My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

UPDATE: An Eminently Reasonable Question

UPDATE:  Current photographs of air quality measures have been added below.


 1.  You were told by the FBI that your sons have once again been threatened with death by DoD personnel directed from the highest level.  And supposedly that was to coerce more false witness statements from them.

Answer:  That is what I understand, yes.

2.  The FBI even conveyed to you that your younger son lied to investigators about these allegations recently.  Isn't that so?

Answer:  It is, yes.

3.  How could they manage to coerce him to lie in this setting?

Answer:  The FBI alleges that the DoD gave my younger son a choice of poisoning his father, harming his brother, suffering a "staged suicide" by FBI affiliates, or defaming me through misreporting about his childhood to investigators.

4.  None of those are particularly attractive options.

Answer:  They are not.

5.  Especially when we consider that your ability to combat falsified law enforcement reporting in any context is dependent upon your receipt of your FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.

Answer:  Yes, this is the issue that the FBI is keenly aware of.  These people will do anything not to be exposed.  There are no limits for them.  Murder of family members is just one more atrocity in the FBI's long list of atrocities.  They are not going to be demonstrating restraint out of a sense of ethics.

6.  Do you know the nature of the allegations?

Answer:  The FBI alleges that Brandan Pesa, Tom Lyons and a third individual are once again directing false allegations of felony child abuse and industrial espionage.  There are other allegations, no doubt, but those were the two the FBI chose to disclose.

7.  But shouldn't the White House be immediately disallowing those knowingly false allegations?

Answer:  They should.

8.  Why isn't that happening?

Answer:  You are asking an eminently reasonable question.  

9.  What are the motives for the White House to allow this false reporting, and perhaps even to direct it, in a manner that leaves you and your loved ones extremely vulnerable to harm?

Answer:  Another eminently reasonable question.

10.  Is there a financial incentive?

Answer:  A third eminently rational question.

11.  Is there a desire to evade criminal accountability due to the content of the FOIA materials and investigative reports in some regard?

Answer:  A fourth.

12.  Your sons have both denied in writing that they ever experienced child abuse at the hands of anyone as children.  Isn't that so?

Answer:  It is.

13.  But for your younger son to lie about this -- what an agonizing position.

Answer:  Both of my sons and MG have repeatedly experienced torture at the hands of the FBI and their affiliates.   So, agonizing is the word.

14.  Hasn't the FBI also suggested that Tom Lyons may have stolen IP from your younger son's company in order to sell it to a foreign adversary, just like they are alleged to have done with another family member?

Answer:  Yes, this is supposed to be Tom Lyons' specialty.  After he steals material and sells it to our foreign adversaries, then he goes about creating a trail of fake "evidence" with which to implicate the victims of his own crimes.

15.  That sounds reflective of an extremely disordered psychology.

Answer:  Yes, it does.  It sounds psychopathic to those of us who have made somewhat of a study of human psychology.  

16.  Hasn't Tom Lyons taken a vow to uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Answer:  He has.  All FBI agents take that vow at the commencement of every new position within the agency.

17.  What is your perspective about the FBI's claim that its knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting is a "national secret"?

Answer:  It's not a secret when my family is being victimized by it.  Once the FBI acknowledges its lies toward my family and stops engaging in damaging falsehoods that risk our lives, they can begin to speak to me about their "national security" concerns.

18.  The FBI would likely defend itself in this moment by explaining that their directives are coming from above.  Isn't that the case?

Answer:  Look, I think when people make wrongful choices, they are always going to seek to distribute the blame to a larger circle coordinating defamation and harm.  That doesn't render these atrocities justifiable.  There is no end that justifies these means -- no one's Bitcoin account -- no one's yacht.  The government is destroying the most virtuous families it has.  No ethical person will ever call that acceptable. 

19.  Do you find the specifics of this corruption infuriating?

Answer:  You know, I think appalling is a better word.  There are many aspects of the government's atrocities that I have not disclosed, and for good reason.  But the FBI has in every way imaginable abused my reticence and restraint.  The wisdom and insight just are not present in the leadership of the agency.  At all.  And obviously, other branches of the government are struggling mightily with this challenge to democratic fundamentals.

20.  No one has yet provided you with FOIA materials or investigative reports, your neighbor continues to install autonomous devices of harm, yesterday you were suffering from sky-high radiation exposures based on yet different false reporting.  Now, you're being told that the CIA has extended an assassination contract to the mafia through a black budget, and you probably only have until the election to try to find a way for your family and yourself to survive.  Are there any other environmental harms going on right now?

Answer:  I am receiving repeated threats of toxin and chemical exposures to all of my family members, MG and myself.  And the interior air quality at my residence is extremely poor at this time, yet again.

21.  Can you give us specifics about this latest environmental harm?

Answer:  Yes, here is the latest reading of small and large particulates on my interior Dylos gauge: 

Small particulates are 6136 and large particulates are 5212 -- both indicative of extremely poor air quality, to the extent that the lungs are being damaged.

22.  Can you feel that damage taking place?

Answer:  Oh, yes.  The lungs and the throat burn quite severely under these circumstances.

23.  Has the FBI ever apologized for this aggression?  Has anyone ever offered to assist you in healing?

Answer:  Oh, no.  That has not happened.  We have just had increasing encounters with the so-called "exxxxxxxxx protocol."

24.  Those words are so offensive in and of themselves.

Answer:  Yes, they are.  They speak of human atrocities and those who feel all-too-comfortable in perpetrating them.

25.  You spent a great deal of time on the phone today attempting to resolve a billing issue.  Yet this evening, the FBI cut your Wifi while threatening an unjustified law enforcement raid based on AI-generated audio of those calls.  In other words, falsified audio of those calls was created quite rapidly.  

Answer:  Yes, it was.  On one occasion, a customer service representative went silent for a full fifteen seconds, which was highly unusual.  But later, I realized that this type of blank in the conversation greatly assists the FBI and its affiliates in dropping in dialogue that never occurred.  They still can make use of the same background static sounds on the call -- which supports the credibility of the falsifications a great deal.  But people need to realize that falsified audio can be used to justify first-degree murder on the part of the FBI.  So, these circumstances are extremely serious.

26.  You have been told that you are actually now at the top of the Democrats' "hit list."  Isn't that true?  At the very top?  How could that possibly be?

Answer:  Because President Biden and quite a few others have wrongfully invaded funds awarded through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI in my name.  And so there is a terror of accountability over those crimes, I'm sure.  And the fact that the financial misappropriations have occurred simultaneously with first-degree murder attempts toward my family members, MG and myself just renders the whole situation that much more heinous.

27.  When you reference the "third individual" above, are you talking about President Biden?

Answer:  I actually am.

28.  President Biden knows Brandan Pesa and Tom Lyons quite well, evidently, and has allegedly utilized them to plan many unspeakable harms against your family members and yourself.

Answer:  This is what the FBI appears to convey.

29. And then today, you were under immense pressure to disclose your impressions of the Vice Presidential debate.  Why didn't you do so?

Answer:  Because I believe that the Freedom of Information Act was written for Democrats and Republicans, alike.  And I believe that the Constitution was written for all Americans, not merely those with certain political affiliations.  So, it's wrong for our leaders to politicize this situation when the decisions they make at this time will have such profound implications for the freedom of all of mankind in the future.

30.  If it is true that you and your family members are currently at the top of the Democrats' "hit list," who will protect you and your family members, including MG?

Answer:  I don't know.  I hope that writing about this situation publicly can help to defend us, but I don't know.  I hope that all good people everywhere will defend us.  But they need to learn about our plight first.

31.  What do you make of the FBI's assertion that you are once again being exposed to Paraquat, chloropicrine and other lung-damaging agents within your own home?

Answer:  My lungs certainly feel like this is the damage being done at this time.  I just cannot support the use of torture toward highly honorable whistleblowers and their families, and I don't believe that President Biden should be supporting it either.

32.  Given that President Biden has unethically conscripted your sons and MG into a program you have previously named for investigators, are you concerned for your family's safety this week?

Answer:  Very concerned.  If my younger son is lying to investigators, as the FBI said he did, then he is genuinely frightened.  And he's a brave fellow overall.  So the circumstance would have to be extreme in order for him to lie to investigators about his childhood, or about his parents' honor and lawfulness.

33.  Will you please keep us updated on your family's well-being and your own under these arduous circumstances?

Answer:  Of course I will.

34.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  Yes, I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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