My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

UPDATE in progress: Planned Mail Retrieval, August 8. 2024

UPDATE:   OIG Hotline, this planned mail retrieval was accomplished securely.  We did not accept a total of three pieces of mail.

One irregular piece of mail, which appeared to consist of Ticketmaster tickets addressed to a recipient unknown to me, but mailed to our address, was immediately rejected by my husband.  I marked this envelope "Not At This Address" and placed it in the return mail slot for the postal carrier.

A mailing like this can be quite valuable, given that tickets in a single mailing can easily value over one thousand dollars.

It is noteworthy that, should such an envelope have accidentally been brought into our home with the rest of our mail, we could have been accused of a serious act of theft and/or mail interference.

Two other rejected pieces of rejected mail included a JP Morgan mailing to a neighbor and a mailing to my brother Brian Von Herzen, both of which were immediately labeled for re-delivery by me.

Please see photos below:

Should the FBI or its affiliates have alleged any mail interference on my husband's behalf or my own, I hereby contest all such claims as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

Please see an email on this subject, sent to the attention of your Office at 10:40 PM on August 8, 2024, with the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Investigators and ODNI Investigators Re: Rejected Mail, August 8, 2024.

Thank you for allowing me to extend this documentation to your Office.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, my husband will retrieve our mail today, August 8, 2024.

He will use a body cam, as he did during his last retrieval of mail, to film the entire process of his handling each piece of mail that we accept.  The ownership of this camera and its micro SD card have already been conveyed to the OIG Hotline Investigations Division.

In addition, he will film his handling of each piece of overflow mail described in a previous post for the OIG Hotline.  Any unacceptable mail from our mailbox or from overflow mail will be described in full to the OIG Hotline, along with our lawful addressal of any associated concerns.

My husband will not retrieve or open the letters from Jim Mellano of AFE nor from SC Fund Recovery, but rather, will leave them in place.  To confirm, ownership of the Jim Mellano/AFE letter and the SC Fund Recovery letter have been transferred to the OIG Hotline Investigations Division and will be provided to them as soon as they request them.

My husband will affix a new security seal to the lock on the box when he has completed his retrieval of accepted mail.

For clarity, neither my husband nor I have opened the mailbox since his last documented retrieval of acceptable mail.

We hope that the security measures we have taken -- that of the security seal, and the presence of lights and an alarm, will have been sufficient to prevent tampering with our mailbox in the interim.

Again, we hope that Jim Mellano has been honest in his characterization of the contents of the AFE letter as a simple, unaltered 1099 form.  

However, because Jim Mellano has lied in writing in the past, we are taking all precautions to ensure our family's security, as well as to preserve any material that could possibly assist OIG Hotline investigators in their inquiry into falsified law enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives.

Whether Jim Mellano's actions in sending a letter against my express directives were intended to alarm me -- and discredit me in that process -- or whether they were intended to further a plan of falsified law enforcement reporting against my family or myself -- it seems wise to me to exercise great caution and care in this circumstance.

I will update this notification once our secure documentation of all accepted mail is complete.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

Lane MacWilliams

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