My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

In Defense of Federal Rule for Civil Procedure 23

 1.  The FBI alleges that its affiliates have coerced newly falsified witness statements from your sons that the agency plans to submit to the High Court today.  Do you have any thoughts on that subject?

Answer:  Those who have experienced torture -- including food restriction, water restriction, rape, concussion, Dxx assault, forced drug exposure and addiction, gratuitous and life-threatening illness caused by the FBI, withheld diagnosis and medical care for the life-threatening illnesses caused by the FBI -- should not be filing witness statements for anyone allied with their torturers.  Torture victims extend false statements, which is, in and of itself, one of torture's main objectives.  This is known and documented.  And there are many precedents disallowing the statements of torture victims while they are still within the power of their tormentors.

2.  Your sons and MG are still receiving daily communications from their handlers?

Answer:  Oh, yes.

3.  Despite your request that they be separated from their handlers?

Answer:  That communication is ongoing.

4.  The communications devices have not been removed.

Answer:  If they were removed, they were almost immediately replaced.

5.  At whose directive?

Answer: This is an eminently reasonable question.

6.  Are your sons still part of the unconstitutional Pxxxxxx Program?

Answer:  Yes, they are.

7.  And has your youngest son been recently tasked with perpetrating some type of serious harm through the Pxxxxxx Program?

Answer:  This is what the FBI has alleged as of last night.

8.  At whose directive?

Answer:  Once again, it is necessary to assess who is in charge of the Pxxxxxx Program.

9.  Can this improper directive be halted immediately?

Answer:  With the Court's intervention, I believe it can.

10.  There is a tremendous problem in these events relating to the usurpation of the people's sovereignty, isn't there?

Answer:  There is, because central to any definition of freedom is the preservation of free will.

11.  You asked the Court yesterday to uphold Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23.

Answer:  I did, yes.

12.  What may be the counterarguments presented by the FBI today?

Answer:  The FBI will say that ongoing secrecy of its programs is needed for national security concerns.  It will allege that "spies" and "terrorists" should not be informed about the FBI's crimes against the law-abiding American public in calling law-abiding Americans "terrorists" and "spies."  The reasoning is tautological in its very essence.

13.  Your point is that the "target of interest" program is designed to be dishonest.  The lying on the part of FBI personnel is part of their training, and not an exception to an otherwise stellar example of ethics in federal law enforcement.

Answer:  Yes, that's exactly my point.  Think about the USA gymnasts who gave reports to the FBI of their victimization at the hands of predator Larry Nassar.  They were mischaracterized as unreliable or mentally ill, and the investigation that should have resulted from those reports was entirely suppressed.  Instead, the gymnasts who had reported their abuse became "targets of interest" themselves on the basis of their non-existent "mental instability."

14.  So the victims were victimized again.

Answer:  Precisely so.  And in general, historically, we see totalitarian systems working in this manner.  Any contact with law enforcement carries with it a chance, and perhaps even a likelihood, of being added to a "list" of surveillance, targeting, and harm.

15.  Why?

Answer: For the simple reason that systems of false reporting seek to grow.  Those manifesting the "target of interest" program appreciate their power and would like to wield yet more of it.  The budgets supporting the "target of interest" program are also growing year over year, so the American people are paying, through their tax dollars, to be deprived of their own Constitutional rights.

16.  The intent of the FBI in mischaracterizing victims as mentally ill is what?

Answer:  It is to refer them to "adult protective services" or "child protective services" without their knowledge or consent.  The reasoning is that if a victim "makes no logical sense" to the FBI or its affiliates, then she qualifies for round the clock surveillance to ensure her "safety."

17.  But 24-hour per day surveillance by the FBI is not exactly "safe," is it?

Answer:  No, it's an assurance of being wrongfully implicated of crimes of which "targets of interest" know nothing whatsoever.

18. Presumably AI-generated film, photos, and audio would all be part of that false reporting?  

Answer:  Yes, they would. Purchased through contractors so that the FBI can claim, should questions arise, that they were "misled" by a wayward contractor, the agency is knowingly aggregating and disseminating false material in a manner that is broadly systematized.

19.  Is the FBI's ultimate goal the surveillance of everyone?

Answer:  Yes, and this is always the goal of totalitarian systems.  Complete surveillance and control of the population at large.

20.  So your point, in asking that the Supreme Court uphold Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23, is that the American public deserves to have a say in the adjudication of their freedoms or their freedoms' loss.

Answer:  Yes, the public has a right to be made aware of the issues being discussed, to be made cognizant of the problem of false reporting, and to hear the opinions of political candidates regarding the manner in which this challenge should be handled.

21. For some Americans, that will mean contributing their own evidence of the FBI's false reporting against law-abiding citizens resulting in the deprivation of Americans' Constitutional rights, won't it?

Answer: Without question, it will.  Just as we heard the USA gymnasts testifying before Congress in expressing that they had been mistreated by the FBI, so, too, will we hear from other law-abiding citizens with similar evidence and testimony to give.

22.  Does the FBI have quotas for its "target of interest" program?  Does it have numbers of Americans who must fill the rosters?

Answer:  The FBI recounts that it does, yes.  And there is pressure on FBI personnel to fill those quotas.  This is considered an important part of the job within counterintelligence.  The names simply must be provided to the agency, and in ever-increasing numbers.

23. What is the reason for that?

Answer:  Because "targets of interest" die much more rapidly than those who are unsurveilled.  And if the goal is to surveil everyone within a certain time frame, then quotas must be upheld.

24.  Isn't the emergence of AI now rendering mass surveillance much more possible than in the past?

Answer:  There is no question but that AI is rendering both mass surveillance and mass false reporting much more readily achievable for the agency.

25.  Ultimately, does the FBI aim to have a file of false allegations on everyone -- a sort of dossier that could be utilized to control the words and actions of every American citizen?

Answer:  Yes, it does.  The FBI ultimately wants every American to have a "permanent record" so that they can be better controlled.

26.  So, in the scenario you describe, anybody can be criminalized.

Answer:  In the FBI's scenario, all Americans will have been criminalized.  They simply won't know it. And only if they think independently or critically about the loss of their freedoms will they be punished through active placement on the "target of interest" program list.

27.  So, for all these reasons, you would like to be informed of your relationship to the class action currently before the High Court.

Answer:  Yes, I feel that this represents a critical inflection point for our current and future freedoms.  And I believe this class action must lawfully inform me of the suit filed on my behalf, in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23.

28.  And the FBI's claims that those on its "target of interest" list are "spies" and "terrorists" who cannot know of their designation?

Answer:  These claims represent the argument that Americans are too dangerous to know that they're dangerous.  The truth of the matter is that it is the FBI's secrecy that endangers us all, a fact which the FBI knows quite well.  If the FBI is required to be transparent and accountable with even a few of its programs, not all, its ability to wrongfully implicate the American electorate of wrongdoing is dramatically mitigated.

29.  You have never argued that all of the FBI's programs should be made public.

Answer:  No, I have not.  I don't believe that is possible, and that's not what I'm suggesting.  I'm suggesting that knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting as perpetrated by the FBI and its affiliates should be investigated, and that I as lead plaintiff on this class action, should be made aware of that inquiry in the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23.

30. That seems to be an achievable goal.

Answer:  Yes, it does.

31.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and understanding?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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