My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Twenty Questions and Answers of Import, May 19, 2024

1.  What are the primary threats you are receiving this afternoon?

Answer:  There is truly unprecedented content coming from the FBI today.  

2.  Can you specify, please?

Answer:  Nuclear threats pertaining to apparent escalation of overseas conflicts involving Israel, Gaza and Iran.  Chemical, biological and radiological weapons deployment at my home address, with a specification of the use of chloropicrin to cause pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, asthma and other diseases. The use of "spiders," "bees, "mosquitos" and "mice" as disease vectors, through technologies that remain unspecified. (Sepsis, measles, plague and H5N1 have been mentioned by the FBI, along with vibrio vulnificus and many other disastrous pathogens.). The use of nanotechnology to attack the thyroid and the vocal chords, with separate targets specified by the FBI at different times.  A threat of blindness.  A threat of paralysis.  A threat of brain damage, heart damage, kidney damage, liver damage and lung damage.  Gas explosion at my home address, engineered and planned by the FBI together with PG&E and Generac.  And, in a threat that has not been detailed at length previously, an allegation that the FBI is utilizing underground tunneling and explosives at a Cal Water/PG&E site on Vista Verde Way to cause an explosion that is to be attributed as an earthquake on the San Andreas fault or a tributary fault.  Water-related threats appear to reference landslide as part of this event.

3.  Is the supposed earthquake/landslide meant to destroy your home, with you inside it?

Answer:  Apparently, that is the FBI's objective -- to cause a huge geological event that would be lethal, but which the FBI would direct news sources to describe at an earthquake and/or landslide.

4.  But in truth this is intended by the FBI, and those authorizing the FBI, to be an assassination.

Answer:  Yes.  

5.  What is the FBI so afraid of?

Answer:  The FBI was involved in a heinous murder of four college students in Idaho in the autumn of 2022.  I have information about the agency's facilitation of those murders, including the alleged reasoning behind them at the time.  The crime was perpetrated against four innocent young people, just commencing their lives.  They had done nothing wrong, but the FBI wrongfully justified their deaths through knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting that had been perpetrated in advance of the killings.  This was a devastating tragedy, and the parents still do not know what happened to their beloved children and why.

6.  Was the court record sealed concerning this terrible crime?

Answer:  It was, yes.  It was sealed because of the fact that I had extended information about these events to the Office of the Inspector General Hotline of the U.S. Department of Justice, but I understood that if I revealed the information publicly at that tine, the FBI might, in a retaliatory raid, take my life and/or appropriate all of my records, computers, cell phones and documentation.  I assumed that the OIG Hotline would reach out to me directly in September of 2023, when their original investigation was complete.  And I thought that, at that time, the issue surrounding the FBI's involvement in those murders would be addressed publicly for the sake of the families who had been so unjustly devastated by the FBI's acts.

7.  Could you still die because you are revealing this information?

Answer:  Yes, and so could all of my family members.  But the FBI is trying to take our lives by other means.  And if I perish without these families knowing what the FBI did to their beloved children and why -- that would be a devastating failure, in my opinion.

8.  Why do you feel that way?

Answer:  I am connected to these families by our shared grief, compassion, and humanity.  Their children died as a direct result of the FBI's "target of interest" program, which utilizes knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives, the very violations of the Constitution I have been trying to illuminate for years, and the very reason that my own family members' lives are now under threat.  The FBI wanted to silence me as a whistleblower of agency corruption, as well as in my capacity as FOIA requester.

9.  Were the victims linked to anyone you knew?

Answer:  At least one of them was, yes.

10.  If your Freedom of Information Act requests had been fulfilled on time, would these four college students have died?

Answer:  No, they would not.  There would have been no reason for them to have been targeted in any capacity.

11.  So you believe that the delay in the fulfillment of your FOIA requests resulted in their deaths.

Answer:  I do, yes.

12.  Has the FBI attempted to make the argument that the DoD program under which these four innocent college students were murdered must remain secret from the public?

Answer:  Yes, it has done so.

13.  Could this crime be classified as a "national security concern"?

Answer:  The only national security concern this represents is a concern regarding the survival of our democracy.  The public's right to be free from violent predation by the government must remain unabridged.

And the fact is that the three-letter agencies possess no approved mandate to violently harm the American public, and they never will.

Do American families have the right to send their beautiful children off to college with the expectation that the FBI will not murder them during their matriculation?  I believe they do, and further, I believe the American public in its entirety will agree with me, without exception.

14.  Why are you coming forward with this information now?

Answer:  Because it is clear that the government does not intend to contact me regarding my Freedom of Information Act requests unless it is forced to do so by public involvement in this matter.

15.  Why not?

Answer:  There are fears of political fallout due to delays, harms, and malfeasance in this matter.  Fundamentally, the federal government appears incapable of admitting that it has made terrible mistakes in the form of human rights abuses and human atrocities.  The public's participation in required in insisting that our government be honest about these devastating programs, and further, that it reform.  Change is not going to come from within.  The public must demand it.

16.  And you believe that the FBI's participation in the quadruple murder of college students in Moscow, Idaho in the autumn of 2022 might provide the flashpoint that would allow the public, in its outrage, to demand wholesale change of our three-letter agencies.

Answer:  I do, yes.  This crime is so heartbreaking to all of us who understand why it happened and how the FBI enabled its perpetration.  The public needs to know the truth about this in order for any vestiges of our democracy to have the possibility of enduring.

17.  What is the responsibility of the White House toward you at this point in time?

Answer:  The White House needs to find the courage to publicly acknowledge that the FBI has been engaging in knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives.  It needs to provide me with my FOIA reports without redaction or omission, and it needs to provide me with appropriate disclosure regarding the OIG Hotline's and the ODNI's investigations into these matters, including settlements and penalty awards. Beyond this, it needs to halt all initiatives of harm against my family members and myself on an immediate basis.

18.  You are not suggesting that the three-letter agencies owe the American public transparency on every issue.  But you are asserting that, when it comes to the FBI's involvement in the gratuitous murder of four healthy young college students with their whole lives ahead of them -- the FBI is fully accountable to the families, to you yourself, and to the American public as a whole.

Answer:  That is correct.  Yes.

19.  What should our elected officials be doing about this matter in the short term?

Answer:  First, they should be calling me on the phone and ensuring my safety and that of my family.  Next, they should be facilitating my contact with the families on a humanitarian basis so that I can share with them what I know.  Third, there should be outreach to the media on a broad basis to inform the American public about the threat to our democracy in the form of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting by the FBI and its affiliates.  This would represent a well-reasoned beginning.

18.  The FBI is attempting to make the panicked argument that it cannot fulfill national security needs if it is accountable over issues like this.

Answer:  I beg to differ.  The agency cannot possibly fulfill its responsibilities regarding our national security needs unless it is accountable on this issue.

19.  What do you wish to say to the families of the four college students at this time?

Answer:  I'm risking my life to provide you with the truth.  Your beloved children mattered to you, they mattered to me -- and they now matter to the life of the nation.

20.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  Yes, I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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