1. It has been reported that your youngest son has recently filed egregiously false witness statements about your husband, your older son, and you yourself. Do you have any sense of what those false statements might say?
Answer: I don't. I only know that the FBI has been threatening to arrest my youngest son if he does not sign false witness statements pertaining to the FBI's "big three," consisting of "espionage activity," "terroristic activity," and "capital crimes." Then, too, the FBI likes to throw spurious child abuse/child endangerment allegations into the mix, because that gets everyone quite upset, understandably.
2. The FBI has ordered your youngest son, under threat of death, to engage in unlawful activity as part of bogus "undercover" operations. Isn't that the case?
Answer: Yes, it is. And part of that has entailed Txx Lxxxx' directives to my youngest son to take illicit drugs for the sake of "credibility," while the real intent on the part of Mr. Lxxxx was to intentionally cause addiction in my son three or more times.
3. So, the real agenda of Mr. Lxxxx has been?
Answer: First-degree murder of my family members. That much is entirely clear.
4. Mr. Lxxxx is said to now be afraid of losing his job, once President Trump is inaugurated.
Answer: I cannot comment on speculation in that realm.
5. Your younger son was unwilling to engage in a family FaceTime conversation this weekend. How do you interpret that?
Answer: That can only mean that Txx Lxxxx recently directed him under threat of death to utilize hard drugs. Because, as my son's attentive mother, I only have to see him to know exactly what's going on. So, if he's hiding from me, it's due to FBI coercion regarding hard drugs.
6. Mr. Lxxxx also forced your youngest son to cut off texting communications with you. Why was that?
Answer: Because I was actively obstructing Mr. Lxxxx' harmful agenda with regard to my son. I was texting my son regularly to reveal Mr. Lxxxx' actual intent with regard to our family, and this was simply getting in the FBI's way.
7. What lies is the FBI forcing your youngest son to tell about your oldest son?
Answer: Likely the usual lies the FBI has been promoting -- corresponding to a false diagnosis and a false assessment that he is a dangerous person.
8. The FBI or its affiliates have reportedly recruited your son's community college teacher, with class beginning this week for the first time, to "observe and report" regarding your son's participation in the class. What do you expect those reports to contain?
Answer: More of the same. There will be reports from his teacher, fellow students, and Uber drivers that he appears to be threatening and dangerous.
9. How risky are such lies to your son?
Answer: They directly threaten his life. False witness statements are often falsified further by the FBI in-house, without the witnesses' knowledge or consent, as a means of committing first-degree murder of an honorable "target of interest," at which point no one goes back to check the FBI's forgeries. And this has been an extremely effective predatory technique the FBI regularly employs against the virtuous public.
10. What do you think about President Trump's desire to ensure that the FBI holds sufficient loyalty to his administration?
Answer: President Trump clearly understands that the FBI is wielding exceptionally powerful tools against the public -- and elected officials as well -- without effective restraint on the harms the agency is causing. If President Trump did not concern himself with this issue at this time, he could effectively lose control of governance quite rapidly. So, this is necessary from a security standpoint for the President. He needs to know that wayward factions of the agency are not going to be able to assail him or his loved ones, and the nation needs to know it, too.
11. The nation does not want the tail to be wagging the dog, in other words.
Answer: That's exactly it. We don't want the three-letter agencies to be controlling the Presidency. We want the President to assert firm control over the agencies. That means the tactics of the agencies need to be understood, countered when appropriate, and anticipated at all times, because the fundamental will to power within these organizations is ever-present.
This is what Eisenhower was speaking about in 1961 when he stated "the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
12. How can President Trump take proactive steps to ensure that agency stratagems are anticipated?
Answer: I would have some very specific recommendations regarding that subject, but they cannot be disclosed in anything other than a secure environment.
13. You have said that the FBI is a deeply divided agency with a challenging mission.
Answer: Yes, and yes.
14. So, is it true that there will be tension surrounding the FBI's engagement with the public in the short term?
Answer: Yes, it is. I am focused on the long term, because I think there are freedoms that can be rescued in that context. But there needs to be consensus surrounding that rescue, because meaningful planning will require that agreement.
15. You feel that the agencies will not accept top-down changes?
Answer: The agencies are going to experience a reconfiguration under President Trump, so there will be top-down changes. But pertaining to long term Constitutional considerations, we will need powerful consensus.
16. Is that achievable?
Answer: This depends on whether President Trump has a vision for the the long term freedoms of Americans that allows them, under civilian governance, a measure of the sovereignty for which the Constitution provides. Yes, it's achievable. And President Trump's vision for the future will be immensely important in this regard.
17. The FBI has described itself in the past as an agency that can never admit wrongdoing. Yet clearly, in the case of your family, the agency has knowingly and repeatedly lied in causing all of you egregious harm.
Answer: Counterintelligence within the FBI and CIA has a disastrous history of lying for profit. This is the way the agents are trained, and this goes back to the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover and Allen Dulles.
But the FBI did admit a few years ago that two agents lied by falsifying the victim statements of the USA gymnasts regarding the child predator Larry Nassar. The agency doesn't like to acknowledge its criminality, but sometimes it is forced to do so.
18. Can the agency admit to you that it has lied about your family members and you yourself?
Answer: I think the agency has already been found guilty by the Supreme Court regarding this case, so I think its trenchant dishonesty has already been established. Having said that, I would appreciate having access to that judgment, as well as to the dual investigations of the OIG Hotline and the ODNI regarding this matter.
19. Will that be forthcoming on an immediate basis?
Answer: I can only say that peaceable outreach should occur right away.
20. Will you be watching President Trump's inauguration?
Answer: Oh, yes. As I have said, I'm looking forward to it. President Trump will lead us through a historic inflection point in the course of our nation's development, and he's going to do so with clarity of purpose and fortitude, I have no doubt.
21. Thank you for your insights this afternoon.
Answer: You are quite welcome.
Lane MacWilliams
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