OIG Hotline, the FBI appears to allege that wrongful convictions have been rendered against my whole family, and that grievous harm may be perpetrated against us at any time based on these flawed proceedings.
The FBI also appears to convey that information presented to the Supreme Court was knowingly falsified, and furthermore, that this false reporting was authorized at the highest level within the Executive branch.
The FBI appears to assert that immunity has been granted toward an individual who planned to take our lives for the purpose of his personal enrichment, reversing an earlier Supreme Court decision, and serving to endanger our lives yet further, given that the fundamental conditions of my case against the FBI and its affiliates have not changed.
The FBI appears to further assert that yet further documents have been forged in my name -- though to what purpose, I have no idea.
I still have had no outreach whatsoever from anyone affiliated with this case.
The FBI currently claims to have redacted reports which the Supreme Court ordered that I should receive in full.
I respectfully request that all convictions against my five family members (including myself) be vacated based on the knowingly false information presented to the Supreme Court.
I further request the immediate withdrawal of all plans of harm connected to my family's outing to a movie theater tomorrow, Sunday, December 1, 2024.
Finally, I ask that I be provided with immediate outreach from an attorney who has been representing my case before the Supreme Court, in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23.
All further attempts to harm my family through false reporting, threats, intimidation, coercion, cognitive harm, physical harm, and control over sovereign will should be prevented, and their plan withdrawn on an immediate basis.
I will appreciate the urgent and immediate engagement of my representation as well as others in ensuring that these priorities are immediately pursued.
Thank you for your ongoing ethical engagement, given the very disturbing allegations that have emerged this morning pertaining to this matter.
Most sincerely,
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