My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

FBI Threat of "Spiders" Deployment

 1.  You have recently received multiple FBI threats of the FBI's deployment of some type of "spiders" which are intended, and in fact engineered, as deadly disease vectors of some kind.  Is that right?

Answer:  You are correct, yes.  The FBI appears to be referencing actual biological spiders of some kind, which convey a deadly "designer disease" when they bite a human being.  The spiders are alleged to be rapidly reproducing and predatory in their biting behaviors, which appear to be primarily engaged in during nighttime hours, when people are sleeping and relatively quiescent.

2. Have you seen one of these spiders?

Answer:  I did apparently see one this morning, May 12, 2024.  It's activity in creating its web underneath my kitchen counter was so frenetic, I sat and watched it for ten minutes in order to try to understand what it was doing.  It appeared to be laying an egg sac at the same time that it was constructing its web.  And I had never seen a spider laying an egg sac in the open air before, while simultaneously constructing a web.

3.  What did the spider look like?

Answer:  It had an almond-shaped body.  After having looked at several hundred photos of venomous spiders, it seemed related to Sicariidae spiders, sometimes called "assassin spiders,"  which possess a necrosing venom that is, at least in this case, allegedly designed to be deadly.

4.  Does the spider allegedly serve as a disease vector or does it kill people through venom alone?

Answer:  I truly don't know.

5.  Did you preserve the spider you watched this morning?  

Answer:  No, without understanding at the time how unusual was the activity I was seeing, I put it outside, together with three pieces of its egg sac.  Hopefully, it will be eaten fairly rapidly by a lizard or a bird.

6.  Are Sicariidae spiders native to North America?

Answer:  The Brown Recluse spider is a mild cousin to what I saw, evidently.  My reading indicates that, unlike poisonous spiders which utilize a neurotoxin, Sicariidae spiders do not have a known anti-venom.  The poison they carry leads to tissue death through rupturing red blood cells, and, in certain cases, a powerful enough dose of venom leads to organ failure.

7.  Did anything about the spider you saw this morning seem artifically engineered or bred?

Answer:  Its activity seemed frenetic, as I said.  It was building a web and laying an egg sac at many, many times the expected speed.  

8.  How many times the normal speed?

Answer:  Fifty times faster than normal.  It was truly an astonishing sight.  It did not appear to me, in retrospect, to be a naturally occurring phenomenon.

9.  Have you ever seen a spider with these characteristics before?

Answer:  Never.

10.  How do you think it could have been released into your house?

Answer:  Through the ventilation system, possibly.  Through the chimney flue, potentially.

11.  If the FBI's threats about a deadly spider infestation are credible, would the FBI have had dispensation to deploy such a biological weapon on its own?  Or would it have required high-level authorization?

Answer:  I'm not able to comment or speculate on this point.  I can say that the FBI claims it is working with authorization, but I cannot extend further commentary on this subject.

12.  What would be the possible motivation for your assassination on the part of the FBI and others?

Answer:  The motivation appears to be financial.  My stalker, a Russian-affiliated organized crime boss, alleged that an unnamed beneficiary purchased a 40-million-dollar yacht last week drawn from settlement funds awarded in my name.

13.  A portion of settlement funds have been invaded, but there are those who wish to abscond with them all?

Answer:  It would seem so, yes.

14.  And a number of those people have been in responsible for harming you unjustly for years under the auspices of the FBI?

Answer: Allegedly so, yes.

15.  Now these same people are attempting to take your life given the prospect of a larger payday?

Answer:  So I am told.

16.  Hence the deployment of the disease-causing "spiders"?

Answer:  This is the message I received.

17.  Have you been offered safe and restorative medical care, given the FBI's egregious harms to your health and that of your family members?

Answer:  No, that offer has not yet been extended to me.

18.  What would happen to you if you were bitten by one of these "Sicariidae" spiders?

Answer:  Terrible things, no doubt.

19.  Would you prefer a courteous phone call from Washington D.C. informing you about the investigation and settlements negotiated in your name?

Answer:  Yes, I would.

20.  Will that be forthcoming now?

Answer:  At this point, I think all plausible deniability is absent if any further harm should befall anyone in my family.  A phone call with courteous outreach represents the desired course for everyone, in my opinion.

21.  Is the deployment of venomous spiders by the FBI considered "secret information"?

Answer:  I have no idea.  No one has told me what the FBI considers to be "secret information."  I will simply observe that law-abiding American citizens have the right not to be assassinated by the FBI or its affiliates.  And if discussing the FBI's use of spiders as a biological deployment will assist in the preservation of my life or my family members' lives, then this is a discussion that should occur.

22.  How can the FBI be allowed to continue to assail your health and well-being with impunity under these circumstances?  Why aren't they being reined in?

Answer:  Why indeed?  I can only say that there are those who are standing up for my family within Washington, and I am exceptionally grateful to them.

23.  Some people are advocating that this situation be rendered public as quickly as possible.

Answer:  That is my understanding.

24. Those people are attempting to preserve your lives?

Answer:  Yes, they are.  I can only hope they will prevail.

25.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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