My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Texts to GTM and DSM, July 22, 2024, 5:36 PM

 OIG Hotline, my sons' handlers did not allow them to respond to my question, unfortunately.  Of concern, the FBI has alleged that treatment of my younger son's alleged lymphoma, and my older son's alleged diabetes and diabetic retinopathy, in addition to alleged new cases of a serious water-borne parasitic illness communicated to one or both of them (and potentially MG) will be treated as a reward for falsified witness statements concerning my husband's cell phone.  All of these illnesses have been reportedly caused by crimes perpetrated by the agency, so the manner in which the agency is holding people hostage by suggesting that they can only enjoy restored health if they lie for the FBI -- is a devastating betrayal of the honorable bonds within families.

Of course I want my sons and MG to return to full health.  I simply do not believe they should have to extend knowing deceits to a corrupt agency in order to reclaim that full health.

Nor do I believe that my husband and I should suffer harms due to a willfully corrupt FBI.

This afternoon, my neighbors Ron and Rhonda Hyver were running their generator, even though we had no power outage on our street.  This always corresponds to the FBI's criminal deployment of DEWs against my husband and myself during the night to follow, as damaging DEWs are power-hungry enough to require charging during the day.

So, we have a serious problem when we're facing an FBI that is attempting to cause brain damage in an FBI whistleblower and her husband as the result of false witness statements obtained from three young people who have suffered torture by the FBI and its affiliates and are now in fear for their lives.

This is not what democracy looks like.

My husband and I will unwind the FBI's false statements from our sons soon enough.

But who will undo the brain damage a criminal FBI will have perpetrated in the interim?

Clearly, our need for the provision of FOIA reports and investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI has become a profoundly urgent matter, one of both ethical and legal import.

Who will support us in obtaining those reports and reclaiming our family's full health and bonds once we receive them?

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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