My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Map-making with the Truth

 1.  The FBI appeared to inform you yesterday that your sons and MX had once more been threatened and harmed in the coercion of false reporting from them about your family.  Is that the case?

Answer:  This appeared to be the information conveyed, yes.  And I myself had been receiving extreme threats pertaining to both of them.

2.  May I ask what kind?

Answer:  Threats that if they did not comply with DoD demands for false witness statements, they would both be killed.

3.  What are your thoughts about this duress?

Answer:  It's heartbreaking.  I feel that, if the country cannot allow my sons to tell the truth about my honorable family without threatening their lives, the nation has completely forsaken all allegiance to its own virtue.  And I think that's a devastating loss, not only for my family, but for everyone.  We look to our leaders to represent just initiatives, thoughtful policy, honorable governance for the people that reflects a desire for their wellbeing.  In other words, it's important that we believe our government is benevolent -- that our leaders possess fundamental goodwill.  And if some are willing to relinquish that goodwill on behalf of the American people, I am not.

4.  After all the defamation you and your family have suffered, you are unwilling to suffer more.

Answer:  That is fair to say.  The lies have been so egregious and so extensive and so aggressive -- and I have believed the entire time that someone within government would say "This is deeply wrong," and bring it to a decisive halt.  So to have my sons repeatedly conscripted into these programs of false reporting, under threat to their lives through the ongoing coercion of the DoD no less, is devastating.

5.  You see this as a profound abuse of power.

Answer:  There is no other accurate way to see it.  It has been a profound abuse of power.

6.  When your sons are coerced under threat to their lives to lie about your husband and yourself, are your lives immediately placed under threat?

Answer:  This must be assumed, and it must be understood as the intent.

7.  What needs to happen now, in your opinion?

Answer:  The lies need to be retracted, every last one.  My sons need to be supported in speaking the whole truth to investigators, and as part of that, they need to have their health completely restored.  No one should be holding out life-saving medical care as a reward for lying about our honorable family.

8.  Weren't your sons also required to lie about one another?

Answer:  You know, I would be shocked if they weren't, because the intent was likely to justify grievous harm perpetrated against all of us.

9.  So in demanding egregious falsehoods from your sons and MX about all of you, the groundwork was being laid for the silencing of your entire family through the aggression of the FBI and its affiliates?

Answer:  Yes.  I believe so.

10.  And that's why you feel so insistent about the truth being expressed to investigators at this time.

Answer:  It's important for my sons to be safe in speaking the whole truth to investigators, and it's important for every other person who lied to investigators about my family members or me during this case.  All of those people, whoever they are, should be given the opportunity to now speak the truth in setting the record straight, and the government should be supporting that process without any obstruction, manipulation, coercion, threats or alterations whatsoever.

11.  Is there any need of the government that can justify the torture of young people for the purpose of lying about their parents?

Answer:  No.

12.  This sounds more like the choices of overseers in a totalitarian gulag than anything that could be happening within the United States.

Answer:  I wholeheartedly agree.  And yet we render ourselves terribly vulnerable to totalitarian wrongs if we believe that these acts can only happen elsewhere.  Clearly there are totalitarian drives within human society.  And when secrecy is created surrounding the the fate of innocents within any society, those drives can become manifest in predatory acts that society as a whole would immediately reject as inhuman.

13.  Would you go so far as to suggest that secrecy is a necessary ingredient for totalitarian initiatives?

Answer:  I would say that secrecy is a necessary component in the commission of human atrocities.  So whenever a society enables secret programs of surveillance and secret judicial processes that accompany that surveillance to authorize physical harms, we're in a great deal of trouble.  Totalitarian wrongs will inevitably arise from these societal structures.  It's simply a matter of time.

14.  The innocent are bound to be condemned through these corrupted structures of law enforcement.  Is this your point?

Answer:  They are, and in large numbers.

15.  Is there an opportunity for witnesses, including your sons and MX, to reach out to OIG Hotline investigators in this case to insist that the truth be known by them?

Answer:  There is both the opportunity and the necessity.

16.  Can the government re-align behind this insistence on the truth?

Answer:  We all need to hope so.

17.  Will you please keep us up-to-date on the health and welfare of your family in upcoming days?

Answer:  Of course I will.

18.  You believe that the truth of your case can still be incontrovertibly established.

Answer:  If everyone involved acknowledges how important truthful testimony is, with no witness tampering, to this case -- then yes, I do believe that the full truth can emerge for investigators.

19.  Why is that so important?

Answer:  OIG Hotline investigators are courageously drawing a map of territory others have not seen before.  They are characterizing the mountains, the chasms, the rivers and the expanse in a manner no one has attempted, and they are doing so on behalf of the democracy as a whole.  Witnesses are helping them in critical elements of that cartography.  But they cannot lie or else the whole map is ruined.

20.  Will our democracy survive without an accurate map emerging from the brave labors of OIG Hotline investigators?

Answer:  No.  No, it won't.  And that's why investigators need everyone's support in re-aligning with the truth of this matter.

21.  Their work matters that much.

Answer:  Yes, it does.

22.  What about new instances of false claims being brought before the Court at this time?

Answer:  The government needs to stop directing and supporting all new false claims, at the same time that prior false claims should be retracted.

23.  Is this possible?

Answer:  Strong and ethical leadership renders everything possible.  So, yes, of course it's possible.

24.  You appreciate those who have refused to abandon the truth of this case, including OIG Hotline investigators.

Answer:  Immensely.

25.  Thank you for your thoughts this morning.

Answer:  You're quite welcome.

Lane MacWilliams

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