My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Will Vice President Kamala Harris Join Me on an Urgent Basis?

1.  Are the FOIA reports and investigative reports currently in your possession?

Answer:  They are not, no.  Not as of 5:39 PM on Thursday, August 15, 2024.

2.  What is your recourse?

Answer:  Well, I can set up a dental appointment for my older son in order to illuminate the CIA's actions regarding the family of an FBI whistleblower.  An x-ray will immediately show his needless root canal.  And at that point we're in the fray.

3.  What do you mean by that?

Answer:  There is simply no way that the American public is going to support the crimes that have been knowingly committed against my family in retaliation for my standing as an FBI whistleblower.  

4.  Because your sons were both asked to cause you harm.  Is that accurate?

Answer:  That is accurate, yes.  And I cannot fathom a more monstrous directive being extended to the sons of loving parents by wayward government institutions.

5.  What does the failure to provide the reports say to you about the current governance of our country?

Answer:  I wish to make clear that I believe Vice President Kamala Harris is attempting to get the reports to me.  And I deeply appreciate that principled stance.  

6.  But they have not yet arrived, and the FBI has appeared to ask for 100 billion dollars from you prior to allowing their conveyance.  What is your view of that attempted extortion, all the while your sons' and MG's lives are being threatened, as are your husband's and your own?

Answer:  My view is that the agency appears to be profoundly and irremediably corrupt, with much more in common with their organized crime affiliates than those genuinely upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.

7.  But the President is responsible for the actions of the CIA and the FBI.  Isn't President Biden responsible for ensuring that the reports reach you on an immediate basis at this point?

Answer:  He is the Commander in Chief, so the answer is yes.  If he is still acting in that role, then he is responsible for the conveyance of the reports to me with all of the disclosures that have been specified.

8.  What is the amount of the awards which the OIG Hotline and the ODNI have now awarded in your name, according to the FBI?

Answer:  That is likely unsafe to disclose online. But I want to be clear that the FBI has documentation to back up these claims, and they have appeared to share with me the substantive details.  So, obviously, the disclosures need to align with that information.

9.  You have documented the fact that there have appeared to be movements underneath your house this week, either in the basement/crawl space or below that level.  To what do you attribute this ostensible trespass?

Answer:  I cannot say whether the movements were personnel who were part of the Pxxxxxx Program, attempting to place wrongful "evidence" of the crimes of the FBI, but this is certainly possible.  On the other hand, they could have been robotic sounds connected to the FBI's long-standing threats of perpetrating arson at my home.  Beyond this, they could have been related to the FBI's threats of staged "disaster" or "natural disaster," in which explosives mimic gas line explosion, sink hole, earthquake or landslide.

10.  You have not gone into your basement/crawl space to check whether anything has changed?

Answer:  I have not entered that space in many months, and I must say that I'm not comfortable going there alone.  It's a dirt-covered, inclined space, and in some locations it's not possible to stand fully upright; so this is not a space in which I would want to encounter a threat of any kind on my own.

11.  Has your husband been in that area of your home recently?

Answer:  No, he hasn't been in that space for many months either.  

12.  Your husband and older son are currently meeting with "Robert," a staff member at your son's current residence, in order to discuss future housing options for him.  Are there any special risks associated with this meeting?

Answer:  Yes, there are.  Robert is a paid informant for the FBI/CIA and my son is a paid informant for the CIA.  Anytime there are two potential witnesses and one "target of interest," the odds are stacked against the truth.  So, the risk potential rises dramatically in such a situation, and not only for my husband, but also for my older son.

13.  How so?  

Answer:  Robert could easily misreport that my son appeared to be "dangerous" or that my husband appeared to be "suspicious."  Or he could easily misreport seeing something "suspicious" on the screen of one of their cell phones.  (Note that I have asked my husband not to have his cell phone in view in order to prevent any such possibility.). And Graham, too, remains in the complete control of his handler.  So, it's a profoundly dangerous situation for all of us.

14.  But aren't the President and Vice President responsible for immediately disqualifying that false reporting?

Answer:  I believe so, yes.  

15.  Do you have confidence that they will do so?

Answer:  Obviously, I have hope that the ethics are present.  If they are, we will not experience any problems following this meeting whatsoever.

16.  But what is the downside?

Answer:  The downside potential is that one or more of my family members could lose his or her life over false reporting because of the delay in the provision of the reports.

17.  You have been told by the FBI that you will need to leave your home in Portola Valley, as well as divest yourself of other properties, due to the extensive and long-lasting environmental harms the FBI has perpetrated against your family.  Is this true?

Answer:  This is true, yes.  But the FBI would be the only possible buyer, as it would not be ethical to place such a residence on the open market.

18.  Don't you need the reports in order to resolve this issue with a high-level attorney?  And if it isn't resolved promptly, can't you go to all the neighbors and inform them of the crimes the FBI committed against the entire neighborhood?

Answer:  Yes, and yes.

19.  If these predatory crimes reached the wider news, wouldn't the current administration be questioned about the manner in which these harms were authorized?

Answer:  I can only assume that journalists would have many questions surrounding these astonishing events.  But these would be questions for a journalistic process, and I don't think it's appropriate to guess at the answers from this vantage.

20.  Would anyone who loved our country approve of the horrific despoiling of this beautiful landscape, the poisoning of its wildlife, the indefinite contamination of its streams and rivers?

Answer:  I take the question as rhetorical.  But the answer would be an emphatic no.

21.  The FBI has recently threatened your family with myriad harms, including everything from kidnapping to poisoning, to brain damage/dementia, to intentional HIV transmission, to staged car accident, to artificially caused heart attack, to the withholding of necessary medical care, to ketamine overdose, to fentanyl overdose, to staged suicide by violent means designed to erase dental evidence, to false blame for Pxxxxxx Program crimes, to unjustified arrest for actions the FBI/CIA forced your sons to undertake under threat of death, the list goes on and on.  What is your perspective on FBI personnel and affiliates who are acting in this manner?

Answer:  The FBI's and CIA's crimes represent a tragedy for our nation, and a tragedy for freedom loving people all over the world.

22.  Do you believe that Vice President Harris is capable of overcoming agency corruption to get the reports into your hands?

Answer:  You know, we all need the President to stand by her in this regard.  If the President, the Vice President, and the Congress are united on ethically providing the reports to me, then I will receive them promptly yes -- and promptly enough to ensure that we all have access to restorative medical care that is needed without further delay.

23.  What incentive does Brandan Pesa, leading figure of Russian organized crime in the United States, have to get you the reports?

Answer:  Is it enough that I can publicly expose some of his most sadistic and gratuitous crimes against innocents?  He might be able to claim immunity or gain clemency for these acts, but the public would see it differently, to be sure.

24.  He needs to be incentivized to provide the reports, too, doesn't he?

Answer:  Yes, he does.

25.  Because he appears to be exerting powerful influence over the FBI's and CIA's handling of the reports at the very least.  He is likely behind the demands for money from you, isn't he?

Answer:  Almost certainly, yes.

26.  What will it take for the reports to be safely conveyed to you on an urgent basis?

Answer:  Integrity.

27.  Do enough people possess it to make the difference?

Answer:  Well, that's the question at hand, isn't it?  Whistleblowers need to lead with integrity, honesty, sensitivity, fortitude, and courage, and then they need to hope that our government's leaders will join them.

28.  Will Kamala Harris join you in this effort on an urgent basis?

Answer:  Again, this is my hope.

29.  Will you please make an effort to update your blog and Facebook page more frequently for those who are closely following this issue?

Answer:  Because I do not yet have possession of the reports, I will certainly attempt to maintain updates, yes.

30. Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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