My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

New Email for the OIG Hotline, January 4, 2025

OIG Hotline, please see an email sent to your attention within at 12:24 PM today, January 4, 2025, with the subject heading as follows:  ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Apparent ActBlue Irregularities, Confidential.

Thank you for accessing this information at your earliest opportunity.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Update: Planned Mail Retrieval, January 4, 2024

Update:  This mail retrieval was completed safely and securely.

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, my husband will retrieve our mail today, January 4, 2024.

He will use a body cam, as he did during his last retrieval of mail, to film the entire process of his handling each piece of mail that we accept.  The ownership of this camera and its micro SD card have already been conveyed to the OIG Hotline Investigations Division.

He will not retrieve or open the letters from Jim Mellano of AFE nor from SC Fund Recovery, but rather, will leave them in place.  To confirm, ownership of the Jim Mellano/AFE letter and the SC Fund Recovery letter have been transferred to the OIG Hotline Investigations Division and will be provided to them as soon as they request them.

My husband will affix a new security seal to the lock on the box when he has completed his retrieval of accepted mail.

For clarity, neither my husband nor I have opened the mailbox since his last documented retrieval of acceptable mail.

We hope that the security measures we have taken -- that of the security seal, and the presence of lights and an alarm, will have been sufficient to prevent tampering with our mailbox in the interim.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

Lane MacWilliams

Communications for the OIG Hotline, June 4, 2024

 OIG Hotline, please access communications sent to your attention within, including those sent today, January 4, 2024, with time stamps of 2:55 AM, 6:11 AM, 6:18 AM, 6:22 AM, 7:27 AM, 7:31 AM, 8:12 AM, 8:15 AM, 8:16 AM, 8:17 AM, 9:22 AM, 9:26 AM, and 12:24 PM.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Friday, January 3, 2025

Update: A Word About Concealed Class Action Litigation

Update:  A disclaimer appears at the end of this post.

 1.  You have not been able to secure representation to safeguard your family members and yourself.  Why is that?

Answer:  There is currently concealed class action litigation that is being pursued in my name without my knowledge or consent, depriving me of my right to individual representation if I so desire it.

2.  Are your family members' rights and your own being protected within concealed class action litigation?

Answer:  Absolutely not.  In fact, we have been placed at astonishing peril because of the failure to uphold Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23.  I have not been given the choice about whether I wish to be involved in class action litigation or whether I wish to pursue private representation, and this failure is unlawful.

3.  Has the Supreme Court upheld your request for the full implementation of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 with regard to your case?

Answer:  The FBI appears to suggest that it has.  Even so,  the law has been violated in the failure to uphold federal rules of civil procedure, despite my best efforts..  

Concealed class action litigation is an invitation to abuse of the public, as it has been an invitation to abuse of my family.

There can be no just result from a concealed class action lawsuit that remains concealed.  Instead, it is a strategy to rob the National Treasury by corrupt politicians who award unknowing complainants enormous sums, and then invade the judgments for spurious reasons later, all outside of the public view.

So this does not work for me at all, nor does it work for the American public at all.

4.  You have reasonably stated that your sons have been placed in recent peril, and your family now needs representation on an individual basis regarding the manner in which that was perpetrated -- not a class action basis.

Answer:  The bottom line is that in order to uphold the safety of my family, I need to have an attorney with whom I can speak.  And I do not.  My family continues to be preyed upon through knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting, and we are simply being treated like pawns for those who are stealing vast sums from the public.  

The FBI has conveyed extremely serious diseases to my whole family and is now withholding curative medical care from my sons in return for egregiously falsified witness statements, collected by their agencies and the DoD.  And some of these false statements are written by others before my sons ever read what they say.

5.  The witness statements are not even being written by your sons?

Answer:  A portion of them is being written by others, and a portion of them is falsified after my sons append their signatures under duress.

6.  Can you give us an example of the false "child abuse" allegations the FBI has forced them to write?

Answer:  My younger son fell from his bicycle on the first day of kindergarten, riding with his older brother to the elementary school.  He was crossing a wooden bridge that was mossy, and he simply slipped.

7.  Were you with your sons at the time?

Answer:  We were and my husband and I took care of my younger son immediately.  The injury was relatively minor and was solved with a dab of antibiotic and a single bandaid.  And he arrived at kindergarten on time.

8.  That doesn't exactly sound like child endangerment to me.

Answer:  Because it is not child endangerment.

9.  Are there other allegations from the FBI pertaining to child abuse?

Answer:  Yes, the FBI recently cited a circumstance in which my husband and I, together with our older son, were having lunch in a ski lodge at the top of a ski resort, when the snow flurries unexpectedly worsened and the upper part of the mountain closed.  So we needed to descend several hundred feet in a heavy snow storm.  Fortunately, the ski patrol quickly took our son off the mountain, and my husband and I were able to descend by ourselves.  It was an unusual circumstance, which my son handled beautifully.  There were no tears or whining.  In fact, he was thrilled to have a ride on the back of the skimobile.

10.  That doesn't sound like child abuse to me.

Answer:  Again, these are part of the experiences one might have in a normal childhood.

11.  Yet, your sons are being forced by the DoD to write about these incidents as if they represented child endangerment?

Answer:  Absolutely, they are.

12.  And when you reveal the truth of the matter?

Answer:  I'm sure it's very profitable for the corrupt individuals who are parasiting off of the false reporting.  But in the meantime, we have been slandered, defamed, and physically harmed due to the unremitting lies of the FBI and its DoD cohort.  And no one returns later to apologize, reverse the illnesses the FBI has intentionally conveyed to us as "punishment" for crimes we never committed, or extend any kind of restorative justice whatsoever.

13.  Who is profiting from this system of lies?

Answer:  Everyone involved in this system except for the victims.  The innocent "targets of interest" are not profiting, I assure you.  They are suffering needlessly while others act as leeches to profit from the deceit -- destroying the health and social relationships and professions of millions of honorable Americans.

14.  Who authorized this concealed class action on behalf of "targets of interest" to begin with?

Answer:  The FBI states that President Biden authorized it.

15.  And you have suffered false reporting the entire time this concealed class action has been proceeding?

Answer:  It's not only that we have suffered false reporting the whole while.  We have also suffered repeated judgements to take our lives for crimes we have never committed.

16.  Concealed judgments?

Answer:  Yes, concealed judgements for non-existent crimes.

17.  And you have been deprived of the ability to know the charges or examine the so-called "evidence"?

Answer:  Yes, we have never had the opportunity to directly learn of any of the charges, to speak to an attorney, or to see the false evidence.

18.  So, this process is stunningly unconstitutional.

Answer:  In every way, yes.

19.  Who is preventing you from receiving your FOIA reports, contact from investigators, or attorney outreach in compliance with FRCP 23?

Answer:  President Biden and his cohort within the FBI and organized crime.

20.  And what are your thoughts about those choices?

Answer:  They are slanderous, defamatory, thieving, murderous, and annihilating toward the public.

21.  All of your Constitutional rights have been unlawfully taken from you because of President Biden.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

22.  So your point now is what?

Answer:  My point is that the public is being destroyed by the crimes of corrupt politicians regarding this matter.  I want outreach in support of FRCP 23, I want outreach in accordance with investigative norms within the DOJ, and I want the provision of my FOIA report in its entirety.

23.  Given the egregious harms to your family members, you would be right to be furious over the mishandling of this entire issue.

Answer:  I think any American, knowing the facts, would be furious over the crimes public officials have committed concerning this case.

24.  What do you make of the FBI's latest threats that it has somehow managed to convey ALS to you or one of your loved ones?

Answer:  This is entirely in keeping with the other monstrous acts of the FBI pertaining to this case.  Obviously, if the FBI has perpetrated such a crime, it needs to reverse itself immediately.

25.  Would such a crime have been perpetrated with the authorization of President Biden?

Answer:  It most certainly would.

26.  Will you keep us updated regarding your family's wellbeing?  I understand that they have been horribly tortured and injured by the Biden administration.  But we would like to hear whether anyone else offers healing and restorative justice to your family.

Answer:  I understand, and I appreciate your good wishes for us.

Lane MacWilliams

P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time.  I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation.  Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms.  As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.

Communications for the OIG Hotline, January 3, 2025

OIG Hotline, please see communications sent to your attention within, including those within screenshots provided herewith.

I will be updating communications sent to the attention of your Office later today.

Thank you for accessing these communications at your earliest opportunity.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Update: When the Government Profits from the Destruction of American Families

Update:  A disclaimer appears at the end of this post.

1.  What has been your recent experience in speaking to your 31-year-old son?

Answer:  Extremely upsetting.  I don't recognize his moral center.  His sovereignty has been entirely usurped through a DoD experiment.  He generally tells me the truth, and he generally lies to my husband -- sometimes within sixty seconds regarding the same topic. And the gap created by this discrepancy has absolutely destroyed my marriage.

2.  The FBI's "target of interest" program has destroyed your marriage?

Answer:  Oh, yes.  Yes, it has.  Too much time has passed without my Freedom of Information Act being fulfilled, without FRCP 23 being fulfilled, without investigative standards being fulfilled.  I have seen these fundamental pieces of the architecture of our democracy just fall away, and my family along with it.

3.  Your sons are not themselves, due to the FBI's predations.

Answer:  That's putting it mildly.

4.  And your family has been destroyed by the corruption of the government, by the apparent failure of anyone to put you in contact with an attorney with whom you can seek active representation.

Answer:  Yes, everyone who has advocated delay, denial, false accusations, experimentation, disease conveyance, dishonesty, corruption -- all of these individuals have ruined our family.  This is the reality.  

I spent many years teaching my sons to develop their own identity, a strong moral compass, a unassailable ethical center -- and all of that has been wiped out by inhuman experimentation by the FBI and its cohort within the DoD.

5.  Their personalities are simply gone?

Answer:  They seem mostly gone, yes.  It may be true that their genuine identities are in hibernation.  I cannot say.  But there are obvious brain changes as the result of what the FBI has done to them.  So this is hugely frightening territory.  If Americans knew that the FBI was experimenting on them in this manner, they would be horrified.

6.  What has happened to the 7.2 trillion dollars that were allegedly awarded in your name through the auspices of the OIG Hotline and the ODNI?

Answer:  I have had no formal notification of those funds.  They have been claimed by me in their entirety, on behalf of the millions of "targets of interest" whose suffering occasioned their award, and the OIG Hotline and the ODNI should be in direct communication with me at this time.

7.  You're quite upset that that outreach has not yet occurred.

Answer:  I am.

8.  In the meantime, you are receiving death threats daily, and your sons and MX are both under extreme threat.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

9.  Have you had follow up from the attorneys you contacted on behalf of your son?

Answer:  Four queries.  No follow ups.

10.  Has the FBI obstructed that process?

Answer:  Almost certainly.

11.  How does it make you feel to be, once again, deprived of two-way dialogue with any representation whatsoever?

Answer:  Devastated.  Annihilated.  Erased.  It represents a horrible deprivation of Constitutional rights.  Absolutely indefensible.

12.  Who is responsible?

Answer:  Everyone who is profiteering from our suffering.  Everyone who is acting parasitically to benefit from these systems of knowingly false reporting and associated harms against the innocent.  Everyone who thinks that these systems of predation are acceptable to a civilized society.  All of these people are responsible for what has happened to my family and millions of other virtuous American families.

13.  Does anyone other than you seem concerned about the long term implications for our country or for the freedom of mankind?

Answer:  I am in dialogue with no one about this issue.  So, no.  No one has bothered to uphold my Constitutional rights, and I have labored harder than any other American ever will regarding this issue, quite frankly.  

14.  You have given up hope that anyone will engage in just or appropriate action toward you or your loved ones.

Answer:  Our country seems to have fallen into the hands of criminals, thieves, slanderers and murderers within the FBI and its cohort.  It's important to be realistic about that.  For us, there has been no relief, no justice, no restorative health care, no restorative answer to my complaint on behalf of many, many virtuous people.

15.  People have simply used you as pawns from which to profiteer?

Answer:  This appears to be the case.

16.  What is your view of that decision?

Answer:  It's a horrific choice.  Condemnatory in every way.  Brutal, selfish, murderous, short-sighted, hateful, wrongful, indefensible, and inexcusable.

17.  That's a harsh evaluation. of our nation's leaders.

Answer:  What leaders?  You'll forgive me, but I haven't seen them.  I haven't met them.  I haven't received their letters.  I haven't spoken to them.  I haven't been provided with evidence of any leaders whatsoever.

18.  What's your response to people who tell you to have a cheerful attitude?

Answer:  When soldiers entered Auschwitz and saw those who had survived horrific ordeals there, would it have been appropriate for them to castigate survivors in that moment by telling them to have cheerful attitude?  No.  It would have been the height of abuse.  People need to see signs of humanity in others, and when they are deprived of those signs over the course of years, which my family has been, they will not feel cheerful, I assure you.

19.  You are deeply upset about the crimes of everyone involved in this debacle.

Answer:  Yes.  

20.  Are we a failed nation?

Answer:  It would appear so, yes.

21.  Whom do you fault the most?

Answer:  Those who have been reading my blog can spell the names.

22.  What do you need most at this time?

Answer:  Outreach from a lawyer.  Restorative medical care.  Addressal of all outstanding concerns.

23.  Please keep us informed of your family's wellbeing.

Answer:  My family is decidedly unwell because of the FBI.  My marriage is foundering because of the FBI.  Our health is not our own because of the FBI, and that's the understatement of the millenium.  We need some evidence that someone actually gives a damn about the Constitution as it applies to my case, the rule of law as it applies to my case, civil liberties as they apply to my case, and human rights as they apply to my case.

But yes, I will keep you informed as possible.

Lane MacWilliams

P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time.  I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation.  Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms.  As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

New Emails for the OIG Hotline, 4:54 PM, January 2, 2025

 OIG Hotline, please reference two emails sent to your attention within at 4:54 PM and 4:28 PM Pacific time with the following subject heading: Re: ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Cell Phone, Confidential.

Thank you for referencing this information at your earliest possible convenience.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Update: What De-escalation Is Not

Update:  A disclaimer appears at the end of this post.

De-escalation is not telling the DoD to coerce my sons, under threat of death, into signing their names to the falsehoods that one or both of their honorable parents are serial killers, spies, terrorists, or child abusers.

De-escalation is not ordering a junk service, contracted to help with house cleaning, to "withhold" furniture and other belongings so that false evidence can be planted among them, corresponding to alleged Pxxxxxx Program crimes perpetrated by branches of the government itself.

De-escalation is not attempting to replace junk service personnel with Special Forces personnel to stage an assault on our property.

De-escalation is not directing my son to cause physical harm to his loving parents, whether through poison added to food, non-conventional vectors released in the lavatory of our home, radiation devices left on our property, weapons retrieved from the locations where Special Forces unlawfully placed them on our property without our knowledge or consent, weapons provided to my son against his wishes, or any other harms to the members of our family and the fabric of the love we share with one another.

De-escalation is not attempting to conceal the Executive branch's authorization to unlawfully withdraw my son from a counseling program so that he could be enrolled in violent training he never wanted, actively resisted, and fled whenever possible.

De-escalation is not continuing to torture my loved ones in any way, shape or form for any putative justification whatsoever.

De-escalation is not continuing to violate the individual sovereignty of my sons and MX.

De-escalation is not arranging for a tire "blowout" in one of my family vehicles, nor is it arranging for a sudden air-bag deployment while traveling on the open road.

De-escalation is not a sniper assault, a drone assault, a gas explosion, a staged vehicle accident, a fall from a height, a Fentanyl, Ketamine or insulin overdose, a staged "natural disaster," organ failure, fatal changes to foundational health, fatal infectious illness, arson, wildfire, insurance cancellation, forced job loss, a staged audit. a medical "accident," a staged train crash, a staged plane accident, a kidney infection, blindness, deafness, heart attack or dementia intentionally caused.

De-escalation is not a Pxxxxxx Program assignment extended to my sons or MX.

De-escalation is not directing the DoD to falsify witness statements from everyone my family members have ever met in order to falsely implicate us of wrongdoing.

De-escalation is not preventing attorney outreach to me regarding the safety and security issues raised by prolonged governmental failures to uphold the most fundamental rudiments of the Freedom of Information Act.

De-escalation is not renewing contamination of our interior air supply and public water supply based on knowing false witness statements coerced by the FBI and its affiliates.

De-escalation is not communicating with my son's prescription providers with a nefarious intent, as the FBI has reportedly done.

De-escalation is not withholding necessary medical care for my sons or MX until witness statements are provided that could wrongfully justify a violent law enforcement raid on my home.

De-escalation is not authorizing that violent law enforcement raid by officers who know nothing of the details of my case against corrupt programs of knowingly false reporting within the FBI and its affiliate agencies.

De-escalation is not engaging in yet further plans of first-degree murder toward my family members because there is now a rumor that President Trump may hire a Special Prosecutor to evaluate President Biden's malfeasance concerning my case.

None of these is de-escalation.

According to the DHS, de-escalation is defined as the following: the use of communication or other techniques during an encounter to stabilize, slow, or reduce the intensity of a potentially violent situation without using physical force.

That sounds like a reasonable characterization to me, and given that communication is exactly what is missing at the current time, I think the Executive branch would do well to acquaint itself with this concept.

For those who would like to learn more, this link provides a three-stage analysis of the phases of de-escalation, thoughtfully delineated:

I expect better leadership from elected officials regarding this issue, partly because I have consistently demonstrated it myself.

I want to know that our elected leaders understand their obligations to my family and to me, and that they understand their broader obligations as well.

So, de-escalation is required by President Biden, and on an immediate basis.  If he is not capable of it, surely the White House can locate a competent attorney who is.

Lane MacWilliams

P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time.  I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation.  Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms.  As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.

New Communication for the OIG Hotline, January 2, 2025

 OIG Hotline, please see an important new communication sent to your attention within at 8:57 AM Pacific time this morning, January 2, 2025.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Communications for the OIG Hotline, January 2, 2025

OIG Hotline, please see emails sent to your attention within, including those sent at 2:44 AM, 2:59 AM, 3:30 AM, 4:17 AM, 4:21 AM, 4:24 AM, 4:31 AM, 4:34 AM, 4:42 AM, 4:43 AM, 4:44 AM, 4:45 AM, 4:46 AM, 4:49 AM, 4:53 AM, 5:03 AM, 5:29 AM. today, January 2, 2025.

Please be apprised that I have received no outreach concerning my case as of this writing.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Apparent Threats from the FBI, January 1, 2025

 OIG Hotline, please be apprised that threats from the FBI at this time appear to include gas explosion at my residence, arson at my residence, "natural disaster" at my residence consisting of "earthquake," "eruption," "sink hole," "landslide," "lightning strike," "meteor fall" or "wildfire," non-conventional vector of fatal disease dissemination in the form of a dangerous virus with an allegedly 100% fatality rate, previously described for your Office, staged car crash, staged plane accident, staged train accident, PG&E power outage followed by home invasion/kidnapping/murder, Dxx deployment, Fentanyl or ketamine overdose, "fall' from a height, hit-and-run, vxxxxx vxxxxxxxxx exposure or exposure to other serious disease through our water supply, wrongful confiscation of my documents, entrapment of my older son through directed "weapons smuggling" under threat of death, ongoing "assignments" of my sons and ongoing sexual harassment of MX, both in the most severe forms possible, and both under threat of death, ongoing coercion of both of my sons and MX for egregiously falsified witness statements alleging "espionage acts," "terroristic activity," and/or "capital crimes" affiliated with the unconstitutional Pxxxxxx Program.

Over and above any of the above plans of harm, I believe that de-escalation through lawful outreach to me represents the wise course at this time.

Please see my email addressing this matter in further detail, sent to your attention within, with a time stamp of 6:36 PM this evening, January 1, 2025.

Thank you for allowing me to express these ongoing concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time.  I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation.  Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms.  As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.

New Year's Day Communications for the OIG Hotline, 2025

 OIG Hotline, please access communications sent to your Office's attention within at 5:47 PM, 5:49 PM, 5:52 PM, and 5:54 PM on December 31, 2024, as well as at 6:40 AM, 6:43 AM, 6:49 AM, 6:53 AM, 7:14 AM, 7:34 AM, 7:39 AM, 7:43 Am, 7:46 AM, 7:47 AM, 7:50 AM, 7:52 AM, 7:58 AM, 9:43 AM, 10:19 AM, and 10:20 AM today, January 1, 2025.

I will be forwarding other communications to your attention today as well.

Thank you for accessing this information at your earliest opportunity.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams