My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

 1.  You had an unusual conversation with your older son Graham yesterday.  What was the biggest takeaway?

Answer:  Well, there were a couple of significant takeaways.  First, Graham vigorously denied previous facts he had acknowledged to me.

2.  May I ask for an example?

Answer:  He left our home on several occasions and later acknowledged that he had called the Sheriff's Office from neighbors' houses to make knowingly false statements to law enforcement.  But during the call yesterday, he denied having admitted this.

3.  Did you send him a follow up text later on about this subject?

Answer:  I did, yes.  

4.  May I ask about its content?

Answer:  I asked him to disclose whose phones he had used to make the calls to the Sheriff's Office, because he did not have a cell phone at the time.  The record of those phone numbers is going to be in the law enforcement database, so I asked him to be sure to tell me the truth about this.

5.  What was his reply?

Answer:  No reply whatsoever as of this time.

6.  What do you take that to mean?

Answer:  That this is a young man whose life is being actively threatened by the FBI and the Phoenix Program.  His handler directed him to deny any and all involvement by certain neighbors, no doubt because that information is particularly implicating of the FBI and affiliate agencies.  But everyone forgot that the phone numbers would have been documented by the Sheriff's Office and would be now present within certain federal databases such as HSIN, N-DEx, and LEEP.  So they're all caught in the lie.  And they're all caught in threatening my son's life in the process of forcing him to lie.

7.  The FBI alleged to you recently that both of your sons were presented by Phoenix Program personnel with the choice to "kill or be killed."  Is that correct?

Answer:  That is correct.

8.  Haven't you, as an FBI whistleblower, repeatedly requested that your sons and MG be separated from the FBI and Phoenix?

Answer:  I have made that urgent and repeated request, yes.

9.  And even so, that separation never occurred?

Answer:  It never occurred.  As proof, my older son is lying to me as if his life depended on it.  So, it never occurred.

10.  What do you want for your sons at this point?

Answer:  Medical restoration of their complete health, both now and over time.  Complete and permanent separation from the FBI, Phoenix and any and all of their affiliates anywhere in the world.  And safe harbor in a nation of their choosing for as long as they desire, one that will value and protect their sovereignty, their health, their free will, and their virtue.

11.  Why were these extensive harms perpetrated against your sons?  

Answer:  Why do predators hate virtue?  

12.  Wasn't there also a profit motive?  Didn't the FBI and its affiliates also hope to separate you from the settlements and penalties awarded in your name by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI?

Answer:  Well, I think there's no question but that this was likely present for the FBI as well.

13.  You attempted to halt the pace of your constant verification of your whereabouts a few days ago.  Why was that?

Answer:  It seemed as though I was just feeding a system of falsified reporting followed by disqualification of those falsehoods based on the evidence I was providing.  Awards were being extended and likely invaded by someone, but certainly not me.  And meanwhile, I still didn't have my FOIA reports or the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline or the ODNI.  So, I wanted to see whether a hiatus would motivate the government to provide me with materials due to me under the law.  Instead, I almost lost my life.

14.  What does this tell you?

Answer:  It tells me that I have been effectively and unwillingly enslaved to a system which is profiting the very people who are persecuting and torturing my family members and myself.

15.  You mentioned to your son yesterday that you feared we might be now witnessing the failing of our nation.  Is this what you believe?

Answer:  By way of response, I need to ask about the circumstances under which the sons of a highly honorable whistleblower attempting to defend the liberty of all should ever be presented with the ultimatum -- by FBI/DoD affiliated security forces, no less -- to "kill or be killed."

Does that sound like the choice of an FBI that is succeeding in defending democracy or liberty or the innocent for the good?

17.  It does not.

Answer:  I remain extremely concerned about the manner in which this could possibly have occurred.

18.  What must your sons feel about this country at this time?

Answer:  This FBI has tortured them repeatedly, gratuitously, and sadistically in an attempt to rob them of their sovereignty, their health, their family, their happiness and their free will.  We can only imagine what these beloved young men must feel.

19.  Since yesterday, when you disclosed this problem, have environmental conditions improved within your residence?

Answer:  Markedly.  Airborne small particulates went from 10,000 to 36.

20.  You had asked Kamala Harris for her intervention yesterday.  Do you feel that she was able to extend this to you?

Answer:  I do, yes.

21.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  Yes.

Lane MacWilliams

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