My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, August 23, 2024

40 Questions and Answers

 1.  Did the dentist agree to remove the communications device in your older son's upper right molar?

Answer:  No.  President Biden's goons had reached him, and he refused to help us.

2.  You sound despairing over this.

Answer:  I am despairing.  Both of my sons and MG have been effectively enslaved by this failed government, and I have not been able to return their sovereignty to them, despite years of trying.  It's a dystopian nightmare.

3.  How do you feel when you hear President Biden giving a public speech about freedom?

Answer:  Nauseous.  Physically ill.  The lies this President has told a believing public are devastating for the whole democracy.

4.  Would you take your son overseas to get this device removed?

Answer: I would take him to the ends of the earth to separate him from this hellish administration.

5.  Do you feel so strongly about President Biden's actions because both of your sons were instructed to cause you harm by their handlers?

Answer:  That's a good starting place, yes.  But beyond this, my sons' sovereignty has been stolen from them.  They're not free.  They can't have lunch without their handlers giving them permission.  They can't take a drink of water without some corrupt agency hack telling them it's ok.  They're forced to speak the words their handlers tell them to speak.  They're forced to do the things their handlers tell them to do.  It's beyond Orwellian.  And these crimes, directed by our corrupt and cowardly President, perpetrating massive theft of public funds, have destroyed my whole family.

6.  Did the Biden Administration have the opportunity to instruct the dentist to remove the communications device?

Answer:  Yes, they could easily have done this.  But they're too cowardly.  They don't want the public to be apprised of their crimes against humanity.  And I find that intolerable.

7.  President Biden allegedly has serious concerns about his legacy regarding this matter.

Answer:  Those concerns are justified, in my opinion. This President has attempted to murder us all for his own personal profit.  I would say that's a black mark on his legacy, to be certain.

8.  You feel he has exhibited extremes of character weakness in allowing the OIG Hotline and the ODNI to exonerate your family for the purpose of awarding enormous settlements and penalties in your name, only to later attempt to kill you by failing to disqualify knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting by these same agencies.

Answer:  That's exactly right.  He simply used me as a pawn, with the intent of killing my whole family all the while.  We were objects to him, to be used for his enrichment and the enrichment of his friends and allies.  Nothing more.

9.  And now, the refusal to set your sons and MG free from the Pxxxxxx Program?

Answer:  It's devastating.  Heartbreaking.  Pitiless.  Cowardly.

10.  Will you change political parties now?

Answer:  I intend to, yes.

11.  You're considering becoming a Republican?

Answer:  I will become a Republican, and I will help the Republicans prosecute every single Democrat who profited from my family's suffering while failing to help us.

12.  You feel it is likely that the Democrats have invaded funds awarded in your name unlawfully.

Answer:  The FBI thinks they have, and I do not have FOIA reports or investigative reports from the OIG Hotline or the ODNI, despite the fact that they are due to me by law.  And all the while we have suffered harms intended to take our lives -- my whole family.  So, yes, I think the improper invasion of funds is a near certainty.  And I think it likely equates to the most massive theft of public funds in the history of mankind.

13.  That's a notable legacy, even if President Biden is granted immunity for these crimes, ultimately.

Answer:  I hope it's the way the world remembers him:  as a tyrant, a thief, and a would-be murderer.

14.  He has treated you with extreme unfairness, hasn't he?

Answer:  As a murderer treats a murder victim with extreme unfairness.  Yes.  He has.  He has violated my civil liberties and human rights, and those of my family members, without ceasing for years.

15.  Will the Republicans be interested in what you have to say about this matter?

Answer:  You know, President Biden has been all too eager to label President Trump a felon.  I'm certain President Trump will be interested in the full extent of President Biden's crimes.

16.  What is your feeling about your politics, given the manner in which the Democrats have failed you so astonishingly?

Answer:  I explained a long time ago that I would be interested in speaking to anyone who could restore my family -- our health, our safety, our sovereignty.

17.  In your view, has President Biden presided over the death of our democracy?

Answer:  Yes, through his close associations with Russian organized crime figures.  He has wrecked our country's chance for freedom, now and in the future.  And that will have profound impacts for the potential of freedom all over the world.  I may be on the leading edge of this suffering, but it will expand, and greatly.  And President Biden's failed character really has been the lynchpin in this case.  He is the man whose failings destroyed our freedoms.  I just hope the world finds out.

18.  You are furious that your sons and MG have effectively been forcibly enslaved.

Answered:  That's fair to say.  President Biden is as much a human trafficker as the worst organized crime figure you can name, in my opinion.  He stole my children's freedom from them.  He stole their future.  He stole their dreams.  He stole their hopes.  He took everything from us.  Everything.

19.  What was the crime that led to his downfall, in your opinion?

Answered:  Avarice.  He loved money too much.  And he was willing to murder a virtuous whistleblower and her whole family to misappropriate untold hoards of it.

20.  Don't we hope for more from our elected officials?

Answer:  I do.  I expect much more.

21.  Yet, the FBI informed you that Hakeem Jeffries alone was offered ten billion dollars to vote in favor of the improper invasion of funds awarded in your name -- and this, on the basis of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting.

Answer:  I think Chuck Schumer has taken huge payouts, too, honestly -- at least according to the FBI.  The agency says Nancy Pelosi was paid off.  Barack Obama has been repeatedly mentioned.  Everybody has allegedly taken their share.

22.  Except they have been profiting from the torture of you and your family.

Answer:  Details, details.  Yes, they have.  It's the most egregious example of corruption in government I have ever heard about.

23. Could it bring down the whole Democratic Party?  

Answer:  Easily.  And this is the FBI's longer-term intent, which is why I constantly tried to caution people to fulfill my FOIA requests and provide me with the investigative reports.

24.  Yet, President Biden simply tried to kill you instead?

Answer:  He directed that my sons engage in actions intended to kill me, yes.  And they themselves were under threat of death by their corrupt handlers.  So, it has been a nightmare of criminal malfeasance on the President's part.

25.  You don't believe in President Biden's fundamental goodness or honesty?

Answer:  Oh, no.  Not anymore.  I used to, but that illusion was destroyed by his predatory actions toward us, perpetrated over and over again.

26.  President Biden betrayed you and your family when you had turned to him in good faith, asking for help.

Answer:  Yes, he did.

27.  What do you think of the Democratic Party now?

Answer:  It seems to me that a lot of the prominent people in the Democratic Party are monsters, predators, thieves, defamers and murderers.  They destroyed the Freedom of Information Act.  They failed to uphold judicial standards.  And they destroyed my family.

28.  They failed to help you when you repeatedly asked over a period of years in every way you could think of.

Answer:  And they failed to help the democracy, which has also been the purpose of my advocacy.  They destroyed our freedoms.  And I hope history tells the truth about that.  They are the guilty party.  No one else.  They failed to hold to their ethics at the critical hour.

29.  They Democrats squandered your faith in the Party.

Answer:  In every way.  Repeatedly.  Remorselessly.  Without ethics or conscience.

30. You have said that it would be better to have a President/dictator who is honest about his objectives rather than someone who praises freedom in speeches and deconstructs the democracy behind closed doors.

Answer:  I would much prefer it.  It's infinitely more honest.

31.  You appealed to Vice President Kamala Harris repeatedly to assist your family.  What happened to that appeal?

Answer:  The FBI appears to have extended repeated disinformation about the Vice President to me in the hope that it can discredit her in my view.  The agency appeared to suggest yesterday that she had approved of the kidnapping and murder of my older son, in order to obscure the evidence of his forced root canals and the coerced placement of the CIA's communications device.  Though I believe the threat to his life was quite real, I do not believe the Vice President had anything to do with that threat.

32.  Did that affect your feelings about her candidacy?

Answer:  I was fearful over the threat to my son's life, certainly.  But I now believe that was originating with others.  I still hope Vice President Harris is holding to the ethical stance of protecting my loved ones and myself while providing me with FOIA reports and investigative reports.

33.  What did you think of her speech?

Answer:  She handled herself well.  She spoke movingly about the fact that Americans should never be striving on behalf of the nation in isolation -- and that it is true community that renders us strong and resilient.  

I felt taken aback by the comment about the lethality of the military, but I have had Seal Team 6 on my second floor balcony.  I am entirely honorable, so this type of trespass has been repeatedly shocking and distressing to me as a law-abiding civilian.

34.  How do you feel about the nation?

Answer:  Grief-stricken.  Our government has fallen.  Our democracy has failed.  Corruption is rampant and unrepentant on Capitol Hill and in the White House.  And our leaders appear feckless and lost in their private conduct.

35.  You feel there is a dearth of accountability.

Answer:  So far.  I do think the people within the Democratic Party who have committed these horrible crimes against my family will be exposed.  I do think President Biden will be held to account by history.  And I'm going to try to make sure that he is.

36.  How could the Democrats now apologize for their deep failures of character and ethics?

Answer:  By providing me with my FOIA reports and the investigative reports in accordance with the rule of law and standard judicial procedure.

37.  Are they capable of that?

Answer:  So far, they have proven their profound incapacity.  

38.  Would you consider living elsewhere?

Answer:  Once people know the truth of what the Democrats have done in this case, a lot of people will consider living elsewhere.

39. Will the Republicans be willing to free your sons from the tyranny President Biden has imposed on them?

Answer:  I intend to find out.

40.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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