My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, November 25, 2024

25 Questions and Answers

 1. Does the FBI appear to continue to pressure you for monies you don't have and have never been informed about?

Answer:  Yes, it does.

2.  You have said that the FBI previously informed you that awards extended in your name exceed 6.5 trillion dollars when the settlements and penalties from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI are combined.  Is that correct?

Answer:  The FBI appears to be quite confident in that figure, yes.  And that assertion has been made repeatedly.

3.  Is the FBI in conflict with itself as an agency?  Is this the reason why some sections of the agency are informing you fully while others appear to be acting in exclusively criminal ways?

Answer:  It seems that the agency is deeply divided, as I have said.  I do believe that there are honorable people within the FBI, but segments of the agency are now controlled by organized crime.

4.  What does that mean in terms of daily functioning?

Answer:  It means that the agency, at least partly, is actively harming the nation through blackmail, extortion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, physical harm of American citizens and extensively falsified law enforcement reporting which underlies all of the above-named crimes.

5.  And this connects to the data centers you recently pointed out as critical hubs for the totalitarian control of the American people through the creation, aggregation, and dissemination of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting, does it not?

Answer:  It does, yes.  Disinformation, produced with the sophistication and complexity required for believable AI-generated video and audio is quite data-rich, and the storage and retrieval of disinformation necessary for the control of the entire population requires very significant infrastructure -- which is what we're now seeing with these massive data center construction projects.

6.  They appear to be linked to private industry, but your point is that they are fundamentally initiatives of the FBI and CIA.  Is that correct?

Answer:  The impetus for these data centers is coming from the three-letter agencies.  The partnerships with the technology companies are necessary for the intelligence agencies to proceed, but the essential drive to control American citizens through disinformation is coming from within the national security apparatus.

7.  Your point at this point in time is that the fundamental objective of these data centers is unconstitutional.

Answer:  Wildly unconstitutional.  These objectives are so far outside of constitutional bounds as to require secrecy agreements from all the local municipalities, all the local governments.  So there's a fundamental violation of the agreement between the governed and their governance when elected officials are suddenly being paid and coerced to say nothing to their constituents about the risks and perils of the data centers as "development projects" in myriad American communities.

8.  Can they be stopped?

Answer:  You know, it depends on the response of the Supreme Court to my petition on this subject, and after that, it depends on the response of President Trump and the Republican-led Congress to the Supreme Court's ruling on this matter.  Congress up until now has not succeeded in dealing with this issue, but elected officials have not yet had the support of the Supreme Court regarding this matter.  So, we need to see if the President, the High Court, and the Congress in combination can defend our freedoms from this stunning encroachment.

9.  Is the FBI exerting a degree of control over Congress at this time?

Answer:  My understanding is that the FBI is exerting control over Congress through the control of campaign finance.  So, this represents a tremendous structural problem that, all by itself, will unmake the democracy if it is not corrected.

10.  How does the FBI's control over Congressional campaign finance actually work?

Answer:  I do not have the details on these specifics, but others certainly do.  All of Congress knows what's going on --- that much is certain.  It's possible that the FBI is utilizing AI to impersonate individual donors, expending tax dollars to funnel campaign funds to those candidates who demonstrate compliance with agency objectives.  

11.  What is your confidence that the FBI is controlling the campaign finance of Congress?

Answer:  One hundred percent.

12.  Why do you say that?

Answer:  Because the FBI itself has boasted about exerting this control.  

13.  So when you say that Congress has so far failed to address the Constitutional problems inherent in data centers, are you saying that the FBI has prevented it from doing so heretofore?

Answer: Yes, I am.  Congress needs the Supreme Court to set the legal standard for them to follow, because Congress has already come under immense pressure from the FBI on this issue.

14.  Won't the Supreme Court also face this pressure?

Answer:  It will face pressure from the three-letter agencies on this issue.  But we rely on the Supreme Court to hold the line regarding clearly unconstitutional initiatives on the part of other branches of government.  

I believe the Honorable Justices are capable of defending the American people regarding this matter, and further, I believe that Congress is capable of wielding that defense as they are meant to do, in the faithful service of their constituents.  

Beyond this, I hope that President Trump will take the position that we should not be allowing the FBI and the CIA to construct the architecture of our nation's demise through these extensive initiatives in falsified law enforcement reporting.

15.  Why hasn't the Biden administration dealt with this problem?

Answer:  There's been a loss of control of the presidency, in my opinion.  It does not seem that we have an elected official acting in the capacity of Commander in Chief at this time.

16.  Who exactly is acting in this capacity?

Answer:  The CIA is probably exerting the most control through the DoD and other three-letter agencies.  The CIA is the biggest of the big brothers --the most powerful.  So it's unusual in my case that the CIA is acting as a functional contractor of the FBI.  But the original person who sold my name onto a list of suspicious persons had contacts within the FBI, so that was the defining order of events.

17.  What can we say about people who sell Americans' names onto lists of predation for the FBI?

Answer:  It's a different form of human trafficking.  The falsified law enforcement programs such as the FBI's unconstitutional "target of interest" program represent a unique form of human enslavement.  Because the industry surrounding falsified reporting has been quite profitable for those engaged in the unlawful surveillance and harm.

18.  You have said there are not only agency personnel running these programs, but also countless contractors and informants.

Answer:  There are. This is lamentably true.  In fact, the agencies have tried in the past to contract for the AI-production of films and audio that represent a significant piece of falsified law enforcement reporting.  But at this point, the agency owns the primary production contractors as shell corporations.

If the FBI gets caught, the agency wants to be able to say that it was misled by a criminal contractor.

But the truth is that the FBI knows all about the falsifications, and is in fact directing them closely, and is, beyond this, profiting from their ongoing production.

19.  You wrote recently about the FBI's regrettable attempts to control houses of worship within the United States.  Has the agency utilized AI-generated video and audio to exert control over clergy?

Answer:  Oh, yes.  There are no limits for the FBI.  They will defame anyone.  In fact, it reassures the FBI of its power when it can defame a highly virtuous person.  It allows them to feel as though they are creating reality.

20.  The FBI may feel that it's the ultimate control to take the faithful away from their flock, as Tom Lyons did to the Reverend Matt McDermott at St. Mark's in Palo Alto.

Answer:  There's no doubt about this.  Some individuals within the agency are taking pleasure in causing great harm to religious leaders.

21.  How do you think the American people will feel about this?

Answer:  I hope they will feel grateful that the Supreme Court took the stance that prevented these crimes from continuing.  Because this will represent a tremendous gift to the American people from the Supreme Court.  And I will be honored if I play any part in that gift.

22.  Do you believe that the Supreme Court's order of injunctive relief pertaining to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 will soon be upheld?

Answer:  I hope that those involved with this case will understand the importance of honoring the Orders of the Supreme Court in my favor.  

23.  Is the FBI exerting a degree of control over the allegedly long succession of attorneys who have represented you in concealed proceedings before the Supreme Court regarding this case?

Answer:  The FBI has appeared to boast that the agency has caused high turnover among the attorneys representing the American people, with myself as the lead plaintiff, regarding this case.

Having said that, I am immensely grateful to those attorneys who have represented me before the Supreme Court in this case and who continue to do so.

24.  Are there other contributions you would like to make to ensure the preservation of Americans' civil liberties and human rights?

Answer:  Many.

25.  Will you keep us apprised of how you and your family are faring as you attempt to do so?

Answer:  I certainly will.

Lane MacWilliams

P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time.  I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation.  Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms.  As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.

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