My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, October 11, 2024

There Is No Price On a Young Man's Soul

OIG Hotline, my youngest son has, according to unsubstantiated FBI allegations, been directed to take a life tonight or tomorrow night, in a directive the FBI alleges has been approved at the highest level, as part of a concealed Program initiative I have named for your Office previously.

The FBI alleges that my requests for injunctive relief asking that my sons and MX be separated from all government programs have been disallowed on the basis of knowingly false witness statements coerced from the FBI itself, specifically by directives from Tom Lyons and Bxxxxxx Pxxx, which have falsely alleged over a prolonged period of time that a member of my family is perpetrating "industrial espionage" for China or Korea.

All such allegations are patently false, and, absent their unequivocal and prompt withdrawal,  I demand the right to face Tom Lyons and those who have falsely reported about this matter in an open court, as is my Constitutional right.  I further demand this right on behalf of my family member, who remains unaware of the manner in which he has been defamed and harmed over time by this corrupt agency.

The FBI appears to allege this morning that its intention is to imprison my youngest son on murder charges for a crime that has not yet occurred, and one that is being presented to him as an executive directive, together with threats to his life and that of MX should he refuse.

I am prevented from naming my youngest son and MX on this blog, as doing so might further endanger them.

I am also prevented from naming the Program which I have previously identified for your Office, as the government has signaled its view that this information is "secret."

So, instead, I must do the best I can to expose this alleged scheme in the hope of protecting my son from perpetrating an act he wishes no part of.

There is no price on a young man's soul.

There is no bounty on his virtue.

There is no ransom for his goodness.

I have always let my sons know that if they were in trouble, I would march into the depths of hell to retrieve them from that place.

OIG Hotline, my sons are now in trouble.  And typing these words is the only way I have of marching to the place of their distress in my determination to rescue them.

At the heart of this predation toward my family, there appears to be a most unusual backstory.

It was alleged to me this morning that certain individuals central to this scheme have discussed a plan to ensure that the only living relative I have left is an infant girl, born only a month or two ago.  It was alleged to me that this child was conceived as an "anchor" connected to certain settlements and penalties awarded in my name, intended to "stake a claim" on those funds after my demise and that of all of my known family members.  Under such a scenario, my sons and MX would have to be prevented from having a child that was in any way related to me.  Only in this way would the infant girl referenced above be able to serve as my sole heir.

I would disinherit this infant girl here and now were it not for my concerns that she might be harmed by those dispassionate enough to perpetrate these acts.

Obviously, under these circumstances, neither my sons nor MX should be suffering imposed infertility, disability, job loss, physical or cognitive decline, street crime, sniper assault, staged suicide, drug overdose, imprisonment for any reason, severe illness or death from any cause.  Nor should my husband or myself.

Those family members and friends who could possibly appear in my holographic will (a handwritten document with contents that are not known to the FBI) have likely all been targeted by the agency, if the above allegations are true.

The failure of certain individuals to restore my health and that of my family members in the face of certain recent assaults to our well-being would make much more sense if the above allegations are substantiated.

And I must wonder if this confession corresponds to the FBI's anticipation of disclosures within reports to be provided to me through fulfillment of my Freedom of Information Act requests and investigative reports from your Office and the ODNI.

Perhaps this information is soon to be revealed to me anyway, and FBI affiliates are attempting to mitigate the shock, if that goal is possible.

I recognize the sensitivity of this information, although I am withholding aspects of this scheme which I know to be confidential.

If these allegations are true, investigators already know the details, I would expect.

What is at stake most immediately are the health and lives of the five members of my immediate family, and perhaps now, the health and life of a baby girl unknown to me except by FBI assertions.

I am posting this information publicly for the sole reason that I am compelled to protect those I love who may have been unjustly targeted through the implementation of this scheme.

If I receive reports delineating such a scenario, I will seek to evaluate this matter privately in consultation with others.

Clearly, it is preferable to remove these details from the public sphere, given how extreme and predatory they appear to be.

I do not believe that such matters can best be evaluated or contextualized in a public setting.  Rather, a modicum of time and safety, including restoration of full health, are required for everyone.

I will close by recounting that when my sons were born, I prayed that they would lead virtuous lives, that they would be a blessing to the world, that they would manifest courage, intelligence, benevolence and heart, and that they would cause harm to no one.

OIG Hotline, this is still my prayer, not only for my sons, but for the wider world.

Surely, our integrity and virtue can redefine this circumstance in the service of some greater good.

This is my hope, and it is one that insists.

Most respectfully,

Lane MacWilliams

* Please allow me to once again extend the disclaimer that many threats received by me and extended by the FBI are unsubstantiated by me at this time.  I regret that I am unable to assess the credibility of every threat extended by this agency or their affiliates, and also that I am not in a position to judge the likelihood of their manifestation.  Having said that, many of the FBI's threats toward my family in the past have manifested in real world harms.  As a result, I believe that FBI threats extended to me must be viewed as potentially substantive.

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