My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Reasons Why the Constitution Cannot be Defended in Concealment

1.  You appear to have been receiving extensive sniping threats today.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Unfortunately, it does seem to be the case.

2.  What form do those threats take?

Answer:  You know, it varies.  Sometimes, I will receive a text on my phone with a subject line that says only "I want to shoot you."  On opening the message, it might say "I want to shoot you a text" and reveal itself as a political fundraising communication.  Alternatively, it could present as a simple image of a gun that appears on my cell phone.  So, the means of communicating are fairly broad.  

3.  You have spoken before about the means by which such an assault would be likely to occur. And without going into the details here, I will simply say that the mechanization of the process sounds terrifying.

Answer:  Well, I think we always need to consider deeply the effect of lethal and unconstitutional means of enforcement pertaining to corrupted law enforcement reporting.  What is the effect on free speech?  Can we expect to have a society in which people are free to express their opinions, their discoveries, their objections or their rights?  What does education look like if questioning and intellectual discourse are silenced?  How is history rewritten to favor a propagandistic interpretation of events, given that a questioning of seminal events is disallowed?  And after history is redefined according to a strict narrative, how is the present propagandized as well?  What is forbidden to say?  And what are the occasions when questioning the powerful can result in the deaths of a highly honorable civilian and her family, without their ever having the opportunity to know the charges against them or to prove them false?  When we have false charges being presented in sealed court proceedings, these mistakes are going to happen, and in ever increasing numbers.

4.  Why do you say the numbers will increase?

Answer:  Because the public, under such a system, has no means of objecting.  And AI film and audio is now becoming so rapidly produced and disseminated that false evidence of wrongdoing can be generated within a few hours of an evening spent with colleagues or family.  Throw in a few falsified witness statements coerced under torture, and these falsehoods, when wielded by FBI personnel, can easily result in a death sentence.  Over time, sentencing of single defendants would expand to "classes" or "groups" of defendants with no real connection to one another.  In fact, the FBI alleges that this is already happening within the United States to a degree, justified by claims of "efficiency."  Solzhenitsyn writes with astonishing clarity about these changes within Russian jurisprudence during Stalin's rule.  And these patterns are duplicated in totalitarian systems all over the world.

5.  What can you do to remain safe  and to keep your family members safe at this time?

Answer:  I think writing publicly about this circumstance is an excellent way of protecting our lives through truth telling.

6.  In addition to AI-generated film and AI-generated audio co-opting your image and voice, your sons and MG have been coerced into providing false witness statements through torture, as you said.

Answer:  That is correct.

7.  Also, they have each had several visits from two uniformed DoD personnel demanding false statements as a matter of "national security."  Isn't that true?

Answer:  This is what the FBI claims has occurred.

8.  When combined with death threats from their handlers, intimidating visits from DoD personnel would exert a profound coercive influence, wouldn't they?

Answer:  Oh, yes.  Most certainly.

9.  Have the DoD personnel dictated the contents of the false statements?

Answer:  I believe so, yes.  

10.  Were the false statements already written prior to the DoD personnel visiting your sons and MG?

Answer:  I would be shocked if the content had not already been closely defined through convergent and overlapping statements.  I know my sons' writing so well that I would be able to look at the statements for two minutes and identify that the phrasing and language were not their own.  But AI is being used to produce many such aspects of false reporting now, and my understanding is that, to the lay person with no knowledge of the testifiers, the material is quite convincing.

11.  What have you been wrongfully accused of?  What has your husband been wrongfully accused of?

Answer:  According to the FBI, almost every crime imaginable.  The agency has sampled from an alleged smorgasbord of the most serious crimes and, at one time or another, FBI personnel have attempted to accuse us of virtually all possible forms of malfeasance:  human trafficking (note that the CIA committed crimes against my older son in this realm), drug trafficking (note that Tom Lyons allegedly forced one of my sons to take an unopened package with him to Hawaii), theft, plagiarism, various forms of espionage, various forms of terrorism, child endangerment and predation (allegedly attempting to rewrite our sons' happy childhoods) and, through the Pxxxxxx Program, serial killing, astonishingly enough.

12.  So do you have any idea what has prompted this latest death sentence, allegedly handed down by the Court?  Do you have any idea what has prompted the arson threats that accompany it?

Answer:  None, really, The FBI has appeared to allege that it has impersonated me online to engage in communications aligned with "terrorist activity."  But, naturally, I have no idea what those communications have said, when they were sent, to whom they were sent -- or anything related to them at all.

13.  Why is this false reporting about you (and one must assume it is being perpetrated against your husband, too) still being allowed?  Why is it still being tolerated by the White House at this time?

Answer:  Those are meaningful questions, and I hope the Court is provided with meaningful answers.

14.  The FBI alleged to you this morning that it was weighing sending two female Special Forces contractors to your home in order to shoot you during an alleged attempted arrest.  Is that correct?

Answer:  It is, yes.

15.  Did it almost happen?

Answer:  The FBI suggests that it was discussed as a very viable option, yes.

16.  Are you a terrorist, an anarchist, a socialist, a Communist, a human trafficker, a drug trafficker, an alcoholic, a thief, a plagiarist, a spy, a predator, or a serial killer?

Answer:  No, I am not.  I never was any of the above, and I never will be any of the above.

17.  Is your husband a terrorist, an anarchist, a socialist, a Communist, a human trafficker, a drug trafficker, an alcoholic, a thief, a plagiarist, a spy, a predator or a serial killer?

Answer:  No, he is not.  He never was any of the above, and he never will be any of the above.

18.  What needs to happen in order for you to live in safety within your own home at this point?

Answer:  Those directing, creating and and presenting the false material as "evidence" need to acknowledge to the High Court their deceit.

19.  Let's presume they're unwilling to do so.  What can happen to reveal the truth of this matter?

Answer:  It would be extremely helpful if the White House disclosed all that they know about these schemes of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting.  That represents the ethical mandate as well.

20.  In addition to that, what else can happen?

Answer:  I think it is possible that the Court can be asked to follow Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23, requiring that class action plaintiffs be clearly and concisely informed of the existence of a class action addressing their case, and delineating their rights under class action litigation.

21. Is it the case that some, though not all,  of judicial proceedings regarding this matter within the Supreme Court have taken place under the heading of class action litigation?

Answer:  The FBI has conveyed to me that this is the case.  But remarkably, this has been a secret class action initiative, which is, I believe precedent setting.

22.  How do you interpret the existence of a secret class action initiative adjudicated by the Supreme Court?

Answer:  We need to consider the implications when the lead plaintiff in a concealed class action proceeding against the FBI is separately being tried on false charges created by the FBI that may lead to her death and the deaths of her family members.  Under that circumstance, disinformation created by the FBI and its truthful remedy are effectively in a race against time to establish a "winner."  And this points out the deep and irremediable peril within secret proceedings.  The future freedoms of the American public are on trial in this case, but the American public has no idea that the trial is happening.  And the moment that part of the Court decides to provide me with Injunctive Relief ordering the conveyance of my FOIA reports and investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, the FBI solicits another part of the Court to sentence me to death on false charges about which I have no knowledge whatsoever.  

23.  In other words, there can be no integrity in concealed proceedings of this kind.

Answer:  No, I won't say that there can be no integrity.  But I will say that the merit of justice meted out in concealed proceedings is likely to depend entirely on the presiding Justice.  And so we're going to see tremendous inconsistency and reversals, with certain Justices intentionally undermining one another's rulings that have stood in support of Constitutional norms.  Without the presence of the public in court proceedings of this nature, jurisprudence itself becomes deeply imperiled.

24.  The Constitution, which requires open court proceedings, cannot be effectively defended by closed court proceedings.  Is that it?

Answer:  That's it exactly.  We cannot expect an adequate defense of the Constitution when the American people, who are the beneficiaries of the Constitution, are closed out.

25.  Would you ask the High Court to insist that you be informed of the class action lawsuit for which you are the lead plaintiff, in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23,  thus bringing this lawsuit into the public sphere?

Answer:  Yes, I would ask it, and I do ask it.  And I further ask for a stay against all proceedings which could authorize further harms toward my family members, MG or myself so that I can be notified in safety, without worrying about damaging objectives of the FBI, wrongfully advanced by yet further knowingly false reporting.

26.  If the class action lawsuit were to be made public, would the false charges against you and your family be brought into the open as well?

Answer:  I cannot comment on that, because I am not an attorney.  But I'm certain that any worthy legal advocate would seek to disallow a lead plaintiff in a class action against the FBI from being placed into a series of secret court proceedings in which she is on trial for her life in absentia and without her knowledge or participation.  The law is generally quite level-headed in this regard.  You don't allow corrupt personnel within a wayward law enforcement institution to murder a whistleblower and her family.  And if you do, the public is going to have an opinion about that improper targeting.

27.  Will the Court be able to see this conversation tomorrow?  Will there be the opportunity for redress?

Answer:  I certainly hope so.  The FBI and the White House should have the opportunity to explain the agency's creation of false evidence regarding whatever latest charges the FBI has extended.  And simultaneously, the Court should be asked to uphold Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23, informing me of my rights as the leading member of the class action lawsuit which has been brought forward under concealment until this time.

28.  Would you still hope for injunctive relief in the form of the provision of your FOIA reports and the investigative reports of the OIG Hotline and the ODNI?

Answer:  Of course, I would hope for this provision.

29.  What should happen to the unusual text conversation that is allegedly part of those reports?

Answer:  It's possible that the provision of this text conversation could protect my family members' lives and my own all by itself.  I would like to possess it for that reason alone.  That's not to say by any means that this material would be rendered public.  I don't believe that would be a wise course at all.  But its existence could save our lives, and so, under these remarkable circumstances, it's valuable.

30.  You appear to be fairly stoic about contents that might be quite challenging for others.

Answer:  You know, I am representing many people who, through no fault of their own, have not been as fortunate as I in finding advocacy.  So, it's necessary to view the larger picture, always, and to ask whether there is greater good that can emerge from thoughtful people working together in support of our longterm freedoms.  In that context, individual concerns quickly recede from view.

31.   Are you still hopeful that positive change could be made in the longterm to diminish falsified law enforcement reporting?

Answer:  I think it's necessary to ensure that the agency's priorities in other areas are respected and upheld in finding common ground.  Do I believe that is possible?  With the involvement of certain key individuals, it may be.

32.  Will you keep us apprised of new developments regarding your safety and that of your family members as you seek next steps?

Answer:  Of course, I will.

Lane MacWilliams

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