My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Re-asserted Statement of Appeal Re: My Documents

This appeal originally appeared on my blog on August 1, 2024, in the face of an imminent threat of law enforcement raid allegedly prompted by the legacy concerns of President Biden.

At this time, eight days later, I have caught the CIA and its affiliates in a remarkable abuse of power against my older son, who is disabled.  More than two years ago, this agency effectively kidnapped my son during a walk, took him to our local dentist, ordered a root canal on his upper right molar and inserted a communications device into the cavity, thereby allowing his handler to be in communication with him at all hours of the day and night in controlling his words, his actions, his conduct, his food and water intake, everything about his life and his relationship with us as his parents.  That communication continues on a daily basis, as does the CIA control wielded with it -- this, despite my repeated requests that it be discontinued.

President Biden is alleged to have approved of this stunning violation of ethics toward our family with the specific intent of allowing the CIA and its affiliates to direct ongoing false witness statements from our older son while threatening his life all the while.  The false reporting was intended to result in the death of an FBI whistleblower of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting against the law-abiding American public -- the whistleblower who is writing this blog entry at the current time.

Now, allegedly in a state of panic over the extensive human rights violations connected with the above acts, President Biden is once again allegedly attempting to confiscate my documents from my home, when instead he should be providing me with my FOIA reports and the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.

If the President hopes for confidentiality in this matter, he needs to immediately provide me with the reports, all of which are due to me under the law.

Otherwise, this scandal will grow and grow and grow beyond the confines of this page to define his legacy, not as a footnote, but as the main theme of the corruption of a Commander in Chief at the moment when the democracy needed him most.

This President can no longer hide from his misdeeds toward my family.

He needs to acknowledge his wrongdoing, at least through an attorney who can express a profound and ongoing apology.

What is the unsayable truth of this matter?  The wrongs don't begin and end with my eldest son.  My second son and his girlfriend both had dental implants coerced by a corrupt FBI to insert communications devices that would enable constant communication from their handlers.  The FBI's objective, identical to its affiliate of the CIA,  was to force my younger son and his girlfriend into providing knowingly false witness statements intended to lead to a wrongful justification of the murder of an FBI whistleblower and her husband.

Does that sound Democratic, good people?

Both of my sons have undergone coerced "training" in which they have been "instructed" by the three-letter agencies in the specific methods of killing a parent and "getting away with it," according to these agencies' covert objectives. 

President Biden is entirely responsible for this monstrosity.

And I simply need to ask, what will the American people think of a Commander in Chief who would order two loving sons to engage in such horrific aggression against those who love them most in the world?  What will the American people think when they realize he hoped to profit from the crime?  And what will they think when they learn that even now my sons and MG are having their health and lives threatened by this very same President who remains terrified of being exposed over this matter?  What will they think when they learn that he deemed his "legacy" considerations more important than my beautiful and loving family?  What will they think when they find out that even now, the President allegedly hopes to order corrupt law enforcement to enter my home with guns blazing so that my husband and I can be silenced and my records can be confiscated.? And what about the three-letter agencies' alleged plan to silence my sons and MG following those preceding events?

I call on Vice President Kamala Harris to intervene in this matter by immediately providing me with my FOIA reports and investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.

This administration is bound by law to provide the reports to me due to a capital trial currently unfolding in the state of Idaho, a fact I have previously illuminated for both the ODNI and the OIG Hotline.

My family should not be risking our lives on a daily basis because of the corruption of this President.

We need the White House to recognize that, given that the President has been caught authorizing heinous human rights violations in this case, he needs now to recuse himself entirely from this matter.

Whether there is a need for him to step down on an immediate basis is a matter for the Congress to decide.

Either way, we need all reports and we need them now.  And together with them, we need ethical and immediate engagement from Washington D.C. pertaining to all aspects of this matter.

My Statement of Appeal regarding my documents is re-asserted below.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams


 OIG Hotline, ODNI and Concerned Others,

Please consider this a statement of appeal concerning the disposition of my documents.

I am told that there are certain parties who wish to cause my demise with the specific intent to appropriate my documentation.  I do possess thousands of pages of documents which I have sent to your Office over the course of years during which I have served as a whistleblower of the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives.

Allegedly, some of the information within my documentation is considered confidential by the FBI and the CIA.  However, despite my repeated requests, these agencies have never disclosed to me what this confidential information is specifically, how it should be treated, what are the standard practices surrounding various levels of classification, and how I can protect my civil and human rights, and those of my family members, in the process of observing whatever confidentiality requirements may exist.

Essentially, I have caught the FBI trying to murder an FBI whistleblower and her family.  And I possess tangible proof of a portion of those attempts.

The FBI and its affiliates are making the argument that now I must be murdered because I caught the agencies in previous attempts at murder.   Surely that is a tautological argument with dystopian logic that is obviously flawed in the view of every concerned American.

Instead of reaching out to me through an attorney to respectfully apologize for the aggression and express any concerns regarding certain "sources and methods" the agencies consider to be "secret" information, the FBI and its affiliates have never paused to consider that the murder of a whistleblower and her family may be ethically wrong.

In that case we are no different from Russia in its murder of Aleksei Navalny, who decried the loss of Russians' freedoms in an effort to encourage the Russian people to take an active role in preserving them.

Doesn't the United States wish to be more?

If we wish to claim our government as a democracy with duly elected representatives, don't we owe whistleblowers respect and protection instead of assassination in response to their public service?

I have never argued that all of the FBI's and CIA's secrets should be rendered public.

I have simply argued that my family and I have the right not be murdered because that information has been disclosed to me by FBI personnel apparently sympathetic to my plight.

Justice in this matter necessitates the provision of my Freedom of Information Act reports to me, in addition to the investigative reports of the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.

After that, it requires the provision of a high-level attorney who can address which topics are confidential and articulate how they should be handled.

I am more than willing to abide by the determinations of the federal government regarding information that is considered confidential.  Further, if the government wishes me to redact names from some documentation rather than removing it from my collected documents altogether, I am happy to do so.  If there are those who wish to create a repository of some kind for a portion of my documentation, I will be happy to assist in that effort, and to do so in a manner that is respectful of complex needs in this circumstance.

But when I ask for lawful and peaceable dialogue in the disposition of my documents, I am also asking for my life and the lives of those I hold most dear.

For these are one and the same.

If whistleblowers' thoughts and experiences are to be erased from the national memory, if their lives are to be rendered forfeit by those who wish to silence all detractors, then our liberties are already lost, our freedom of speech is already abandoned, our freedom of peaceable assembly already relinquished, our freedom of the press already sacrificed, our right to privacy already undone.

My efforts to illuminate the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting has been an effort to reclaim the truth from those who would obscure it, to rescue Americans' honor from those who would slander it, to defend Americans' virtue from those who would defame it.

The preservation of some of my documents, through a thoughtful and considered dialogue with attorneys, is necessary for that rescue of our freedoms.

Without this, disinformation as institutionalized by those agency personnel who have outwardly vowed to defend our Constitution will gain dominance, and with the emergence of AI in the production of this disinformation, that dominance will likely be permanent.

So this juncture matters, and not just for this time, but for all time.

It is important for us to rescue the public's right to a Freedom of Information Act upheld, to judicial processes preserved, and together with these -- to safeguard all the rights that are inviolable for the electorate of a representative democracy.

Accordingly, I extend this, my statement of appeal, regarding the documents I have prepared in defense of our nation's freedoms with my labors, my persistence, my hope and my good faith in our nation's leadership.

I believe that Vice President Harris has elected to support me in this effort, and I must express my lionhearted hope that she prevails.

Thank you for allowing me to express these profound concerns regarding the disposition of my documentation, and together with this, the lives of my courageous family members, and alongside them, my own.

I hereby reconfirm and re-attest to all previous statements made within affidavit documentation, save that which has been amended, in the course of this effort.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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