Friday, January 31, 2025
Calling for a Sovereign Presidency
1. Did Bxxxxxx Pxxx obtain his Presidential pardon for having murdered the four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho on November 13, 2022?
Answer: The FBI seems to indicate that he did, yes.
2. And did you see a change in the the FBI's predation toward you afterwards? Was there an apologetic or conciliatory gesture after that?
Answer: Oh, no. Not at all. In fact, the FBI alleges that it has active plans to cause the deaths of both of my sons due to the fact that the FBI feels guilty over the profound harms they have caused to my family over time.
3. So the FBI's answer to a call for accountability is yet more first-degree murder?
Answer: It appears to be, yes.
4. How did the FBI plan to murder both of your sons?
Answer: It seems as though there was a fairly elaborate scheme which Txx Lxxxx devised, in which a staff member at a local university was to file a knowingly false witness statement maligning my older son, after which there was to be a police encounter and a fatal ketamine injection.
With regard to my younger son, there was allegedly a plan to imprison him in Mexico during travel to a wedding in Panama. And some terrible mishap was meant to befall him during torture while incarcerated.
5. Didn't the FBI threaten to stage a plane crash as well?
Answer: The agency appears to have considered this, yes.
6. Have these plans now been abandoned?
Answer: I truly don't know. I think this exposure places a serious damper on them, to be sure.
7. Why is the FBI being more aggressive at this time? Is it because they want to abscond with the 7.9 trillion dollars awarded in your name on behalf of the FBI's victims?
Answer: That's the prime driver, certainly. But also, the FBI was recently caught in making spurious allegations of capital crimes toward my family, and it appears that the agency initially objected to my request for the deployment of bloodhounds to my properties on an immediate basis for a prompt investigation.
8. Why would the FBI object to the bloodhounds?
Answer: Because Txx Lxxxx is guilty as sin, that's why.
9. Is it possible that the bloodhounds were, in fact, deployed, and the plan to harm your sons was intended to allow the FBI to blame one or both of them?
Answer: Oh, yes. That's entirely possible. The FBI has no limits, unfortunately. No conscience.
9. What will happen to Txx Lxxxx if the investigation proceeds with appropriate impartiality.
Answer: Prison, I have no doubt.
10. What about Bxxxxxx Pxxx? Will he be facing prison, too?
Answer: This whole cohort is certainly acting like it. They're terrified.
11. What is the issue that has arisen with regard to your older son's doctor? Was she directed by Txx Lxxxx to lie to your family regarding your son's medication and dosages?
Answer: Yes, she was.
12. And you caught her in those lies.
Answer: Yes, I did.
13. Fully documented.
Answer: Quite so.
14. So, this is yet another area in which Txx Lxxxx and Bxxxxxx Pxxx have gratuitously preyed upon your family.
Answer: Yes, it is.
15. What is wrong with these men?
Answer: They're mentally ill, both of them. And while we would wish to extend compassion to them, it's not really possible, because they have sadistic tendencies that mean they deeply enjoy the process of harming innocents.
16. Are they psychotic?
Answer: Bxxxxxx Pxxx was hospitalized for psychosis in the autumn of 2017, according to the FBI. And he still, according to the FBI, suffers from auditory command hallucinations directing him to harm others. So, his psychosis is poorly controlled, and he's a danger to everyone he encounters and more.
17. And Txx Lxxxx? Is he psychotic as well?
Answer: I suspect he's on psychiatric medication. I met him once. His outer mask is quite fragile. He definitely has strongly psychopathic characteristics. He's a committed predator, no question about this. There are sadistic tendencies there, as with Bxxxxxx Pxxx. So, these are two extremely malign individuals, and unfortunately, they're close friends.
18. What about the FBI's threats to charge or arrest other family members for "espionage" or "terrorism"?
Answer: I've heard it all before. The lies never cease with these people.
19. Are they trying to see what they can get away with?
Answer: That's an emphatic yes. These men want absolute power. They want to say they pull the strings to the presidency.
20. Do they pull the strings to the presidency?
Answer: They certainly did in the last administration.
21. And in this administration? Do they have carte blanche?
Answer: We'll have to see how President Trump handles them. I don't think any president would like to be known as the man who pardoned the man who murdered the four innocent college students in Moscow, Idaho. That would be an infamous choice. So, if Bxxxxxx Pxxx is exerting as much control as he appears to brag about, I do not believe that he is liked, respected or admired by anyone. What has he done for the country other than cause chaos, dismay, grief and loss? Nothing.
22.. Do you believe the FBI's claims that Bxxxxxx Pxxx would like to contribute in some manner to the long term freedom of mankind?
Answer: How? By continuing to profiteer off of my family's gratuitous suffering? This is not a worthy person. This is not a person who is driven by any ideals at all.
23. Is this the man who has been paying off the Committee of 300 to vote for your assassination, and doing so from awards extended in your own name from the FBI's crimes committed against you?
Answer: The very same one.
24. So, in many ways the fate of our nation is in the hands of this serial killer who now brags about being the richest man in the world because of funds he has wrongfully appropriated from monies awarded in your name due to his predations toward your family.
Answer: Yes, it is.
25. Could the nation's future be left to a more despicable person?
Answer: I don't see how.
26. You would like to see President Trump give him some pushback.
Answer: Yes, I would. And I would like to see the American people give him some pushback.
27. He probably doesn't want to have his face on a billboard with a list of his crimes.
Answer: I suspect not, and I suspect that Txx Lxxxx doesn't either.
28. Can these ill and predatory men be stopped?
Answer: Only through public exposure. These individuals feel emboldened when they can operate with anonymity. But they feel it's terribly unfair when they're called out in public.
29. You are redacting their names here, but your readers know by now who these people are. Isn't that right?
Answer: Yes, they do.
30. Will you please keep us fully apprised of your progress, given the vice grip these criminals appear to have on the nation at the moment?
Answer: Of course, I will.
31. Thank you for speaking with us this afternoon.
Answer: You are quite welcome.
Lane MacWilliams
Disclaimer: Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.
What the FBI Owes the MacWilliams Family and the Nation: An Enduring Apology
1. Has the OIG Hotline dispatched bloodhounds to your Cape Cod property as you requested?
Answer: The FBI appears to indicate that President Trump prevented this deployment.
2. Why would that have happened?
Answer: You know, the FBI has many motivations to extend disinformation about President Trump, and I certainly hope this assertion is not true. I think the FBI is deeply interested in the 7.9 trillion dollars that have allegedly been awarded in my name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI. The agency would simply like to appropriate the money that has been awarded to its victims.
3. You would like to see bloodhounds dispatched to both of your properties?
Answer: Immediately.
4. Isn't it apparent to Congress, to the Supreme Court, to the White House and to the DOJ that Txx Lxxxx has falsely accused your family, given that he is now advocating fiercely for the delay of any search of the properties?
Answer: Yes, I think they can all see the realities.
5. What are the realities?
Answer: Txx Lxxxx lied to my neighbors, my brother, my friends and my acquaintances -- and other members of my family -- in coercing some considerable volume of falsified witness statements from everyone attesting that I or my family members were "dangerous" or "mentally unstable" or "predatory" or all of the above. And then he arranged for the placement of wrongful evidence on both of my properties, presumably -- a fact which he is now trying desperately to conceal.
6. So the FBI has dictated to the White House that President Trump should prevent the deployment of the bloodhounds you requested?
Answer: Allegedly so, yes.
7. What was the intent of all the false accusations?
Answer: Most immediately, it was the wrongful appropriation of the 7.9 trillion dollars. The FBI sent me a book title "I Surrender All," that seemed to suggest, along with other titles, that I could be imprisoned or shot, or I could relinquish all the settlements and penalties intended for all "targets of interest" and extended in my name over recent years.
8. So, this was an extortion attempt?
Answer: Oh, yes. Most definitely.
9. So we see the FBI acting in ways that are identical to organized crime.
Answer: The FBI is indistinguishable from organized crime at this time. In fact, the FBI's ties to organized crime are extremely close, and many segments answer to organized crime more readily than to their own bosses in the chain of command. So we see institutional trafficking of America's youth, with profits shared among organized crime figures and the FBI and its corrupt law-enforcement affiliates.
10. What does the FBI owe you and your family at this time?
Answer: Everything. Everything in the world. The FBI owes us first and foremost the most profound and enduring apology it has ever conceived. After that, it owes us the restoration of our health in its entirety, the sovereignty of my children in its entirety, the resolution of all of the real estate problems the agency has caused, retraction of the agency's scurrilous defamation over time, the agency's permanent separation from my sons and MX, and restitution that meets my expectations with regard to the settlements that have been extended in my name.
11. What about those within the FBI who are now trying to extend false accusations toward your family members regarding "espionage," "terrorism" and other false charges?
Answer: They should face me in an open court of law, after which they should face charges themselves for their contempt of the judicial system and their violations of their oaths to the Constitution.
12. The FBI is threatening to jail and torture one of your son's in Mexico, to cause a plane crash of a family member, to expose your family members to extremely high ionizing radiation and radon levels, to give your family the "gxxxxxxx of the dead," to cause one of your sons "death by injection," to cause your family lung damage including cancer, XDR- TX, emphysema, and asthma, to somehow give your family some form of autoimmune disease, to render some members of your family deaf and/or blind, to cause a spurious tax audit, to dictate forced job loss and many other harms. What are your thoughts about these threats?
Answer: Well, this is a failed agency, obviously. The threats never cease with them, and they cannot seem to learn that there are times when threats and harm are inappropriate and inadvisable, as now. They're a one-note wonder. They only cause damage. And they appear to be incapable of remorse, humility, self-reflection, adaptation, and respect.
13. Like organized crime.
Answer: Identical to organized crime, yes.
14. What do you make of the FBI's threat that it has directed the "Committee of 300" to order your assassination?
Answer: That's nothing new. The FBI is ordering the assassinations of anyone who tells the truth about its heinous crimes. And in truth, the FBI brags about prior assassinations in order to intimidate members of the public whom it is trying to coerce into providing false witness statements so the agency can kill yet more innocents.
15. Please elaborate.
Answer: The FBI has bragged to my friends about having perpetrated several well-known assassinations in a historical context, although the agency of course denies involvement publicly.
16. Is the FBI attempting to convey to "targets" that it has taken over the American political system?
Answer: I think so, yes. The FBI wants individual members of the public to know that it has no hesitation about committing first-degree murder of the virtuous. In return for this intimidation, the agency wants overt and eternal compliance.
17. Submission is the goal?
Answer: Submission is always the goal for totalitarian systems.
18. So, why aren't you submitting?
Answer: I like my ethics, my morals, my leadership, my honesty, my integrity, and my fortitude much more than the FBI's. So, if the FBI wants agreement, it is going to have to meet my standards, at least privately. And that hasn't happened.
19. Is there evidence that the FBI is preying upon your family members yet more relentlessly given the agency's desire to misappropriate the 7.9 trillion dollars awarded in your name to their victims?
Answer: Yes, there is. The FBI appears to have stepped up its aggression toward my children and MX over the course of the last week.
20. How does that affect you?
Answer: Anyone who is harming my children at this time is driving over a cliff.
21. What do you mean by that?
Answer: I mean that the recklessness and foolishness are stunning.
22. You are not inclined to cave into the FBI's ongoing torture of your children.
Answer: Is the country inclined to concede to the FBI's torture, rape and trafficking of America's children? No. Absolutely not.
23. The torturers, sadists, human traffickers and murderers within the FBI and its cohort are not the people we want to be running the country, nor the people we want to be making decisions about the world as a whole. Is that correct?
Answer: Yes, it is.
24. You would like to see President Trump push back against those within the FBI who are harming your family members, wouldn't you? You would like to see President Trump disallow the AI creation and aggregation of knowingly false information about your family members, wouldn't you?
Answer: Yes, I would, and on both fronts.
25. What will you do if the FBI successfully delays the search of your properties by the bloodhounds you have requested?
Answer: I'm considering my alternatives at this time, certainly.
26. You will not passively accept the FBI's further tampering with your properties.
Answer: No. I think we deserve to know about Txx Lxxxx' crimes at my properties, and if the government is determined that the FBI cannot publicly disclose its guilt in this matter, then it needs to make amends immediately through an attorney or other representative.
27. Do your neighbors and friends now know that Txx Lxxxx is an inveterate liar?
Answer: I think the whole world now knows that Txx Lxxxx is an inveterate liar.
28. Is he unique within the FBI?
Answer: Sadly, no. He's likely one of the worst human beings within the FBI, but there are profound institutional problems, clearly.
29. Will you please continue to keep us apprised of your family's wellbeing and your own?
Answer: Yes, I most certainly will.
30. Thank you for speaking with us this morning.
Answer: You are quite welcome.
Lane MacWilliams
Communications to the OIG Hotline, January 31, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. I will be updating my communications sent to your attention throughout the day.
Thank you for accessing this material at your earliest possible opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Apparent FBI Claims of Virus Conveyance
OIG Hotline, this is to document that the FBI appears to be alleging that a non-conventional vector was used last night to cause me exposure to a cxxxxxx virus, with 100% fatality over time.
It is alleged that the agency is hoping to utilize the conveyance of this fatal illness in order to coerce me to relinquish the alleged 7.9 trillion dollars in awards extended in my name through your Office and that of the ODNI on behalf of all "targets of interest."
Subjectively, I can report an extremely stiff neck today, with swollen glands and chills, comparable to a meningitis.
I will continue to update your Office with regard to my well-being.
Certainly, it would be appropriate if all health harms caused by the FBI and its affiliates to my family members and myself were now reversed.
Thank you for allowing me to document these claims.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.
Confidential, Redacted Communication
OIG Hotline, a confidential, redacted communication was sent to this afternoon at 2:15 PM. Due to its sensitivity, this communication was not copied to my email accounts.
I will hope that the content of this communication can be shared with your Office in unredacted format at some point in the near future through your online portal, should my access to this conduit be restored.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
UPDATE: Obstruction of Communication, January 30, 2025 10:35 AM
UPDATE: As of 12:40 PM Pacific time, I am still being prevented from sending information to the OIG Hotline through its online portal. I did videotape this obstruction to document its perpetration.
It seems that the FBI feels that the information I am attempting to send to the OIG Hotline exonerates my sons and MX.
Allegedly, the agency has sought to blame my older son for crimes pertaining to which it allegedly placed wrongful evidence at one or more of my family's properties.
Because this communication contains confidential information, I feel that the online portal represents the best possible means of conveying it.
I will continue to try to convey this information securely throughout the afternoon.
Perhaps bloodhounds have been dispatched to my Cape Cod property, as I requested, in which case the FBI may be panicked over impending discovery of its wrongdoing.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
OIG Hotline, please be apprised that I am being prevented from submitting a complaint to your Office through your online portal at this time.
This communication does contain confidential information, and I do not feel that other means of conveyance to your Office are immediately available to me.
Given recent events, I find this obstruction to be most concerning.
I would respectfully request that the FBI and its affiliates be directed to allow my communications to your Office through this route as soon as possible.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Communications for the OIG Hotline, January 30, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. I will be updating this information throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest opportunity.
Thank you for your presence at this time.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
UPDATE: Communications to the OIG Hotline, January 29, 2025
UPDATE: Two communications included below have been redacted of a single proper name. These were re-sent in redacted form to the attention of the OIG Hotline within at 6:58 AM and 7:03 AM. The prior unredacted communications have been deleted from at this time.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to your Office's attention within, including those listed below. I will continue to update my communications to your Office throughout the day.
Thank you for accessing this information at your earliest opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
New Request for Injunctive Relief
OIG Hotline, please see a new request for injunctive relief, sent to the attention of your Office at 2:43 PM Pacific time today, January 28, 2025, bearing the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief Re: Order of OIG Hotline Investigation of 40 Gansett Rd., Woods Hole, MA 02543.
Please access this information at your earliest opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Important Email for the OIG Hotline, January 28, 2025
OIG Hotline, please be apprised of an email sent to your attention within at 11:43 AM today, January 28, 2025, bearing the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Permission to Access 40 Gansett Rd. Woods Hole, MA 02543 and 45 Vista Verde Way, Portola Valley, CA. 94028.
There are five JPEG attachments to this communication, which I include below.
In addition, please be apprised of another important communication forwarded to your attention within at 12:02 PM today, January 28, 2025.
Thank you for accessing this information at your earliest convenience.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Communications to the OIG Hotline, January 28, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see communications sent to your attention within, including those listed below. I will be updating my communications to your Office throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest possible convenience.
Thank you for your presence at this time.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Monday, January 27, 2025
Communication to the National Police Bloodhound Association
OIG Hotline, I reached out to the National Police Bloodhound Association this morning, January 27, 2025, as you can see below. This organization promises a response within one business day. Because timeliness is important in this matter, I will appreciate the OIG Hotline's support in ensuring that the FBI does not block my progress with a thorough bloodhound search of my properties and homes.
If the FBI knows of any reason why the institution would be implicated by such a search, they should have a lawyer contact me on an immediate basis.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Communications to the OIG Hotline, January 27, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below. I will continue to update your Office with communications forwarded to your attention throughout the day.
Please access this information at your earliest opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Important New Email for the OIG Hotline
OIG Hotline, please see a communication sent to the attention of your Office within at 4:24 PM today, January 26, 2025.
This email carries the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Fwd: Document Protections, Confidential.
Thank you for accessing this material at your earliest opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Communications for the OIG Hotline, January 26, 2025
OIG Hotline, please see my communications sent to the attention of your Office within, including those listed below.
Please be apprised that the communication "The Path Forward, January 26, 2025" was sent to your Office through the online portal at 4:46 AM Eastern time this morning, in unredacted form.
I will be sending communications to your Office later today pertaining to my travel to confirm that I have arrived home safely. I am currently scheduled to fly to SFO from Boston Logan on United Airlines at 8:00 AM on Flight 1008.
Thank you for accessing my communications at your earliest opporunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Critical Request
OIG Hotline, I am currently filing a complaint through your online portal from my hotel at Boston Logan Airport.
I ask that the FBI be prohibited from aggressing against my family members or myself given that I am observing likely confidentiality desires of the agency even while my own family members' rights have been repeatedly violated.
Thank you for your support in this critical request.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
Saturday, January 25, 2025
My Husband's Appointment with Klara Turner, January 25, 2025
This is to document that my husband has an appointment for a haircut this morning with paid FBI informant Klara Turner. Because Ms. Turner has been coerced into providing falsified witness statements in the past regarding my family, it seems prudent to document this schedule here.
Out of an abundance of caution, the full extent of dialogue between my husband and Klara Turner will be documented. This information can be made available to OIG Hotline investigators upon request.
For reference, my husband will not have his cell phone visible during his appointment with Ms. Turner.
Previous threats of falsified witness statements from Ms. Turner and additional harms perpetrated at the directive of FBI personnel are presumed to remain a concern.
Thank you for allowing me to document this risk potential.
Please be apprised that I have arrive safely in Falmouth, MA and have rented a vehicle. I will be updating your Office on my progress.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
UPDATE: Documentation for the OIG Hotline, January 25, 2025
OIG Hotline, please access documents sent to your attention today, January 25, 2025, within, including those sent at 9:19 AM, 9:22 AM, 9:27 AM, 9:30 AM, 9:35 AM, 9:39 AM, 9:47 AM, and 10:06 AM Eastern time. I will be updating your Office with communications sent to your attention throughout the day.
Thank you for accessing this information at your earliest opportunity.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
UPDATE: OIG Hotline, in addition to the documents included below, I have prepared additional documentation sent to your Office's attention within using my cell phone from my current location of Boston/Logan airport.
I will be updating your Office regarding my travel to Cape Cod. It is currently 9:50 AM local time.
Please note that the FBI appears to allege that janitorial staff at Boston/Logan have been paid/coerced to file a false witness statement of some kind, allegedly to be combined with an AI-generated video. For full disclosure, I brushed my teeth and applied moisturizer, mascara, hand oil, deodorant and perfume within the Boston/Logan ladies room close to the baggage claim area. My actions were lawful and honorable in every way, shape and form.
I covered the camera sensor when I used the lavatory facilities, which I also believe to be entirely lawful and in keeping with privacy protections.
I will refrain from commenting on this purported harassment at this time. I am endeavoring to travel with safety and security today, and I greatly appreciate your Office's efforts, and those of others, in making that possible.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
P.S. -- Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that some threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time. I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or its affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of manifestation. Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real-world harms. As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.
OIG Hotline, my access to gmail is currently being blocked from my MacBook Air. In addition, it appears that I am being prohibited from accessing other email sites to establish an account through which to provide you with today's documentation. As a result, I will be providing basic documentation below.
Thank you for your forbearance under these unusual circumstances. I believe that it is critical that you have appropriate documentation for today.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams