My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Ongoing Obstruction of Communications with the OIG Hotline

 1.  Has your ability to file on online complaint with the OIG Hotline been restored?

Answer:  No, it has not.

2.  What does that mean to you?  What does that convey?

Answer:  It conveys that the Committee of 300 has voted to take my life, likely with the influence of bribes proffered from Brandan Pesa from the awards extended in my name as a result of his own predation toward my family.

3.  So, this is a complete loss of checks and balances within the central government.

Answer:  Yes, it is.

4.  Your older son is supposed to meet with DeAnza Community College academic counselor Sheldon Fields on Tuesday morning at 9:30 in a meeting that has been discussed by FBI agent Txx Lxxxx.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.  Mr. Fields is allegedly meant to file a false witness statement following the meeting to state that he thought my son seemed "dangerous."

5.  Are corrupt FBI agent Txx Lxxxx and organized crime boss Brandan Pesa scheming to arrange that your older son will be rejected from all the graduate schools to which he has applied?

Answer:  Yes, they are.

6.  To what end?

Answer:  The FBI tries to engineer a big loss in the lives of those they direct to commit various crimes, because they want to advance the idea that a person just "snapped" or lost control.  This is all very calculated for the agency.  They work hard at the falsehoods.

7.  But in fact Txx Lxxxx and Brandan Pesa are ensuring that your son is not admitted to graduate school by defaming him with false information provided to admissions offices.  Isn't this true?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

8.  And, as things stand, you have no reliable means of submitting this information as a complaint.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  Yes, it is true.

9.  Have either of your sons been honorably discharged from federal programs as of this date?  Has MX been honorably discharged?

Answer:  No, they have not, unfortunately.

10.  Are their respective agencies continuing to traffic them?

Answer:  They are to some degree.  In addition, they are being directed to perform targeted assignments that are deeply scarring to the psyche -- truly horrific directives that no American would ever want their family members involved with.

11.  So, all of this is being used as a lever over your family?

Answer:  Yes, it is, and it's also being used as a lever to demand further falsified witness statements from my sons and MX.

12.  Are the FBI and the CIA deeply involved in human trafficking and drug trafficking within the United States?

Answer:  Human trafficking and drug trafficking are essentially shared "businesses" between the agencies and organized crime.  The profits are shared.  High-ranking officials within the agencies are engaging in "profit-sharing" extended from the "proceeds" of these crimes nationally and internationally.  So this is an enormous problem for our country as a whole.

13.  You have said that social media is being utilized as territory for the agencies to coerce young Americans into trafficking.

Answer:  That's correct.  Social media is exceptionally dangerous for this reason, and it will become more so owing to AI-generation of false communications and media within social media accounts.  Anytime Americans log on, they are risking the active generation of AI-created false communications.  And this problem is going to accelerate over the short term.

14.  Returning to your sons and MX for a moment, can President Trump extend honorable discharges to all three of these beloved young people?

Answer:  That is within his power, yes.

15.  Would you like to formally request that he do so?

Answer:  Yes, I hereby formally extend that request.

16.  Will you receive an affirmative reply that restores the sanctity and sovereignty of your family?

Answer:  I will let you know, certainly.

 17.  The FBI appears to be attempting to demand money from you at this time, connected to the alleged 7.9 trillion dollars in awards that have been extended in your name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.  What is your response to those demands?

Answer:  The FBI should not be demanding money from me now or ever, nor should the FBI be demanding money from its millions of innocent victims now or ever.

18.  You find the FBI's demands offensive.

Answer:  I do, and I think the American people would find them offensive.

19.  What is the forward course for your family?

Answer:  We need safety first and foremost, and that involves the immediate honorable discharge of my sons and MX from all government programs, as I stated above.

20.  What are your sons' and MX's names, please?

Answer:  Graham Tate MacWilliams, Duncan Sayer MacWilliams, and Mary Grinnell.

21.  And what are the odds that the Committee of 300 has also voted, through bribery from Brandan Pesa, to take their lives, alongside your husband's life and your own?

Answer:  Not low.  Bribes to the Committee of 300 are profoundly damaging to our national security concerns and deeply damaging to my family's future, clearly.

22.  You would like to see the Committee of 300 take another vote, this time in your family's favor.

Answer:  Yes, I would.

23.  And you would like to see across-the-board support for the recovery of your family members from the appalling harms toward them that were approved under the Biden Administration.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

24.  Is their recovery possible?

Answer:  It is not only possible.  It is necessary.

25.  Will you please follow up with us with regard to your family members' wellbeing and your own?

Answer:  I most certainly will.

26.  Thank you for sharing your insights this afternoon.

Answer:  You are most welcome.

Lane MacWilliams

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