My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

This Land Is Your Land


OIG Hotline and Concerned Others, the buck pictured in this video and these still photos, below, has dramatically asymmetric antlers, a problem which is reflective of environmental stress or contamination.  In general, there are no environmental stressors here in halcyon Portola Valley.  Beyond this, the only organization I know of which is claiming to have contaminated the beautiful environment at my residence is a corrupt FBI.  

I have resided here for eight years and I have seen hundreds of bucks on our property.  Never have I seen one with the asymmetries manifested here.

Is the FBI following the directives of a Commander in Chief who, for reasons that have not yet been fully elucidated, has elected not to halt these appalling environmental crimes, but rather to allow them to continue?

Or is it possible that President Biden has no control over the FBI's environmental crimes at my residence and that the FBI and its affiliates are preying upon the public with deadly toxins, as they themselves claim, without any checks and balances at all?

We may have confidence that it is one or the other.

And the American public must be passionately interested in the answer.

Whether our Commander in Chief has lost control of his Office through lack of fundamental authority or through compromise by the far right matters to the whole nation, certainly.

The President's son will be facing up to a twenty-five year prison sentence in October, several weeks before the general election.  So neither possibility is now difficult for the electorate to imagine.

The FBI specifically threatened to me that it contaminated my property, negligently, without cause and with malice aforethought, with hexavalent chromium on multiple occasions, with other heavy metals on multiple occasions, with PBB on multiple occasions, with neonicotinoids on multiple occasions, with permethrin on multiple occasions, with Dioxin on multiple occasions, and with a whole range of other unknown toxins.  The alleged objective of the FBI was to render our home "unsaleable," thus divesting us of all of our equity in our home and the gorgeous three-and-a-half acres on which it sits.

Other environmental harms the FBI claims to have perpetrated at my residence are exposures to extremely high levels of ionizing radiation, radon gas, indoor air pollutants including aluminum ions, chemicals, high variations to the electromagnetic field (EMF and ELF) through collusion with PG&E and other contractors, and repeated, highly dangerous contamination of our water supply, after having directed Cal Water to rebuild the water main curb stop at Vista Verde Way.

Good Americans, is this patriotism?  

What about despoiling America's beautiful wilderness in an effort to kill the law-abiding Americans who reside within it makes our nation "more secure"?

The FBI has not merely ruined my own beautiful property.  It has ruined the neighbors' properties as well.  What does their DNA look like after all this contamination?  What about my husband's?  What about my own?  Who will compensate the wildlife for their deformities in perpetuity?  The foxes, the bobcats, the mountain lions, the hawks, the owls, the deer?  

Were there any pregnant women in our neighborhood while the FBI was committing these environmental crimes?  Were there any birth defects among children born?  Cognitive disabilities?  Deformities?  Who will make it up to these children?  Who will make it up to their families?

How many cancer diagnoses have occurred within our neighborhood since the FBI contaminated it?  How many instances of Parkinson's Disease and other diseases?

Did the FBI decide to murder the whole neighborhood, while neglecting to tell anyone?  Are we all part of an FBI/DoD "experiment" of contamination, designed to inform the corrupt intelligence services and corrupt leaders within our armed forces about the myriad ways in which to kill "target populations" without their knowledge or consent?

How can the FBI possibly atone for these crimes in terms of their seriousness and impact?

Who is going to conduct the soil and water tests, other than the government, to ensure that the superfund cleanup site the FBI has now made of my beautiful community can be fully characterized and assessed, and all harms mitigated over time?

And regarding the FBI's threats of retaliation for the revelations above, what am I to make of the FBI's threats to utilize my social media, banking and computer passwords to engage in such extensive and serious falsified law enforcement reporting that I would be subject to an unjustified law enforcement raid at my residence due to my disclosure of this information publicly?

What am I to make of the FBI's suggestion that President Biden, now under FBI control, will fail to disallow that false reporting, thus rendering a wrongful law enforcement raid at my property, with the alleged intention of causing me or my loved ones grievous bodily harm, newly possible?

What am I to make of the FBI's threat to plant unlawful communications or material in our trash or recycling, with a claim by trash or recycling staff or a passerby to have "found" them prior to or during our trash and recycling pick up tomorrow, Monday, July 8, 2024?

Good people, I don't know to whom the FBI is loyal, but it's not our country.  That much is clear.  Are FBI officials taking such bountiful payoffs from the Russians or the Chinese to ruin our beautiful landscapes that they have forgotten that they are Americans first?  Americans who have taken a solemn vow to protect our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Is the FBI's dismantling of the Freedom of Information Act so complete as to have prevented the ODNI from fulfilling its legal responsibility to provide my FOIA reports to me in their entirety, along with the related investigations from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI with full disclosure?

When exactly will this occur?  After the FBI has had yet more time to perpetrate further environmental contamination of our formerly pristine neighborhood?  After the agency is further enabled in implementing its "extinction protocol," fondly referred to by its corrupt counterintelligence staff as the "slow kill method"?




It would certainly be appropriate for President Biden to order the cessation of the above, whether or not he has been aware of the aforementioned harms over time.  If there has been defiance or insubordination toward the Commander in Chief, that represents a very serious matter, indeed.

And, whether or not the White House has been informed of the environmental and human atrocities the FBI has committed in this case, we certainly need to ask how widespread these unconscionable crimes may be.

Why would be the FBI be assailing virtuous Americans, despoiling their properties, and attempting to destroy their futures?  How many formerly pristine American neighborhoods are now experiencing the FBI's "extinction protocol" as a result of the agency's clear corruption?

And does our President have the sovereignty and the courage, in combination, to call a halt to this betrayal of our national interest?

I believe it is time for my FOIA requests to be fulfilled in their entirety, without redaction or omission that is unapproved by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.  I believe that my requests for investigative materials from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI should be provided as well.  

And I believe I should be immediately provided with high-level legal representation, not deprived of it by the FBI as has happened time and again.

Perhaps the White House will now take the initiative to facilitate that representation, long overdue, so that this matter may be appropriately and thoroughly addressed within an urgent time frame.

I will further add that I don't want to be worrying any longer about arson or flooding threats, staged car accidents, pathogen dissemination and other biological harms, chemical and heavy metal contamination, EMF/ELF fluctuations, water contamination, furnace sabotage, air conditioning sabotage, generator sabotage, gas line sabotage, gas appliance sabotage,  lawsuits, insurance cancellation, intentional exposure to parasites or poisons, drone assaults characterized as "meteor falls," explosions characterized as "earthquake and/or landslide," forced job loss,  sniping assault, Special Forces assault, "burglary," kidnapping, "street crime," travel "accident' of any kind,  coerced falsified witness statements from my family members, friends, neighbors, delivery drivers, etc., law enforcement raid (or any encounter with law enforcement) for any reason, or any encounter with medical personnel that is other than restorative.

Loyalty to our country cannot be separated from the vigorous and timely defense of whistleblowers.

President Biden has an important role to play in now demonstrating that vigorous defense.

I look forward to his ethical engagement in this regard.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, it appears as though the FBI is threatening that contractors have contaminated my sons’ residences, my Cape Cod residence, and my car with noxious chemicals, termed “forever chemicals” of some kind. Please note that I have previously provided a long list of contaminants claimed by the FBI to have been utilized on my Portola Valley property, linked to wildlife deformity previously described and photographed.

It appears that chemical testing will likely be required in all areas used routinely by my family.  While those results may be limited to discussion with those affected, and while confidentiality may be stipulated, it is important to ensure that such crimes do not recur.

Again, concerns are immediately raised regarding longterm genetic health, respiratory problems, and increased vulnerability to cancer and many other diseases. What of the neighbors?  The children in the area?  Pregnant women?  What of the wildlife?  The ecosystem?  The watershed?

I don’t believe that such tactics would ever be utilized by those who love this country.

No worthy man or woman would despoil the environment for any reason whatsoever.

For the FBI to be ruining America’s landscape raises questions regarding their potential loyalty to foreign adversaries who wish to destroy our nation’s natural beauty and environmental treasures.

Could Russia or China be engaged in payoffs of key personnel within the three letter agencies or even among elected officials to approve of such an indefensible policy?

This is the only structure that makes sense, frankly, from a reasoning perspective.

Some key people at a high level appear to have abandoned necessary fealty to the United States in favor of concealed individual gain.

What are the implications of these acts?  How widespread are they?  How long have they been pursued?  And what is the current damage to our natural resources and our people?

These concerns have yet to be characterized. But I highly doubt that my case represents the only one.

The most immediate priority should be to locate the FBI/CIA/DoD departments contracting out for environmental harms and disrupt them. Personnel should be moved and retasked after their records are gathered. Their sourcing access to damaging chemicals — likely industrial — should also be disrupted. It should be a crime for private industry to sell knowingly harmful chemicals to government contractors, employees, affiliates, or the military for any reason. Prosecutions must be real, not merely threatened.

These tactics have no doubt been deployed internationally before now. That, too, must end.

Sections of the government will no doubt be loath to acknowledge these crimes against humanity, and I am not suggesting that they be forced to do so publicly.

But these practices need to be halted by those with integrity, wisdom, fortitude, judgement and engagement. And now, not later.

This issue pertains to national sovereignty, and I suspect the heart of the problem originated with the compromise of key DoD personnel and intelligence agency personnel — and spread from there to elected officials.

But it could have been a top-down phenomenon as well, with “secret initiatives” originating with the highest leadership as “national security” programs only to be used in dire emergency working their way into mainstream applications.

Payoffs from foreign adversaries may best be characterized with the help of amnesty programs, offering immunity to those who come forward within a certain time period.

Speed matters, so it is important to rapidly assess the damage and the incentives.  A limited-time amnesty program could serve those objectives well.

Once the extent of harm is determined, the future course will become more clear.

Ultimately, we need to ask whether the United States should be a healthy, safe, environmentally rich place to live. Should our backyards be safe?  Our drinking water? Our public pools?  Our village greens?  Our town squares?  Our lakes?  Our reservoirs?  Our mountains?  Our coasts?  Should our children be protected from disability and disease?  Should our wildlife be protected from deformity?

Our environment is the source of our greatest shared wealth as a nation.

The land of this great country should not become a “tragedy of the commons.”

So this issue must be faced, and faced with integrity, rigor, expertise and immediacy.

Thank you for allowing me to document these concerns.

Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams

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