My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, June 24, 2022

PG&E as Signatory to Infragard: Democracy Imperiled by a Monopolistic Public Utility


I spoke to PG&E Customer Relations Representative Ms. Felicia Smith this afternoon, regarding her suggestion that PG&E, given the “safety concerns” (her words) present in this utility’s servicing of my account, utilize solar generation records of electricity recorded in 2021 as a “template” for 2022 solar billing.

Ms. Smith seemed to be rather painfully aware of my suspicion that Mr. Sarah Morrone is an FBI contractor, and not a PG&E employee.


She seemed to experience a degree of cognitive dissonance when I discussed with her the problem of falsified law enforcement reporting as being perpetrated by the FBI.


Objectively, I do not believe that PG&E is going to engage in a “special billing arrangement” regarding my account, because to do so would be tantamount to admitting malfeasance on the utility’s part.  In general, from what I have seen, this company is unwilling to acknowledge its own wrongdoing.  Instead, it seems more than willing to engage in aggressive predations toward “targets of interest” at the FBI’s request.


Ms. Smith has become rather over-eager and fawning during our conversations.  Beyond this, I would characterize her as newly nervous, with a self-consciousness that indicates she feels “on stage.” She stutters, which she did not when we first spoke, and her reasoning is circular and repetitive, indicating a relatively high degree of anxiety.  She seems to be stalling for an “answer from the executives,” which is highly unlikely to come.


I would assess that she has been pressed into the “vanquishing of a threat” by both the FBI and PG&E, likely through providing extensively falsified “witness statements” to the FBI in return for hefty payments from Infragard.  Ms. Smith seems sufficiently nervous that I would assess those payments to be substantive enough to alter her quality of life.


Is it permissible to observe the tragedy within one American preying upon another for pay from corrupt elements within the FBI?  I do view the character failures present within this pattern to be tragic.


The FBI desires an excuse to stage an unjustified law-enforcement raid.  


PG&E desires escape from accountability in its predations toward me as a paying customer of its public utility.


Both entities are highly aware that they have broken the law and violated the Constitution.


Due to the risks present in speaking further to Ms. Felicia Smith, I will leave a voicemail for her this evening, requesting that she leave content messages on my home line (xxx) xxx-xxxx, and duplicate these communications through emailing me at


Her witness testaments for the FBI will likely need to be forcefully rebutted, in my opinion, in order to ensure my family’s safety.  I would greatly appreciate the active engagement of the OIG Hotline in mounting that defense.


Ms. Smith did acknowledge an unscheduled PG&E power outage on Vista Verde Way on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, from 11:11 am to 1:15 pm.  She further acknowledged that there were work crews “in the direct vicinity” of Vista Verde Way at that time.


So, I have questions about whether they were present on the Cal Water site at that time, attempting to alter certain access of this “hardscaping installation” to PG&E power.


Thank you for your engagement with these concerns.  It is my sense that PG&E’s participation in the harassment and harms of the FBI’s “targets of interest” is likely well practiced and extensive, to the greater peril of our democracy.


Most sincerely,


Lane MacWilliams


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