My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

17 Questions and Answers, December 29, 2024

 1.  Over the last few days, you have discovered a series of remarkable events perpetrated by others toward your family.  Is that so?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

2.  Do you intend that others should be imprisoned as a result of these events?

Answer:  I am focused on outreach in accordance with FRCP 23, not imprisonment.

3.  Do you have confidence that this outreach will now occur?

Answer:  I believe it will.

4.  How are you managing to support your older son all the while he appears to be falsely reporting about your words and actions from within your own home?

Answer:  I view him as a person whose mind has been taken hostage by others.  He cannot defend against unlawful directives being extended to him, and further, he cannot perceive that he has no defense.  So, great care is required.

5.  What has the FBI told him to persuade him to lie with impunity about the mother who is striving to return his sovereignty to him?

Answer:  The FBI appears to have told him that I am on the "hit list," so that nothing he says about me will matter with regard to my own safety and security.  Therefore, according to his handler, he should simply sign his name to documents when he is directed to do so.

6.  Do you believe the FBI has actually conveyed this information to him?

Answer:  Well, he is suddenly treating me with exceptional love and appreciation -- all the while he is allegedly filing egregiously false witness statements about our family from our own home.  So, this seems to be a plausible explanation for the contrast, yes.

7.  What is your son's credibility within those witness statements?

Answer:  Zero.

8.  Has your younger son been told the same thing by the FBI -- that there is a contract on your life, and therefore, he should sign whatever he is instructed to sign?

Answer:  The FBI alleges that this message has also been conveyed, yes.

9.  If true, what is your younger son's credibility within his witness statements?

Answer:  Also zero.

10.  How much is the FBI offering to pay your sons for extending falsehoods that you are a "spy," a "terrorist," a "serial killer," or a "paranoid schizophrenic," or that other family members are the same?

Answer:  A great deal, it would seem.

11.  Is the Supreme Court able to recognize that those whose sovereignty has been appropriated cannot be relied upon to tell the truth within witness statements?

Answer:  I have every confidence that the Supreme Court is able to recognize this fact, yes.

12.  Isn't the truth that you have caught a branch of the federal government committing appalling and gratuitous harms against your family?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

13.  You have said that a top priority at this time should be outreach from an attorney in accordance with FRCP 23, partly because there are substantive confidentiality issues to which to attend on an immediate basis.  Is that true?

Answer:  Absolutely.  Yes.  Anyone who has been paying attention to this case and who cares about national security should be arranging for an attorney to engage in formal and honorable outreach as soon as possible.

14.  I'm sure that -- foremost on your mind with regard to outreach -- would be the question of whether your sons and MX can be restored to full health, including cognitive and emotional health.

Answer:  Very much so.  That concern is paramount.  Whether the FBI has ever manifested such restoration is unknown, but I need to hear the facts of this matter from a formal representative for the agency.  Of course, I would hope that my entire family could be restored to full health and that our health will be safeguarded and supported over time.

15.  What is the solution to the issue of the contract or contracts on your life?

Answer:  I would certainly hope that these will be withdrawn when other matters of concern are resolved with the help of an attorney.  But clearly, I will need to have certain important protections that enable me to move about the world with safety and security.  And I hope these will be forthcoming.

16.  Will your younger son be traveling to New York soon?  Will he be relocating there?

Answer:  All upcoming travel should be cancelled for him, and so should his relocation.  The restoration of my family members will carry with it certain requirements which are in effect as of now.  My sons and MX should be tasked no further by demands for witness statements or any other "assignments" whatsoever.

17.  Please continue to let us know of your family members' health and safety.

Answer:  Thank you.  I most certainly will.

Lane MacWilliams

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