My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Calling for an Explanation from President Biden to the American Electorate

At 5:48 PM on Monday, August 5, 2024, in the absence of FOIA and investigative reports, I have come to the regrettable conclusion that we have lost sovereignty within the United States of America. The Executive branch appears incapable of upholding the Freedom of Information Act at this time.  Beyond this, it appears incapable of separating what may be appreciable conflicts of interest from its responsibility to a highly honorable FBI whistleblower and her family members.  The FBI suggests that President Biden‘s concerns over his legacy have consistently outweighed concerns for my life as a virtuous whistleblower of FBI misconduct, and further, that my sons have been preyed upon relentlessly and unethically in an attempt to destroy my whole family.

The Vice President, whom I believe genuinely to be a person of good will, is nonetheless bound by the unethical decisions of her Commander-in-Chief. 

She cannot escape the legacy of his crimes in this matter, and he will not allow her to insist upon ethical engagement with my family members and myself.

The FBI alleges that President Biden fears criminal charges pertaining to the manner in which he has allegedly profiteered from my suffering and that of my family, with callous disregard for our familial bonds and our fundamental right to our sovereignty in the determination of our own futures. 

My stalker, a leading member of Russian organized crime, now gloats that “America Has Fallen” as he regards the character failings of the President.  He alternately calls President Biden a “marionette” and a “special friend,” depending on the day. 

Good people, I cannot wait any longer for the White House to grow a conscience. 

I have done everything humanly possible to assist this President in defending the democracy, only to become convinced that that’s not the administration’s true aim. Instead, personal enrichment from the suffering of the virtuous electorate appears to be the unstated goal. 

This is not a disappointment. This is a devastation for our country. 

Frankly, I would much rather have someone in office who doesn’t offer a pretense of democratic norms. In many ways, this is safer for the public, which at the very least, will no longer be duped by false promises. 

The government should openly acknowledge that FOIA no longer exists in any meaningful form. President Biden, knowing what he now knows, should accept full credit for overseeing its demise, and even profiting from it. 

The withholding of promised and life-saving reports for years is not an administrative error. 

It is an abject failure of capable governance.

So President Biden should explain how and why he allowed FOIA to be destroyed alongside his explanation of how and why he allowed my family to be tortured. 

Then he should give the country a tour of the billions he removed from settlements awarded in my name by OIG Hotline and ODNI investigators, monies for which I am responsible under the law. 

The President appears to have betrayed my good faith, generously and repeatedly extended. 

I must now admit that my confidence in this administration was woefully misplaced. 

This White House has, according to the FBI, intentionally allowed falsified witness statements regarding “IP espionage” allegedly perpetrated by a family member with the express FBI objective of staging a violent law enforcement raid on my home. 

As an alternative plan, the FBI alleges that this White House has authorized a deadly assault as part of an invitation to travel to the Democratic National Convention. 


I’ve seen quite enough of President Biden’s murderous plans, thank you. 

I’m not interested in learning of any more. 

To clarify, this man’s shaky legacy is decidedly NOT worth more than the wellbeing of my loved ones or myself. 

I’m very sorry he forgot his responsibilities to me as an honorable whistleblower. 

But forget them, he did. 

There are consequences to an abdication of one’s most important responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief. 

One of them is that a whistleblower might tell the truth about that failure, as I intend to do. 

In the meantime, Barack Obama should not feel particularly comfortable about the billions he withdrew from awards extended in my name, given that the FBI has alleged massive impropriety on his part, too. 

What about President Biden’s “special friend”?  Won’t his billions show up somewhere as well?  Likely in Australia, where he’s planning to reside when our country is fully pillaged and raided?

Yet perhaps there are trillions to be withdrawn from the national treasury before then!  Who knows what kind of profits can be extracted from our torture?  The sky’s the limit for these men!

I’m sorry, good people. But the President is so wrong on this issue, he’s never going to be right again. 

And that’s no one’s fault but his own. 

The manner in which he has mishandled my case now means that, in the absence of the reports, I cannot support Vice President Harris’ candidacy without rendering my whole family a “sacrifice” to a campaign with allegedly massive improprieties in financing. 

My family cannot survive through my insistence on extending good faith to faithless people. 

So I must recognize the tragic realities of this administration’s egregious character failings and search elsewhere to find a political home. 

If President Biden authorizes a raid on my residence by local corrupt law enforcement, with guns blazing, both to take my life and to appropriate my records, well, at least the U.S. Congress will know him as a murderer of a virtuous whistleblower. He then can claim to be no different from Putin, and perhaps indeed worse, given that Putin at least put on a show of court-mediated due processes before murdering Navalny. 

President Biden’s totalitarianism dispenses with the performance of justice and moves right along to the execution. Well, the man is said to admire efficiency. And democracy, after all, while it makes for a rousing speech, is highly inefficient with all those billions waiting for the taking. 

If I survive, I will be writing a great deal more about President Biden’s legacy concerns. 

But right now, I will say that he should be known as the President who oversaw the largest theft of public monies in world history. 

In the absence of my reports, I will be making sure he is known for that accomplishment, and the much more predatory crimes that rendered it possible. 

Lane MacWilliams

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