My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Emails to Lead Counsel of 23 and Me Class Action

OIG Hotline, I am unable to remain silent regarding DoD crimes affiliated with the 23 and Me data breach in 2023.

Certainly, the federal government should have taken the lead regarding this issue when I informed them of these details in January of 2024.

Barring that ethical engagement, I must rely on my own.

This conduct is unacceptable to any civilized society, and I will be writing about this and illuminating it for the broader public until I have appropriate engagement from Washington, D.C. regarding this issue.

No one should be standing by while the far right perpetrates a Holocaust through genetic manipulation of the innocent. 

The citizens are not obligated to serve as silent victims of such schemes, and the government needs to understand this fact.

I appreciate your documentation of this record.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Content of emails to lead counsel of 23 and Me class action lawsuits:

This message is to lead counsel regarding the 23 and Me class action pertaining to a data breach of 7 million customers.  This is highly sensitive information, not yet disclosed publicly, and it should be rendered public as soon as your firm can verify the facts through testing at multiple secure sites, at least two of them not within the United States, with real-time supervision from members of your firm.

The 7 million customers whose data was breached were not chosen at random, as you know.  In fact, they were selected through an AI algorithm deployed by the FBI and the DoD with the full knowledge of 23 and Me.

Unfortunately, this data breach was not a one-time passive event.  Rather, the intent was much more damaging.

The 7 million 23 and Me customers were singled out for genetic experimentation without their knowledge or consent.  Specifically, a portion of their genes was replaced through CRISPR techniques, administered by various modalities, including those aided by their physicians, nurses, and dentists during routine care.  Genes for heart disease, chronic kidney failure, dementia, Parkinson's Crohn's disease, specific cancers which have genetic markers, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and a whole host of other potentially deadly conditions were conveyed to some or all of those singled out by this data breach.

I myself was on this list of 7 million, as was my husband, as were my two sons.  I now exhibit kidney and heart disease, while only a few months ago, these organs were perfect.  My husband's health has also taken a sharp decline.

The government has the capacity to restore the original genetics of the 7 million, and, in fact, it has the clear and immediate obligation to do so.

This data breach and follow-on genetic alterations constitute a human atrocity intended to result in the deaths of 7 million people.

How do I know about it?

A member of the DoD's Phoenix Program, under whose auspices this "initiative" was perpetrated, confessed the details to me in early January 2024.  He is in a position to know the details, the modalities, and the intent of this "experimentation."  He stands as a credible source.

This crime can be easily verified by testing a current blood sample against an original genetic sample, such as a strand of baby hair or a baby tooth, preserved from early childhood.  As I mentioned, that genetic testing should be conducted with supervision by your firm, with at least two international laboratories involved in that process.  The reason for this precaution is that the DoD and the FBI will be extremely anxious to hid this atrocity from the view of the American public -- and the judgment of other nations as well.

(redacted content)

In truth, this constitutes a public health emergency, and all 7 million people need immediate and restorative medical attention.

It is the government's responsibility to provide this, and to do so without further delay.

It must be pointed out that 23 and me possesses original genetic information for the 7 million, but will be pressed by the DoD to conceal this documentation.  So, this company cannot be relied upon to divulge the truth of this matter until it is confirmed with hard evidence accumulated through other means.

I am happy to grant releases for you to obtain all 23 and me information pertaining to me, should you request this.  I will also happily provide you with a sample of baby hair for comparison to my current genetics, which are without question altered form the genetics with which I was born.

As I have stated, my husband and sons have also been victims of this unconscionable crime.  And they, too, need immediate attention.  I also possess baby hair samples for my sons.  So, this can be utilized as well.

Please contact me if you desire further information.  Although I do recognize that the assertions contained in this communication sound like science fiction, this is where genetic technology is today.

The public has simply been uninformed of the experimentation the DoD has conducted, and is still conducting, in the realm of genetics.  And China, as I have said, is yet further advanced than the United States.

With regard to the 7 million 23 and Me customers, the genetic changes are easily verifiable, so long as the validity of the testing is ensured by direct observation by a member of your staff.  These may appear to be extraordinary lengths to which to go to safeguard test resuls, but the DoD has a far reach.  These testing precautions are absolutely necessary as a result, and should be approached with great care and attention to detail.

Thank you for allowing me to extend this information to your Office.

Please let me know how I can further assist your efforts regarding this case.


Lane MacWilliams

(415) 963-1467

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