A friend of mine recently slipped a surprise into my suitcase: a letter I had written to him two years ago. In it, I had told him that, while I realized he was already a great success in his career, I sensed his dream for himself involved something greater -- a new venture that he himself could own, a business he could nurture and grow to full fruition. Today, that dream has been realized -- to the extent that my friend feels he is engaged with his destined life's path for the first time. Given that I see his robust fulfillment frequently, it's strange to look back to a time when his entrepreneurship was a mere hunch I expressed in writing -- a recognition of his true potential -- a belief.
Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, used to speak often about "bending the universe" to his will. He had a conviction that he could create the impossible with the right friends and sufficient belief.
And when the impossible has happened for me? When the Oscar-winning producers have signed onto my current project? When the agents have lined up to offer their support? These events have always begun with belief, creativity and generous support from my friends.
I always like to pay forward such good fortune -- to bring my friends along with me on my outsized adventures, and to support them with dreams of their own. It's a mysterious alchemy that allows our secret hopes to take shape in the real world. There's a deep well of fulfillment in realizing our own dreams -- and there's an overflowing sense of joy in tangibly supporting our friends' hopes, too.
The universe truly can be "bent" to our will, it turns out. When we understand this as the truth, all dreams become nearer to us, all ambitions live within our reach.
The German philosopher, Goethe, wrote, "Whatever you can do -- or dream you can -- begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
It's a delight to discover how right he was.