My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Regarding H5N1 Allegations from FBI Personnel

1.  You have been asked to speak about H5N1 in the context of the FBI.

Answer:  Yes, I have.

2.  Would you care to elaborate?

Answer:  FBI personnel and affiliates appear to have disclosed that the agency has repeatedly attempted to expose my family members and myself to H5N1, as I have previously documented.  And it has been stated that the dramatically elevated particulates on my first floor (9200 small particulates currently, and an equal count of large particulates) are related to the FBI's dissemination of H5N1 as well, along with other serious pathogens.

But it seems that H5N1 represents a more broad-based initiative for the FBI, involving a much wider segment of the population, and pertaining to international populations as well.

3.  What are the implications of this allegation, if true?

Answer:  The possible implications include the FBI's attempt to spark a new pandemic based on an H5N1 variant of which the agency has extensive knowledge and background.

4.  What would this mean?

Answer:  H5N1, depending on the variant, could represent a much higher death toll than that associated with Covid-19.  Depending on the incubation period and infectivity levels, H5N1 represents a pathogen that could pull society into disarray.

5.  Why?

Answer:  Again, depending on the variant, it could be much more severe than Covid-19, and the human costs to life, long-term health of survivors, and engagement in the workforce could be profound.

6.  Yet, you are expressing that the FBI likely has extensive knowledge of the variant involved.

Answer:  This has been alleged to me by FBI personnel, and in general, they are disclosing this information to me because they are alarmed about the implications.

7.  FBI personnel have alleged to you that the agency is attempting to initiate a human-caused H5N1 pandemic for political objectives.  Am I understanding you correctly?

Answer:  You are.

8.  What is the appropriate response at this time?

Answer:  It would seem necessary to evaluate recent FBI, CIA, and DoD communications, both internal and cross-agency, which pertain to H5N1, with a focus on these agencies' departments which address biological deployments.

But beyond this, I think it is necessary to shine a bright light on this allegation so that the public can grasp the emergent possibility.  The public as the capacity to demand that these agencies not cause them willful harm.

Is it true that coffee creamer in small containers has been targeted by the FBI as a "promising" vector for H5N1 dissemination?  This threat should be assessed by the FDA and others.

In a larger context, there are DoD disclosures to the public that are overdue in terms of climate concerns.  And these should not be postponed.  Together with those disclosures, the public must be asked to dramatically cut energy consumption, and to undertake this effort with a sense of urgency and immediacy.  The DoD can help in setting ambitious milestones that must be met, and, together with our elected leaders, in ensuring that they are met peaceably, with full community engagement and unity of purpose.

9.  What are the odds that the American public, as well as the publics of other nations, can be led to this understanding?

Answer:  We need our elected leaders to initiate extensive communication with the public about this issue, as well as DoD involvement in order to ensure that public understanding is realized.  Because this is not a matter of debate, political viewpoint, personal opinion, or individual choice.  This is a matter of preserving the earth's environment.  So, we all need to engage with a rather heroic effort to change.  The public is capable of rapid and heroic adaptation.  But first, they need to be asked.

10.  Are you being encouraged to post this conversation on your blog so that this subject might receive more public exposure than some of your other recent writings?

Answer:  Yes, I am.

11.  Thank you for raising the red flag on this issue.

Answer:  You're quite welcome.  I would like to extend thanks to those who have taken a courageous stance to bring this matter to my attention.

12.  We hope that H5N1 does not evolve toward pandemic proportions.

Answer:  We certainly do hold that hope.  Yes.

Lane MacWilliams

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