My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Calling on the Ethics of Vice President Kamala Harris

1.  You have found yourself recently begging for your life and your family members' lives through two Statements of Appeal.  Does that mean that a secret court somewhere authorized your executions, but that the active involvement of Congress may possibly overrule that determination?

Answer:  I think that's probably exactly what it means.

2.  Do you know whether those appeals were approved?

Answer:  I do not have that information, unfortunately.  I wish I did, certainly, as my access to that critical information would allow me to make important determinations with regard to our safety.

3. Have your sons yet been released from government programs through which they were recruited with the specific intention to cause harm to your family?

Answer:  I do not believe they have been released as of this writing, no.

4.  What do you feel about their retention within a program intended in every aspect to destroy your family?

Answer:  I find it devastating, actually, as I think any loving parent would.  My sons have been despondent over their forced participation in this program, and so has my youngest son's girlfriend.

5. Have they all been forced to provide knowingly false witness statements against your family members?

Answer:  This is my understanding, yes.  And most recently, they were required to do so by two members of the DoD, cornering each one of them singly and demanding false witness statements as a matter pertaining to the "national security interest."  So this speaks to a heartbreaking example some areas of government intruding into the lives of honorable Americans in order to surveil them, control them, prey upon them and profit from them.

6.  Some, not all?

Answer:  I think that certain leaders have the capacity to stand up to corrupt programs, but we need to recognize that this is unusual.  It's rare.  Yet, it's what our country needs most right now, and so Americans should be asking whether that backbone and fortitude are present.

7.  Could that particular question determine the outcome of the national election in November of 2024?

Answer:  For many, many reasons, yes, it could.

8.  Have the false witness statements provided by your sons and your youngest son's girlfriend yet been formally disallowed?

Answer:  I do not believe that has yet occurred, no.

9.  Who is responsible for disqualifying them?

Answer:  I have asked that Vice President Kamala Harris, now the official Democratic nominee for President, assume this responsibility in full.

10.  Will she elect to protect your family and you in this matter?

Answer:  I hope that she chooses to make that ethical choice, yes.

11.  There is also said to be false reporting based on a professional phone call of one of your family members yesterday, and these lies were also said to be dictated by the FBI and its affiliates, including, now, the DoD.

Answer:  That appears to be what the FBI has claimed, yes.

12.  Has that false reporting been disallowed by Vice President Kamala Harris?

Answer:  I do not believe she has yet done so, no.  But I hope she will consider this the pressing matter that it is, and intervene urgently on our behalf.

13. You don't think that your sons or MG should be involved in "training" over the next several days as you are waiting for reports.  Is that right?

Answer:  I do not believe that my sons or MG should be involved in government "training" ever again unless this is what they choose to do of their own sovereign will.

14.  But your point has been that they are decidedly NOT exercising their sovereign will in this matter, because their handlers are telling them what to do and what to say twenty-four hours a day at this point.

Answer:  It still is my point.

15.  You have withheld a great deal of information from the public sphere, because you have trusted that your sons and MG would be withdrawn from these harmful programs on an immediate basis.

Answer:  Yes, I have.

16.  Yet now you have been informed that Seal Team 6, Army Rangers and AirForce Hotshots are scheduled, in two separate JSOC teams, to perpetrate arson at your Portola Valley property at some point soon, and you are also told that the FBI has an intention toward other of your property, including your boat, which is in dry dock.  What are your thoughts about this?

Answer:  If any such thing were to occur, I think it would stand as a terrible indictment of this administration, and so I would worry greatly about the sovereignty of our leadership at this time.

If the Vice President is a sovereign leader, my sons and MG will immediately be released from all government programs, all false reporting against us will be urgently disqualified, our family members' safety will be assured, a high-level attorney will be referred to us, and the reports will reach me by Monday, August 5, 2024.

17.  Do you have any indication that the Vice President has committed to treat your family with honor and integrity in fulfilling this list?

Answer:  I will look forward to responding to that question on Monday, presuming I am alive and well to do so.

18.  Will you change political parties if the Democrats fail to treat you honorably in this matter?

Answer:  Again, I will not be addressing that matter publicly at this time.

19.  Is it up to the whole of the Democratic Party to decide to treat your family honorably?

Answer:  While I do not doubt the power and importance of the Senate and the House, I think Vice President Kamala Harris is making this call from the front ranks.  

20.  You believe that Vice President Kamala Harris is primarily responsible for what happens to your family at this point.

Answer:  I do, yes.  She has had enough time to become fully informed about this issue.  She knows what has happened to us because I have taken the ethical course in a courageous attempt to defend our democracy.  So she is primarily responsible for the critical decisions that are being made at this time.  It's important to note that the new involvement of the DoD with false reporting initiatives illuminates the fact that the Executive Branch is making the critical decisions now.

21.  Can a leader lead a nation compassionately without handling a whistleblower's peril with honor?

Answer:  No, I don't think so.  I will be the first so say that the temptations to "sacrifice" a whistleblower and her family to the priorities of a campaign can be very great.  But such are the temptations of dictatorships, not democracies.  In true democracies, the public is respected whenever it takes on the defense of freedom itself.  Any leader who chooses to sacrifice a whistleblower and her family for the sake of political expediency is not an advocate of the people's freedoms, nor of the rule of law.

22.  And what do you make of the FBI's extreme assertions that there is a plan to accuse either you or your husband of capital crimes connected to a DoD program you have previously named for investigators?

Answer:  I have addressed the crimes of this particular DoD program many, many times, including on this blog.  I don't think any such attempt would have as its intention to draw my family members or myself into a court of law.  I think the intent behind any such false assertions would be the assassination of an honorable whistleblower perpetrated during a law enforcement raid, sniper assault, or staged "natural disaster", as is now being threatened to me by the hour.  My family members are being threatened with staged car accident, staged suicide and staged drug overdose, among other predations.  

23.  Will Vice President Harris call a halt to such plans, as is her ethical mandate?

Answer:  We will see.  Again, I have hope that she will make that ethical choice.  I believe she is capable of it.

24.  You have been told that the settlements and penalties awarded in your name by both the OIG Hotline and the ODNI now total 1.75 trillion dollars or more.  Isn't this true?

Answer:  It is what the FBI has conveyed to me, yes.

25.  What are your thoughts about this?

Answer:  I look forward to receiving the reports with these disclosures by Monday.  These are my thoughts.

26.  And have FBI personnel stated that they will prove those awards if others should obscure them?

Answer:  They have appeared extremely confident with those assertions, yes.

27.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and understanding?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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