My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

President Biden, Step Back; Let Vice President Kamala Harris Lead

OIG Hotline, I have scheduled a dental appointment for my older son tomorrow morning at a dentist in Palo Alto.

Specifics are provided within an email sent to your attention within at 5:17 PM Pacific time.

Because my older son has allegedly been trained and directed to cause physical harm to me by a program previously named for your Office, and because it is alleged that he is still receiving directives from his CIA handler Max, I will be taking extra precautions during this get together.

At issue is the root canal coerced by CIA personnel at least two years ago, perpetrated against a young man without capacity, with the express intent of coercing knowingly falsified witness statements from him against myself as an FBI whistleblower, and my husband, as the spouse of an FBI whistleblower.

Please note that the FBI alleges that the CIA has engaged in torture of my son in order to compel his provision of knowingly falsified witness statements about us as his parents, including a rape on July 19, 2024 at a location in the Bay Area referred to, according to the FBI, as "The Cave."

In addition, my older son, who was a virgin as of several months ago, was allegedly forced, under threat of death extended by his CIA handler Max, to engage in repeated human trafficking activity against his will.  Film of these encounters was allegedly placed online for public commentary by the CIA.

The FBI alleges that President Joe Biden knew of these CIA predations toward my older son and approved of them in advance.

The agency also alleges that President Joe Biden approved of a plan to direct my older son to cause me grievous physical harm as a means of eliminating a witness to the President's reported massive theft of public funds awarded in my name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI pertaining to settlements extended to me as the result of my case addressing knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting by the FBI, the CIA and their affiliates.

Please note that the CIA has repeatedly threatened to kidnap my older son, to force him to commit a staged suicide, to force him to utilize a "ghost weapon" or a knife precisely according to his handler Max's instructions, to poison him, to cause brain damage to him through unwanted psilocybin administration or Dxx deployment, to cause his disability or death through medical overdose, fentanyl overdose, insulin overdose, alternative drug overdose, unjustified encounter with law enforcement precipitated by falsified law enforcement reporting, ketamine overdose administered by corrupt EMTs, communication of a deadly pathogen, and yet more assaults -- all in an effort to prevent him from speaking about his experience of being tortured and harmed due to the fact that his mother is an FBI whistleblower.

The FBI appears to allege that President Biden approved of all of the harms named above and more due to his desire not be caught in the perpetration of myriad and ongoing crimes against my family and against the nation as a whole.

My younger son and his girlfriend have both been forcibly recruited, and have both been subsequently tortured, by the FBI.  They have both had dental implants to facilitate communications with their handlers 24/7.

I possess proof of my younger son's attempt to take my life at the directive of his handler Tom Lyons, and with the alleged approval of the President, on Thanksgiving Day of 2023.

Given the stunning conflicts of interest in this case, I have requested that President Biden recuse himself from all further decision making concerning my family in order to allow the Vice President to make all decisions regarding this matter.

President Biden elected not to honor my request in this, or any other matter.

Does the fact that I am receiving threats directly from the DoD pertain to the allegation that certain generals are reported to have been taking massive payouts from funds awarded in my name, doled out to them by none other than Russian organized crime figure Brandan Pesa, President Biden's good friend, who has fantastically enriched himself as the result of my family's suffering and my own?

Good people, this is disappointing.

I have stated that President Biden can redeem himself by never uttering my name or my family members' names again, and by remanding this circumstance to the Vice President in its entirety, never to overrule her or question her judgment on any other aspects of this matter.

I would need FOIA reports and investigative reports with disclosures that meet my expectations by the time I leave the house for the dentist's office tomorrow morning at 7:00 AM.

And if I need to obtain proof of the root canal my older son's handler Max unethically forced him to deny the other day?  It's fair to say that I will be upset -- disappointed that my government didn't possess the courage to acknowledge when it was egregiously wrong, let down by a President who chose repeatedly to harm my family rather than stand up for our human rights, appalled by the President's insistence on overruling his much wiser Vice President with regard to this matter.

The most truthful moment in President Biden's speech at the DNC last night came when he stated, "I've made a lot of mistakes."  He might have added that he is still making them.

By failing to treat me honorably and fairly, by neglecting to provide me with FOIA reports or investigative reports, and by reportedly continuing to allow the invasion of funds awarded in my name, President Biden has demonstrated his incapacity to lead, in my view.  

FBI threats to stage an unjustified law enforcement raid at my home in order to commit violence toward me and appropriate my documents just make matters worse, as they prove the President has failed to disqualify knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting about my husband and myself, and perpetrated that failure for personal gain.

The President has effectively forced me to expose his criminality in this post, when there are, in truth, many reasons to allow him to exit the political stage with a modicum of his image intact, not least being that I believe Vice President Kamala Harris to constitute a highly worthy leader who is capable of honorably advancing the interests of both the nation and the world as a whole.

She should be allowed to take over executive leadership of my case in every regard, and President Biden should remove himself from all further contemplation of its particulars.

If not, there will be further revelations, I have no doubt, none of them complimentary to this avaricious and predatory President who has caused such astonishing harm to my loving family.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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