24, 2024, at 11:16 AM within in unredacted form.

Due to the sensitivity of the issues discussed in this communication, certain segments are here redacted.

Thank you very much for your ethical intervention in this matter. 

In gratitude for your presence,

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, I am attempting to engage in a text conversation with xxxxx xxxxx this morning, but he appears to be actively obstructed by his handler.  The content of these texts will follow in a separate message.

I know xxxxx xxxxx well.  I know the normal flow of text conversations with him.  And it is clear to me that he is being actively impeded from engaging in this dialogue in a manner that allows prompt responses.

There seems to be an attempt on the part of his handler to mischaracterize me as an over-controlling xxxxxxx, when in fact I am attempting to ensure xxxxx xxxxx's safety.

After the egregious harm xxxxx xxxxx suffered on Friday, July 19, 2024, the mere fact of his ongoing dialogue from his handler Max is a stunning violation of his personal sovereignty.

All communication between the CIA (and its affiliates) and xxxxx xxxxx now needs to cease.

I was informed yesterday afternoon that his handler Max was attempting to direct him to return to "The Ranch."  God only knows what would have happened to him if he had gone.

The CIA appears deeply frightened about information xxxxx xxxxx could impart; yet, as a victim of a rape perpetrated by CIA contractors on July 19 2024, he has a right to xxxxxxxxxx support and medical care.

I am not suggesting that this crime make the front page of the New York Times.  I am simply suggesting that a rape victim could easily die if he or she is prevented from telling the truth to xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx.

The CIA wants to silence xxxxx xxxxx, but that objective may lead to yet further terrible harms to him and to xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx as a whole.

Victims need to speak the truth in order to survive.

I want that human right of xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx's to be upheld in the context of xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx.

No one has dispensation to remove that human right.  No one.

To silence xxxxx xxxxx on this issue is tantamount to a death sentence. And why?  Because the CIA cannot allow one xxxxxxxxxx to privately discuss the truth of this agency's atrocities?

I'm sorry, but I think xxxxxxxxxx can be upheld in this manner without a cost to anyone else.

xxxxx xxxxx deserves to heal with the support of his xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx.

And the government owes us that respect, honor, care and support.

Wallpapering over the truth of this crime will result in terrible predation against us in the future.  Instead, we all need to be granted dispensation to extend love and support to xxxxx xxxxx in acknowledgement of his unjust victimization on July 19, 2024.  This crime was perpetrated as a coercive measure intended to force him to make false claims over the weekend pertaining to lies from the FBI/CIA re: "secret codes" allegedly glimpsed on the screen of my xxxxxxxxxxxx's cell phone and/or my own.

That's what happened.

This is the reality, good people.

All persons of conscience and character wish it were not so.

But this is what happened.

The appropriate path now consists of the following, in my opinion:

  • The President must now recuse himself from any and all further involvement with decisions pertaining to xxxxxxxxxx and MG in perpetuity.
  • The Vice President should grant xxxxxxxxxx dispensation to discuss the facts privately, so that xxxxx xxxxx can receive the love and support he needs to heal.
  • The Vice President should facilitate immediate and restorative medical care for xxxxx xxxxx (as well as xxxxx xxxxx, MG and xxxxxxxxxx)
  • The FOIA reports and investigative reports should be provided to me immediately, together with access to a high-level attorney who can address confidentiality needs, safety needs,  and many other areas of outstanding concern.  Further delays under the current circumstances place all of our lives at known and unacceptable risk.
  • All access to xxxxx xxxxx by CIA personnel, FBI personnel, and their contractors, affiliates and informants must now be immediately and permanently halted. All access to xxxxxxxxxx and MG by FBI personnel, CIA personnel and their contractors, affiliates and informants must now be immediately and permanently halted as well.
This represents the appropriate starting place.  It is one that everyone should uphold with steadfast and ethical commitment.

I have spoken before about situations that constitute a humanitarian mandate.

Well, this is clearly one of them.

Our hearts and minds and spirits must stand on xxxxx xxxxx's side in this battle between truth and lies, justice and injustice, hope and despair, healing and predation.

They must.

All benevolence and courage and integrity and justice and wisdom and virtue requires this solidarity.

We must heartily extend it.

Lane MacWilliams

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wifi Disruption, Likely Caused by FBI, 8:11 PM on July 23, 2024

OIG Hotline, please be apprised of a Wifi disruption at my home address at 8:11 PM on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 through 8:18 PM.  These brief disruptions are almost certainly caused by the FBI and, of concern, they are so abbreviated, I am unlikely to perceive them all.  The FBI appears to allege that they correspond to online impersonation to some degree, and fake communications as if originating with me.

This is to confirm that I did not extend any communications of any kind during our Wifi outage.  Nor did I originate the outage or cause the outage in any way, shape or form.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully, and categorically false.

As always, should the FBI or its affiliates allege any improper, suspicious or unlawful conduct on my part based on a co-opted image or likeness for any purpose, false witness statements, online impersonation through co-opting our electronic devices and IP addresses, corrupted photos, AI-generated film, AI-generated audio, falsified purchases, false assertions of viewing of inappropriate or unlawful material on cable, television or internet, false assertions pertaining to reading materials, falsified communications, false allegations of contraband discovery, or any other form of falsified evidence whatsoever, I would respectfully request that such falsehoods be formally disqualified.

I further request, in the event that such false claims have been extended by the FBI or its affiliates, now or in the past, that any settlements or penalties assessed in my name be protected from invasion and/or distribution due to related threats to my family’s safety, and indeed our lives, in the event that these violations occur. 

Such invasions could not only result in my legal liability or my family’s harm, but they also could easily result in sustaining the very falsified law enforcement reporting we are attempting to halt. 

Please help me break this untenable and unconscionable cycle by preventing any and all malfeasance.

Thank you for your protection of my family’s safety and well-being in committing to these safeguards. 

And thank you, too, for forwarding this request to the ODNI. 

This is to reconfirm that all of my activities, communications, conduct, intentions, subscriptions, purchases, and viewing of videos/films on any platform have been and continue to be lawful and honorable in every way, shape and form. This is further to confirm that my husband and I possess no firearms and have no intention of possessing, purchasing or acquiring any firearms. This is further to confirm that neither my husband nor I have caused elevated radiation of any kind within our home or anywhere else. 

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully, and categorically false.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

I appreciate your allowing me to extend this documentation to your Office. 

And I further wish to express my abiding appreciation for all you are doing to safely and convey the FOIA reports and accompanying investigations into my possession in their entirety.  

Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams

I Challenge You to Act

 OIG Hotline, my sons and MG are in a horrific predicament created by the FBI.  Their health and lives are being held hostage to the agency's demands for falsified witness statements regarding non-existent "secret codes" of some kind, meant to have been glimpsed on the screen of my husband's cell phone or my own.

They cannot extricate themselves from this terrible circumstance, and I cannot extricate them either.  If my husband asks them directly about these false statements, the FBI/CIA can simply say that it instructed them to evade the topic for "security reasons."  In other words, my husband -- a man of stellar character -- is allegedly too dangerous to know the lies of the FBI and its affiliates that he's allegedly dangerous.

That's a Spanish Prisoner problem.  There is no way out of that tautology.

So, I will simply say this:

If the FBI actually thinks that my husband knows about "secret codes" on his cell phone, the OIG Hotline should take possession of my husband's current and previous cell phones and put them through forensic analysis.  

If there is any inappropriate material on my husband's current or previous cell phones, he should be interviewed by OIG Hotline investigators.

It must be said that my husband's cellphones have, in my opinion, suffered Pegasus-style hacks, allowing the FBI and its affiliates to maintain third-party control of these devices.

With regard to my own Pegasus-hacked cell phone, I have held the phone in my hands while it has dialed and placed a call not of my volition.  I have been awakened at 3:00 AM by a Spotify song, suddenly playing halfway across the room without any involvement from me.  I have watched while typing -- not my own --- has appeared in my 'Notes" and emails.  I have viewed alterations to voice-to-text translations which completely change the meaning of my spoken words. Yesterday, I witnessed in horror the erasure of half of an essay I had just written on my father -- unable to halt it.  So, Pegasus is a powerful tool, as it confers total third-party control of a device.

So, my husband's cell phones should be analyzed for Pegasus-style compromise as a priority.

And then, as I said, if there are any doubts about his honor and lawfulness, he should be asked in detail about them.

I have been married to my husband for thirty-four years and I dated him for five years before that.  I have known him for a total of forty-one years.

And I will simply say that he is the best man I know.  I trust him completely.  He may be a little behind with his understanding of the FBI's predations, but he is fundamentally brilliant (despite gratuitous harms to his health).  I would not only stake my own life on his innocence of all "espionage" or "terrorist" accusations by the FBI and its affiliates.  I would stake everything I've ever cared about on his innocence in this matter -- the sovereignty of my children, the sanctity of the human spirit, and the freedom of mankind.

That's how confident I am in his truthfulness, his integrity, his virtue, his loyalty, his courage, his honor.

So, let's not guess about allegations as serious as the knowingly false accusations the FBI has supposedly extracted from both of my sons and MG under threat to their lives.

Request his cell phones.  Conduct an independent forensic examination of them.  Request to interview him regarding any remaining concerns whatsoever.  And don't delay.

He will readily assent to all inquiries you extend to him.

(So will I, and it goes without saying that you can take possession of my cell phones, too, if you like.)

The alternative is that he and I risk being blown up in our own home by a corrupt FBI hoping to profit from our demise.  We risk being brain-damaged by repeated DEW assaults extended while we sleep.  We risk being poisoned, shot, kidnapped, overdosed, stabbed, rendered terminally ill, and any number of other indefensible catastrophes.

It is incumbent upon your Office to prevent additional harm befalling us.  I am an FBI whistleblower who turned to you in good faith.

No one's profit can now justify the betrayal of my efforts to help our nation.

So, I challenge you to act.

Step forward and prove that the FBI coerced lies from our sons and MG (and perhaps others) regarding my husband's cell phone or my own, if, in fact, accusatory statements have been filed.

But don't withhold my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI in the interim.  Our lives have been clearly endangered by delays in the lawful provision of these reports, allowing the FBI and its affiliates far too much time to prey upon us and our loved ones as well.

A critical part of the government's responsibility in upholding the Freedom of Information Act resides in the provision of timely and complete material.  

It's too late for the material to be timely, but you and the ODNI can ensure that no further delays are allowed, as well as ensuring that materials are comprehensive.

My sons at various points have been asked to harm us as their parents.  So, in order for our family to heal, all of these atrocities perpetrated by the government against our honorable and loving family need to be acknowledged to us.  We need to talk about them among our own circle of four (five with MG) so that we can re-establish our loving bonds and go forward with renewed love and re-established commitment to one another's well-being in all settings and at all times.

My stalker, Brandan Pesa, has alleged that this information will be withheld from us, because it is only disclosed on a "need to know" basis.

Well, I already know!

It is now the FBI's responsibility, in the case of my younger son and MG, and the CIA's responsibility, in the case of my older son, to apologize for these unconscionable harms to our loving family -- and to allow us to heal and recover fully.

These are the very initial, very rudimentary steps that should be taken on an immediate basis.

But the truth is that democracy requires them, FOIA requires them, investigative standards require them.  And in the absence of the upholding of these obligations to my family and myself, our freedom is forfeit no matter who wins the election in November.

And if our freedom is forfeit, so is the nation's.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

For My Friends in Faith

My beloved mother found this painting while traveling with friends in an impoverished part of the world.  And she was overwhelmed by its depth, its resonance, its beneficence.  She always kept it in a cherished place in her home.  I will never part with it willingly, because now it echoes my faith as much as it did her own.

Lane MacWilliams

Monday, July 22, 2024

Texts to GTM and DSM, July 22, 2024, 5:36 PM

 OIG Hotline, my sons' handlers did not allow them to respond to my question, unfortunately.  Of concern, the FBI has alleged that treatment of my younger son's alleged lymphoma, and my older son's alleged diabetes and diabetic retinopathy, in addition to alleged new cases of a serious water-borne parasitic illness communicated to one or both of them (and potentially MG) will be treated as a reward for falsified witness statements concerning my husband's cell phone.  All of these illnesses have been reportedly caused by crimes perpetrated by the agency, so the manner in which the agency is holding people hostage by suggesting that they can only enjoy restored health if they lie for the FBI -- is a devastating betrayal of the honorable bonds within families.

Of course I want my sons and MG to return to full health.  I simply do not believe they should have to extend knowing deceits to a corrupt agency in order to reclaim that full health.

Nor do I believe that my husband and I should suffer harms due to a willfully corrupt FBI.

This afternoon, my neighbors Ron and Rhonda Hyver were running their generator, even though we had no power outage on our street.  This always corresponds to the FBI's criminal deployment of DEWs against my husband and myself during the night to follow, as damaging DEWs are power-hungry enough to require charging during the day.

So, we have a serious problem when we're facing an FBI that is attempting to cause brain damage in an FBI whistleblower and her husband as the result of false witness statements obtained from three young people who have suffered torture by the FBI and its affiliates and are now in fear for their lives.

This is not what democracy looks like.

My husband and I will unwind the FBI's false statements from our sons soon enough.

But who will undo the brain damage a criminal FBI will have perpetrated in the interim?

Clearly, our need for the provision of FOIA reports and investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI has become a profoundly urgent matter, one of both ethical and legal import.

Who will support us in obtaining those reports and reclaiming our family's full health and bonds once we receive them?

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Safety Concern Flagged in New Email for OIG Hotline and ODNI Investigators

 OIG Hotline, please see a new email sent to your Office's attention within, bearing the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Apparent FBI Sabotage of Gas Pipe at 45 Vista Verde Way, Portola Valley, with a date/time stamp of July 22, 2024 at 3:55 PM.

Due to safety concerns, I would respectfully request that your Office access this communication at the earliest possible opportunity.

With appreciation for your presence at this time,

Lane MacWilliams

July 21, 2024


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Important New Email for the OIG Hotline and the ODNI Investigations

OIG Hotline, please see an important new email sent to your attention within, entitled ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigations Re: Please Halt GTM False Reporting Scheme Alleged by FBI and Affiliates, sent on July 22, 2024 at 2:49 AM.  `

Please access this information as soon as possible, given the threatened Wifi disruption that has accompanied this apparent scheme by the FBI and its affiliates.

Thank you very much for your support with this concern.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Xxxxxxx Xxxx: A Force for Evil That Must Be Overcome

Update:  Question and answer #13 have been redacted from this post.  Statement #24 has been expanded.

Please be apprised that certain material may be removed from my blog and Facebook page upon my receipt of my FOIA reports without redaction or omission unapproved by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, as well as investigative reports from these Offices.

Lane MacWilliams


1.  What happened yesterday, July 19, 2024?

Answer:  The FBI alleges that its affiliates tortured both of my sons at the directive of Xxxxxxx Xxxx.

2.  To what purpose?

Answer:  Supposedly the FBI wanted to incriminate my sons for "leverage" in some unknown negotiation.  So they allegedly forced them to take illicit drugs, engage in illicit trafficking against their will, perpetrate illegal sports betting against their will, make some type of illegal stock trades against their will, on and on it went.

3. Do you believe these allegations?

Answer:  You know, the FBI does put out extensive disinformation.  But the location of some of these events was repeatedly identified as "The Cave," and the agent, who may be affiliated with the FBI or with the CIA, was repeatedly named as "Max."  Beyond this, there was a great deal of specificity with regard to the names of others involved.  And today, my older son was actively lying via text about his whereabouts yesterday afternoon and evening.  So, unfortunately, the indicators are that he did indeed suffer torture, as the FBI alleges.

4.  Today, the FBI sent you a message that this event was a "Tiny Blunder" on their part.

Answer:  Torture is not a "tiny blunder."  I would like to speak to an American who feels that the torture of his or her children would ever constitute a "tiny blunder."  I don't think such a person exists.

5.  Your stalker Xxxxxxx Xxxx appears to be sending you serial killer messages today about Jack the Ripper, as if he's looking forward to obtaining permission to cause you the worst possible sort of harm.

Answer:  You know, this is difficult to discuss.  Many of us grow up in a comparatively secular world, and those of us who are fortunate in being highly educated are reluctant to discuss the reality of evil.  But Xxxxxxx Xxxx, as a sadistic serial killer, cannot actually be described any other way.  It's not sufficient to say that he is a liar who sows discord and chaos everywhere he goes.  He is truly an evil force in this world, someone who enjoys murder -- just as he enjoyed the murders of four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho on November 13th of 2022 -- someone who reportedly sees himself as a monster and a destroyer, and whose aims in this regard are quite extensive.

 6.  You feel that his directives concerning the torture of your sons was entirely intentional, and designed specifically to delay the reported delivery date of your FOIA reports and the investigative reports to you on Tuesday of this coming week.

Answer:  Absolutely, I do.  He wanted to derail the delivery of those materials in any way he possibly could.

7. Isn't he blaming the White House for authorizing your sons' torture?

Answer:  He appears to be doing so, yes.  But I think the White House has attempted to protect my sons and MG from Xxxxxxx Xxxx and his FBI cohort, and I think that President Biden and Vice President Harris have had challenges in controlling the predations of these CIA and FBI contractors who are being paid offline through black budgets that are difficult to trace.

Basically, these individuals are operating outside of the directives of our government.  Even though they're on our soil, within our nation, they are more loyal to our foreign adversaries and to organized crime than they are to the United States.  And this characterizes the far right in general.  It's a criminal enterprise, with deep hooks into human trafficking and drug trafficking, and it's exceptionally difficult to root out the most malevolent actors.

8.  Except that Xxxxxxx Xxxx is probably the most culpable one.

Answer:  I believe he is, yes.  

9.  How should the Democrats handle Xxxxxxx Xxxx, in your opinion?

Answer:  Don't enrich the man, for starters.  This person was dangerous to begin with.  The last thing the government should be allowing is his enrichment through corrupt FBI initiatives to appropriate settlements and penalties awarded in my name.

10.  How might Brandan Pesa have been able to profit through corrupt FBI initiatives to appropriate settlements?

Answer:  The FBI appears to allege that the agency directed a "Chief of Station" to wrongfully allege one or more felonies on my part or my husband's part, thus allowing funds to be wrongfully appropriated.

11.  You believe that President Biden and Vice President Harris need to proceed immediately in providing you with the reports.

Answer:  I do.  The provision of the reports is required by law.  And if the Biden administration fails to provide them now, I don't think they ever will.

12.  Xxxxxxx Xxxx appears to allege that President Biden is on the verge of authorizing your murder.

Answer:  Wouldn't it be wiser to lawfully provide me with the reports instead?

(Redacted content)

14.  You have given Xxxxxxx Xxxx a powerful incentive to allow you to be provided with the reports.  What is that incentive?

Answer:  I am going to start taking out billboards identifying him as the FBI-enabled murderer of the four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho if I don't get the reports, and in short order.

15.  And he can't sue you, because it's true.

Answer:  You know, that's an interesting fact, isn't it?

16.  So what do you have to say to President Biden, Vice President Harris and the Democratic Party in the face of Xxxxxxx Xxxx's choice to once again torture your sons?

Answer:  Do not let this man derail your plans to provide me with the reports on an urgent basis and to initiate contact from Washington, D.C. immediately following that provision.  This man will always seek to sew chaos and division.  Sounder minds and wiser leaders must see past the attempt.

17.  And what do you say to serial killer Brandan Pesa who has sought for years to gain murderous access to you?

Answer:  I say no.  Pure and simple.  No.  No today.  No tomorrow.  No forever.  No.

18.  You believe that the issue of the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting has profound implications for the future freedoms of mankind.

Answer:  No free society can allow knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting to persist and expand.  The existence of programs of false reporting is inimical to free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, the right to privacy -- and nearly the entire Constitution.  If we choose to abandon democracy, that's one thing.  But if we don't, we have to be able to address this problem, at least privately within the halls of government, in order to counterbalance it from a policy perspective.

19.  So you challenge the Democrats not to allow Xxxxxxx Xxxx to derail their course in providing you with the reports.

Answer:  That's exactly correct.  I challenge them to stay the course and convey those reports into my hands urgently.

20.  Can they do it?

Answer:  I know it's within their capacity.  They need to clear this last hurdle of disinformation in Washington D.C. and predation toward my children, and they need to surpass it with a rather heroic determination not to falter or get distracted.

21.  You are waiting for the reports' arrival imminently.

Answer:  I am.

22.  You will appreciate all efforts to protect your sons and MG.

Answer:  I will.

23.  You believe it is necessary for good people to communicate directly following the provision of the reports.

Answer:  I do.

24.  You believe it is critical that the government not delay because of Xxxxxxx Xxxx's predations toward your sons and MG, nor because of falsified witness statements they may provide as the result of torture and harms sustained.

Answer:  I do.

25.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and understanding?

Answer:  Yes.

Lane MacWillams

Friday, July 19, 2024

Repeated Wifi Disruption on July 19, 2024, Presumed to Correspond to an FBI Scheme of Knowingly Falsified Law Enforcement Reporting

 OIG Hotline, this is to document that i just experienced yet another Wifi disruption from 4:05 PM to 4:08 PM on Friday, July 19, 2024, presumably perpetrated by the FBI or its affiliates.

This is to confirm that I am extending no communications whatsoever during Wifi disruption to GSQ8.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully, and categorically false.

As always, should the FBI or its affiliates allege any improper, suspicious or unlawful conduct on my part based on my co-opted image or likeness for any purpose, false witness statements, online impersonation through co-opting our electronic devices and IP addresses, corrupted photos, AI-generated film, AI-generated audio, falsified purchases, false assertions of viewing of inappropriate or unlawful material on cable, television or internet, false assertions pertaining to reading materials, falsified communications, false allegations of contraband discovery, or any other form of falsified evidence whatsoever, I would respectfully request that such falsehoods be formally disqualified.

I further request, in the event that such false claims have been extended by the FBI or its affiliates, now or in the past, that any settlements or penalties assessed in my name be protected from invasion and/or distribution due to related threats to my family’s safety, and indeed our lives, in the event that these violations occur. 

Such invasions could not only result in my legal liability or my family’s harm, but they also could easily result in sustaining the very falsified law enforcement reporting we are attempting to halt. 

Please help me break this untenable and unconscionable cycle by preventing any and all malfeasance.

Thank you for your protection of my family’s safety and well-being in committing to these safeguards. 

And thank you, too, for forwarding this request to the ODNI. 

This is to reconfirm that all of my activities, communications, conduct, intentions, subscriptions, purchases, and viewing of videos/films on any platform have been and continue to be lawful and honorable in every way, shape and form. This is further to confirm that my husband and I possess no firearms and have no intention of possessing, purchasing or acquiring any firearms. This is further to confirm that neither my husband nor I have caused elevated radiation of any kind within our home or anywhere else. 

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully, and categorically false.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

I appreciate your allowing me to extend this documentation to your Office. 

And I further wish to express my abiding appreciation for all you are doing to safely and convey the FOIA reports and accompanying investigations into my possession in their entirety.  

Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams